Why I stopped telling folks about mfp.



  • I've had a few people ask me but I haven't seen (or heard) that any of them have created an account. However, I was told about MFP by a co-worker when we started a weight loss challenge and actually one of my really good friends (who I also work with) is on here, too. We're the only ones still going strong! :smile:
  • MissMessVaness
    MissMessVaness Posts: 24 Member
    In the beginning when I would tell people about it its as if I was selling it to them! I would go through the details, features, and tell them how great it is! Some of them have joined, some of them have stuck with it, and some have quit. My personal rule is when people ask what I'm doing to lose weight I just say, working out, eating right, and counting my calories on this website called myfitnesspal.com. If they don't see what good its doing for me then I don't need to go outta my way to sell it to them and hope that they will join and be my friend? I'm good with the mf pals that I have... don't need any more... thats what facebook is for!
  • LOVE THIS POST.. So true. I don't want to end up quiting before I hit my goal. Great encouragement and idea on here. People don't know what they are missing. Their lose.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    Not everyone is a warrior, and those people are probably quitters in other aspects of life, no offense to them :P
  • I told my 2 cousins about this site recently (like Jen from above) but before that I hadn't told anyone either....cuz people act like you're crazy and obsessed. But I guess if "crazy and obsessive" gets the desired results, then call me what you will :o)

    And they already act like I'm obsessed because I've hit my goal but continue to count calories at the maintenance level. But I feel like I've worked really hard to lose what I did and I won't go back to eating whatever I want and gain it back now. Only common sense if you ask me LOL
  • I feel very different about this situation. If I hadn't been told about MFP, I would have never taken the chance and joined. In order for me to have found out....someone had to share it with me!

    I see this site as a great blessing for those struggling and wanting to do something about their health. How serious a person is about really using this site to its full benefits is determined by where they are in their mindset about getting healthy. All I can do is pass along or Pay IT Forward the same beneficial information about MFP that I was given too. What they do with it is up to them.

    It is discouraging to see friends or family get interested for a few days or week and then just disappear, but again, it's what they do with it. There's a greater joy, as I see it, when out of the 10s or 100s of people that I share MFP with ...that you get that ONE ...that starts coming on and logging everyday and starts seeing changes and starts developing this whole new attitude about life. They get healthy ...they drop pounds...and they are so grateful for the information that was shared with them. That ONE is worth it. Can only hope that the rest will follow too, but if only one comes...okay.
    So I guess I"m saying is...don't deny the gift of this site to others because you think they won't stay serious or involved...there might be that one family member out there or that one friend or that one stranger who is changing their thinking and are really ready to get serious and all they need is that last push and encouragement that comes from joining a site like MFP! :)
  • I told my 2 cousins about this site recently (like Jen from above) but before that I hadn't told anyone either....cuz people act like you're crazy and obsessed. But I guess if "crazy and obsessive" gets the desired results, then call me what you will :o)

    And they already act like I'm obsessed because I've hit my goal but continue to count calories at the maintenance level. But I feel like I've worked really hard to lose what I did and I won't go back to eating whatever I want and gain it back now. Only common sense if you ask me LOL

    Hey, welcome to the club of obsessed! LoL I've gotten use to this one for sure. I think once you get comfortable with who you are as a person losing weight and getting healthy, then it gets easier to see how people are looking at you as being obsessed. Yes, I'm obsessed..and happy to be! If I'm not obsessed about my health, who is going to be?? When I hear someone say I'm all 'crazed' on dieting ...I like to remind them that I'm working toward a mission and I feel great and healthier than ever...so if this is what 'crazed' is all about...yeah, I'm the captain of the boat and I'm wearing a 2 piece! ;) lol

  • If I'm not obsessed about my health, who is going to be??

    Yes, very true!!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    my mom told me about this site and I'm so glad she did. I've told a few people but my problem mostly comes from the people at work. i think they seriously think I'm starving myself. i eat a lot of food i'm just making better choices. i actually had someone tell me that the BMI numbers don't really count. i love my life now more than ever and it's sad that so many people wish to be unhealthy.
  • KelaLess
    KelaLess Posts: 11 Member
    When I told my family about MFP they called me crazy but after the pounds started going..................... then they still called me crazy for calorie counting. Some of my friends have even laughed and said I was ridiculous. I think it’s great because I know that when I eat or exercise it will go toward my tally for the day and I like that I am more conscious of what I eat and because of MFP I have even realized that I need to eat breakfast. Also knowing that others may see my numbers for the day is inspiration for keeping on track. So I just keep MFP to myself.
  • i know what you mean! been calorie counting for years, my mum laughed at me for weighing my cheese and my bread to make my sandwhich with , and asked me does it work doing this.. i said no mum i woke up one morning and found the zip for my fat suit and took it off.. of course it works, but you have to stick with it.. to many people want a quick fix
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I don't tell anyone except some people that have expressed similar goals to mine. My sister started using the iphone app and I was really happy that she found it.

    For the most part though, I don't think it's anyone else's business. But if a friend seems like they want to join I'm happy to have them here
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I found this place on my own. I let 3 co-workers know because according to them all they wanted to lose some weight. I said log your food and see what you eat. Only one left because she is the serious one. She was on her way then gained some weight and was getting frustrated. She is addicted to MFP now and losing weight like crazy again. One who quit MFP has work, school and kids to take care of. She just didn't have the time but I know she is still trying.

    I won't discuss the last one.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I dont tell anybody...because I dont wanna get BUSTED!

    EXACTLY...lol! No if someone ask I tell them but they usually just go "Oh" because I didn't say I took a magic pill or drank a magical potion that made it all melt away without any work.
  • rwkem
    rwkem Posts: 35
    TRAV thats funny my hubby said it looks like FB to me..lol.
  • The people I told about this site have used it and seens differences so I am all good with it. I would only tell people that are going to use it tho
  • to me, it's facebook, with a whole load of people i don't know.........it's proving fun, i'm losing weight and i have a couple of real life friends on here too. i honestly, couldn't give a toss what other people do on here. ........who cares?! each to their own.
  • I'm just trying to say that you might never know when telling someone about MFP will actually be the turning point for that person, as it was for me. It might be the biggest favor you ever do for them.

    EXACTLY! :)
  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    My friends have done the same thing! I even have one that always talks about how she wants to lose weight, but then adds, "but I can't be all crazy and counting calories like you." To each their own I guess.
  • and im very thankful that u told me about the site..not only did it help me.....it helped my sister and her frustration with counting calories on her own! :) got her back into it and she is less discouraged! :) Im proud of U and Mike and Jen! :) We are going to be one good lookin family when we are done :) thanks tracy! I love ya !:)
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