Hi!! Losing weight is SO HARD when you are over 40!!!

kmanfredo1212 Posts: 9
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi...my name is Kathleen. A friend of mine told me about this site...it looks like a great tool to make yourself accountable for what you eat and the exercise you do!! I want to lose at least 25 pounds. When I was younger all I had to do was exercise a little more or eat a tiny bit less to lose weight---now that I am 48 that no longer works. I have always had a small waist and I now have fat rolls around my middle for the first time! Pre-menopause is no fun! I want to get my old body back! I am open to any suggestions that have worked for others about my age!! Thanks!!


    LINDYLOU67 Posts: 10 Member
    It's almost like you were writing about me! Many of us are in the same boat. I joined the group recently and am very excited to see some steady results. My goal is to be bathing suit worthy by July 4th!

    Good luck as you begin your journey!

  • traininglady911
    traininglady911 Posts: 39 Member
    You are doing great in joining MFP now instead of waiting. I am 60-something and POST menopausal. It gets tougher to loss the older you get. ha ha
  • rwkem
    rwkem Posts: 35
    Me too...6 years ago I lost very easily..barely changing my diet and I only did exercise and lost tons of weight..now I have made huge changes in my diet and exercising my butt off and Ive only lost 10 pounds since the first part of Jan..but I have lost 15 inches..thats just measuring my bicep, abs, hips and thighs....Im turning 40 in June..and there is a big difference from 6 years ago..GL to you!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Hey, I'm 46 and I feel better and i'm in better shape then I was when I was 30. Its what you eat and being active. You'll do great and the folks here will help.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Just keep your head down and keep working....seriously. I've found staying within my calorie limit and exercising has worked really well so far! (Plus, find something you love to do...I love Zumba and yoga, and look forward to going.)

    Good luck!
  • cjfoster
    cjfoster Posts: 36
    It's been a journey but I"m finding that lowering sugar intake and increasing my dairy has helped the middle along with exercise 4-6 times a week
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    I hear ya! I am 49 and having a difficult time losing the extra pounds too. I just keep telling myself, 'slow and steady wins the race'. It is taking me forever but I am determined. I wish you the best on your journey.
  • DaddyMantz
    DaddyMantz Posts: 145 Member
    I am 43 and have noticed that our maintenance calories go down as we get older and we have more internal body fat than the young people. But on the bright side, we are smarter, more mature, and usually more settled down. It is much easier for me to eat clean now than when I was in college and during my post-college single years.
  • Hi , I am new here i start about 3 weeks ago, so still learnning, I am a 51 yr old grandma of 12 , I am over 100 pounds over weight, and trying so hard to lose it, and sometimes I get so mad at myself and the diet that ever now and then I lose it and eat chips, I don't know what do to.. but you are right ... but keep trying , I am and I am getting it off slower then I would like but it is working...

  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
  • FranMcKenzie
    FranMcKenzie Posts: 1 Member
    I am a 52 year old grandma of 2. I've always exercised and kept in shape, but there always seem to be 5-10 lbs I need to lose. I find that having to log down my food and exercise always works great for me. If I screw up, then I can get back on track quicker instead of saying, "I'll start over on Monday." I love this program. It's so easy and friendly to use. Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • susanliber
    susanliber Posts: 11 Member
    Post menopausal but still with all the hot flashes and night sweats - not conducive for motivation to eat right or exercise. "mental pause" is no place for sissies.
  • susanliber
    susanliber Posts: 11 Member
    I have only lost 9 pounds since January but have lost 14 inches...so something is working.
  • I completely understand what you mean. I am 43 and am an ultra slow loser. Since cutting all bad carbs from my diet almost 1 1/2 years ago I have only lost about 25 pounds and still would like to lose 10 more but it is taking forever. I lost approximately 12 pounds the first month of my weight loss journey and then the last 15 I have only lost about 13 or so. I do feel good physically and mentally and the one good thing is that I know that I can easily maintain the weight I am eating the way that I do. When I was in my 30's it only took me three months to lose 25 pounds and that was changing my diet a little and adding more exercise and the weight just fell off. Things are much different now that i am in my 40's.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Yes its much harder to lose as you get older, and especially AFTER menapause....when I was in my 40's I got really very fit, perhaps the fitest of my entire life...so it can be done, but you do have to work at it...now in my late 50's its really hard, exercise is harder due to worn out joints...and its sometimes hard to motivate...but it can be done..just a bit more slowly..so I think the key is..do the math..by getting your eating & exercise balance right ...not setting your goals too high 1lb a week is ideal...and just think of it as your new life time lifestyle..and be patient. It will work.
  • Good for you Sheryl, you should be proud of yourself ! I too am over 100 lbs. overweight, I am 44 and know how hard it is to keep on track with this, I just want to be around for my kids and future grandkids, and be healthy enough to do things with them. I have lost weight only to gain it back and then some and it is very frustrating...that is why I am here. My youngest daughter called me up and gave me this site to join with her. So i really have the motivation to stick with it to be a good example for her too. Keep up the good work!
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    I hear ya, too.
    I'm 58...and it's definitely harder to lose the weight...and keep it off now.
    But....this is my year. And I'm fighting for it....but it's been a struggle.
    Good luck to all of us!
  • kroyalty
    kroyalty Posts: 22
    Yes it is! But I love this site and it's a great tool. If nothing else it is a real eye opener for me on what I was eating and how bad it really was for me! And the weight is coming off....VERY slowly, but hey it IS happening! Hang in there!:flowerforyou:
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    It is harder but it is so worth it. I'm in better shape now than I was when I was much younger and thinner. Like you, I'm trying to get off the 25lbs that just want to hang on. It seems to be my body's happy weight but it sure does not make me happy! It just makes me work harder to lose that annoying fat layer......because I know there is muscle under all that. I'm pushing myself because I want to feel great but I also want to feel confident in my own skin. Welcome to the sight, I'm sure you will benefit from all the support and feel free to add me as a friend. Good Luck, Jules.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,995 Member
    Just be consistent. It does pay off. I was 48 when I joined MFP. I'm 50 now, and I weigh less and am in better shape than I've been in about 30 years. I've always been an exerciser (for the most part anyway), but tracking my food has made all the difference. I don't starve myself either. Not even close. I'm trying to maintain now eating 2,000 calories a day, but I'm actually still losing. I never would have believed it was possible, but it's true.
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