

  • I do the lipton green tea to go packets and put them in a bottle of water! They have all different flavors! I guess I have noticed a difference but I was drinking coke and a lot of it! If you get the premixed stuff watch how much sodium is in a serving..most of the bottles are 2+ servings and they have a lot of sodium in…
  • You know it does seem to curb my appetite and im getting my water in daily! Plus my caffiene which I need badly! With 4 kids and a husband with a crazy schedule I need all the helps I can get!
    in Green Tea Comment by rwkem April 2011
  • I drink a lot of green tea I get the green tea to go packs and put it in a bottle of water. IDT that it has really helped me?!? I do find myself craving it though...its better than craving a coke and that is what I was drinking..A LOT! The lipton premix diet citrus green tea has a lot of sodium in it so if you are going to…
    in Green Tea Comment by rwkem April 2011
  • Dont worry about it...everyone has done it including me! Keep looking forward and keep telling yourself..I WILL DO 30 Min today or whatever you are doing! Keep focused on ok if I eat this I have to record it...and I will see RED numbers! Good can do it! But dont worry about last week or yesterday...only look to…
  • I have the golds gym dance that you can set for a week 2 weeks up to 8 weeks..I think!! They get progressily harder and longer as you go! I also do the NFL Challenge it comes with a HR keeps track of your HR and your calories burned!..It also gets progressily harder as you go! I am currently doing both…
  • Do you think you could make this with turkey breasts? Are the calories the same different? I got a bunch of turkey given to me..just curious?
  • Me too...6 years ago I lost very easily..barely changing my diet and I only did exercise and lost tons of I have made huge changes in my diet and exercising my butt off and Ive only lost 10 pounds since the first part of Jan..but I have lost 15 inches..thats just measuring my bicep, abs, hips and thighs....Im…
  • Wow look great thanks so much for sharing your story and inspiring the rest of us! I too have struggled with trying to find clothes that looked good on me but to only find things that look BLAH...Congrats...keep up the great work!
  • I weigh biweekly...I became obcessed with the scales and when I noticed an increase I would get discouraged...I also measure..I have seen more numbers move in my measurements than the scales!!!
  • Amber I too have the same problem but have been doing this since the first part of Jan. Do take your measurements...I do my abs, hips, bicep and thighs..keep working out you will see those numbers change. I try and not weigh myself but every 2 weeks..same with measuring! Believe me there are going to be times that you wont…
  • thank you so much..Im keeping this handy! awesome article!
  • Thank you all so much. Like today for example I had 20 in protein left. I hate eating tuna everyday trying to get my protein. I ate yogurt today too. Ive found myself eating lots of fruit lately..which eats up my calories quickly but im not hungry so thats good I guess! Thanks again!
  • Thanks so much I just cant ever seem to get enough protein for the day. Like today I had 20 left...even though I had yogurt and meat. I hate eating tuna everyday. Great ideas..TY very much!
  • I will have to add it to your own and use your heartrate monitor to put it in!
  • Or get a 5lb bag of sugar or a gallon of milk..but the dumbbell would be your best bet!
  • TRAV thats funny my hubby said it looks like FB to
  • I found out from a friend and Ive stuck with it...this site is like my accountability coach..I know if I stick something bad in my mouth Im gonna have to record it or Im just cheating myself.. So thankful Ive stuck with it pretty discouraged by my weight loss the past 2 weeks :-(
  • I have never seen this IDK if they have it in IN or not?
  • IDK but it does sound really good!!!
  • wouldnt trade them for anything and they would love to challenge me in a JJ competition!! never make it! We do a lot of the Wii fitness stuff together and we see who can beat eachothers records..but they will always beat me on the JJ challenge!!... :laugh:
  • I cant do jumping jacks...Ive had too many body just wont allow it unless I wanna wear depends...:laugh:
  • welcome I too am a newbie and just started this site this week. Good luck on your journey you can do it with encouragement from friends family and all of us here! Add me if you want!! I dont know how much help I will be since I am struggling myself! Welcome and I hope you like it!
  • My husband works swingshift and when he does his nightshift rotation he leaves me notes on my pillow too..Im like you and love finding always puts a smile on my face. A couple of weeks ago I opened a new tub of butter and he had been in it first to write I LUV U in it! We went through a rough year last year and I…
  • That is so cute...sounds like my son. When I was doing it I said...I dont think I can do this...he said GO GO GO MOM! Finish it!! I really didnt think I would like it that well?! I like football but didnt think I would like the football workouts. It is a lot of fun. You can pick what team you wanna workout with and…
  • nursevee yes it is a Wii game!!!
  • OK so I tried the football challenge game and since it wouldnt schedule me for a workout today I did one of the preset ones on medium...well let me tell ya....its like circuit training and a hard 36 minutes i burned 250 calories!
  • Galaxie5 I do the biggest loser..the older version and gold gym dance. The games are pretty easy to understand they will walk you through step by step and help you set up a program built for you. If you get the biggest loser and do the challenge start off slow and test it out first.! Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone for all the welcome greetings...and encouraging words..if any of you wants to add me you can. I wish all of you good luck in your adventure as well. I did take your advice and did the measurements but wondered why the neck meausrement? I would love to see a thigh and upper arm measurement too but no option…