


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Can I have a gun? I don't have one. Do they come in purple?

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    Can I have a gun? I don't have one. Do they come in purple?


    Why yes, you can get a glock in purple! I like the pink, but the department said no! So sexist. A 9 mm would be a great calibre for you. Compensated is more accurate also. I can see you now! Bang, bang, double tap. And he is down!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    Ah, I'm not the only one up in the middle of the night (and "poof" it just went from 1am to 3am). So we're going from pom poms to glocks now? Hard to imagine needing a gun; but tonight two men were shot several times just a few blocks away. Sheriff said "we almost never have crime reported in La Honda, much less something this serious" - that's us, almost no crime. Can't imagine being in law enforcement. Scary (me). Brave (you).

    BTW both men expected to survive and knew their shooter. Still, if I see a 2006 green jaguar station wagon cruises by, it's gonna freak me out.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Paula I am glad to hear that they will survive their attack. And since they knew him it will be a pretty much open and shut case. And yes, I stay up way to late! :p I was reading and plotting my next move to a glorious aquarium. Going to combine all the fishes next weekend. Well all but Fred. He is in quarantine still. Stay safe my friend. And I still think our pom pond are awesome. You can hide a block in one by the way. B)

    Down this morning! Whoop! <3

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    We had our Streets of Brentwood Subway robbed of $128.00 yesterday by two guys...$64.00 each...that doesn't seem like an amount of money I'd want to go to jail for...dumb sh*ts. That was all the info in the paper last night but this was on line just now...

    Five armed robberies were reported across Brentwood during a roughly one-hour period (Thursday night) between 8:20 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., according to Brentwood police Sgt. Walter O'Grodnick.

    The first robbery occurred around 8:20 p.m. in a parking lot outside of the Streets of Brentwood shopping center, followed by a second robbery reported around 9:15 p.m. near the intersection of Presidio and Roundhill drives, according to police.

    Three additional armed robberies were reported over the following 15 minutes in the area of Balfour Road and West Country Club Drive, in the 300 block of Essex Drive and about half a mile away in the 800 block of Minnesota Avenue, police said.

    In each of the incidents, at least two suspects robbed the victims at gunpoint and made off with their cellphones and other personal items, according to police..

    Crazy! We don't usually have this kind of crime here. We moved from Antioch because of this sort of thing!!! Well, that was one of the reasons.


  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    According to all the guys at the gun stores my husband and I frequent, the purple and pink guns generally are made of lower quality materials than just the plain black ones are. So . . . I stick with black! I'm not much of a purple or pink kinda gal anyway, so that's fine with me!

    My current neighborhood is a pretty quiet place - hardly any crime. 'Course, something like 3 weeks before I moved here, someone was murdered a mile away from the apartment. But that was the first time anything like that had happened in over 20 years, and nothing like it has happened since. It was a personal vendetta, I suppose. Still. Spooked the crap outta me!

    Congrats on reaching the 150s, Paula!!!

    Well . . . Operation Eat at Maintenance Calories over the weekend did NOT go very well, haha! I have some damage to reverse. Whoopsie. But I'm right back into it today, even though I'm baking my husband a Dutch apple pie for Pi Day. I'm going to set aside a piece or two and eat a bite or two at a time, but I'm not going to eat an entire piece in one sitting.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Options was b'day WEEKEND for me! The scale was in an ugly, ugly mood this morning!! I will post my numbers at another way later!! :p

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Chris you are to funny. And so glad you and Paula were not involved in the mayhem. And Happy Birthday!

    Michelle I have not given the quality of colored guns any thought. Interesting. The pink gun thing is a running joke here in my house. I really do not want a colored one. o:) Sounds like your fun day was, well fun! o:) And glad you are back at it, being good I mean. Let's get these calories in line! I love pie!

    Made a cake for hubby to take to work. No frosting, just a light dusting of sugar and cinnamon baked on top. Today was uneventful. Walked and walked some more.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    Our rain, after so many years of drought, is soaking into the clay soil and swelling. Pavements are cracking, potholes are opening overnight, and last night I looked up and the little "settling" cracks in our house were 1/2" wide and crossing the middle of the house. I heard a "pop" and went out to the front porch to see if something fell there, but could not get the door open. Had an anxiety attack (that hasn't happened in years thank gawd, nasty!) and worried all night about DH sleeping in a room that may be about to fall downhill. :scream: :

    This morning everything resolved into two things, yes the cracks are bigger, but the house is not sliding downhill. And the door (which has warped before) needed the lock taken out and the top 1/2" cut off. (Should've only been 1/4" but DH & I were in a mood, and now have natural air conditioning seeping through above the door. :grumble: )

    The strain made me sick this morning and I didn't make it into work. My heart was not happy but DH needed me to help fix things, so I pushed. (I'm the mechanic, he's the cook - it works.)

    Overall, it was a good workout between sky-high emotions, an overactive heartbeat, and that way-too-heavy door, ugh. And the physical effect making my body sick might result in lost weight. :laugh:

    You know how wonderful life is when something awful ends and the sun comes out? :flowerforyou: Paula
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Down a pound since yesterday! I love water weight whooshes. Like Chris, though, I'm going to refrain from posting my numbers until . . . later.

    Shelley - Considering how universally the opinion seems to be among gun store clerks at many different stores (even the lady ones), I've gotta believe the colored ones are junkier. I've never shot one, so I don't know for sure! And that cake sounds yummy. I like frosting, but only a bite at a time - way too sweet.

    Yikes, Paula. Hope that all gets fixed soon! Sounds like a rotten day. At least you had a good workout! :laugh:

    Of course, that pie I made yesterday turned out to be literally the most delicious pie I have ever made in the history of forever. Everything about it turned out absolutely perfect. BUT! I only had two bites last night. I think I might try to enter it in a contest this fall during the peak of apple season. The orchard my husband and I like to go to has an apple pie contest every year. If this pie turns out this good again, I think I've got a good chance of winning!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Paula, getting sick is not allowed!! I'm glad you are better this morning. can fix or get fixed anything. Worrying just does bad stuff to you. Here are smiles for you... :):):) oh, and a <3 .

    I'm down from yesterday too! Makes me happy!

    If I got a purple gun...crappy as they are, I'd need purple bullets and a purple leather holster with some great saying stamped on it in black...wait then I'd need a new outfit to go with my new weapon...oh, and a knife with a purple handle...I'd have to put a purple strip through my hair, too. I wouldn't have to shoot or stab anybody...they would simply die of fright after one look!!! :D

    Michelle, I have to scrape frosting off cake...locks up my jaw just thinking about it... :p Yumm! PIE!! When is the pie contest. You'll have to practice making the pie several times, right? I wonder how pieces of pie do when they are shipped UPS...if you did same day delivery it'd still be warm...two of us live in California... ;) just sayin'!

    Got to go get Bean! Have a great day!


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    Yumm! PIE!! When is the pie contest. You'll have to practice making the pie several times, right? I wonder how pieces of pie do when they are shipped UPS...if you did same day delivery it'd still be warm...two of us live in California... ;) just sayin'!
    We think awfully alike, Chris, except I was thinking FedEx or flying to Michelle's, but same thing!


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,269 Member
    Well my weekly only weighing in lasted about 2 1/2 weeks. I stepped on that devil this morning and I'm 1 down from Sunday. But I'm going to still go with Sunday posting. I think weekly is a true indicator of progress.

    I have a confession to make. Four weeks ago 3 of my close friends, my BFF being the leader as usual, talked me into joining Weight Watchers. I was skeptical...not about the program...but about my commitment. But to my surprise I actual have done pretty well. This is the first time in like forever I loss 3lbs in 4 weeks. That's huge for me. I usually lose so slow. The meetings are actually so helpful...the leader is great. I signed up for 12 weeks and will make a decision at that time if I will continue.

    Shelley that means I'm logging here and on the WW website. Has about that... :D

    Chris I think I saw a post several weeks ago where you mentioned WW and I was surprised. I didn't know you were a member...or did I dream that?

    Between the support from you ladies, my friends and WW I'm on my way to reaching my long term goals.

    Confession over...

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Chris, with all that purple, you'd look like a superhero! :D

    Pie contest is in September, so I'll be making a few more pies between now and then! I'll let you know before I put it in the oven. That should give y'all plenty of time to get from your homes to Ohio by the time the pie comes out of the oven and is ready to be served with vanilla ice cream. :wink: The last pie I made came out of the oven around 4 in the afternoon and was still warm at 7:30 when I cut it.

    Kathy, when I first decided I wanted to start losing weight, I joined WW. It helped me lose the first 18 pounds or so! I didn't find it to be sustainable, but I will always appreciate it for giving me the confidence I needed to lose weight and keep it off. I think you'll like it!

    Walked to my polling place last night and then home again last night. Practical way to get my exercise/steps in! As much as I don't like city/suburb life, it IS nice to be close enough to some places to walk. AND I was down another pound this morning, so I'm almost back to my 142.5. Just gonna keep hitting the water and keeping my logging pretty tight.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Michelle, I like the idea of the superhero route...yeah, with a cool name...

    Warm pie w/vanilla ice cream could make me cry happy tears!! **sigh**

    Kathy I joined WW 10 years ago. Lost 62.2 pounds. Went with two friends. I do not but their products. The leaders are key. When we lost the best leader ever I quit going for about two years...she came back a few months ago, and I go to her meeting on Friday morning. WW has changed their thinking around and started looking at protein, sat. fat, etc. and realizing that the problems we have are in our head. I am Lifetime, so it doesn't cost me anything unless I fail to weigh in once a month. I'm waiting for their website to become more user friendly. I love MFP!

    Got to go get Bean!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,269 Member
    Chris, I love MFP and would never leave. The WW website is not as user friendly but I love the meetings on Saturday morning. Their new approach is actually a lot like MFP. So for now I have the best of both worlds.

    Michelle, I would love to live in the city but Atlanta prices are way above my income level. The have great new communities in the city, but I will continue to live in the burbs about 50 miles away.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Weight is getting back to frustrating...leaving OMG! in the dust!! Will report tomorrow...maybe... ;)

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    I am so sorry my friends. I have been so busy. Very frustrating. I have read through everything and caught up. But I missed so much. The pie contest sounds fab! But I am thinking we should meet on neutral ground. The Grand Canyon. Then we could all walk the paths and work off those pies!

    Still at 147. I know, to many sweets. Not sure where I will find the will power to knock it off. But I will. B)

    Kathy you sent me some photos of your "burbs", complete with flowers. I would so not live in the city and give up that quiet looking neighborhood!

    Chris sending you some finger crossing hopefuls!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    My house isn't happy. We need to talk to a soils engineer. Aack!

    Kathy, congratulations on your successes! :bigsmile:

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Paula in your house leaning or you are trading in your yard for a new know new dirt, new flowers, trees?
