rebecca9341 Member


  • i did that the other day thinking i was taking my birth control... felt like a moron! I was fine and suffered no consequences.
  • TSH is 32.3, just started synthroid this past week. All my other values are WNL (which i find strange) Had my thyroid U/S last Wednesday and still waiting on results from that.
  • Thanks so much for the information! Thyroid scan is scheduled for tomorrow.
  • sounds to me like a goiter, I'd go to your doctor.
  • you can't see mine if my neck is in its normal position. I tilted my head back and just happened to feel my neck and noticed my thyroid gland was enlarged. If I hyperextend my neck, its noticeable. So tilt your head back, if you feel a lump on around your neck you may have a goiter. Look in the mirror while you're doing…
  • Dr. Oz certainly is a MD, no debate there. He also is a cardiologist, NOT an endocrinologist. I'm sure he is exceptional at helping his patients overcome heart disease and I'm sure he is great in the operating room, but I can assure you he is no expert in issues dealing with endocrine disorders. For those people with an…
  • YES!!! I was stuck for 6 LONG months!!!!!! I finally broke out of it last week with a 4 lb loss. I only had 10 lbs to loose when I hit my plateau, so it was really frustrating. I've recently decided to lay off of exercise so I can get the last 6 lbs off since I can't seem to find the correct caloric balance. Once I stopped…
  • I think I'll join in on the fun! my wedding day is set for Nov 16, 2013 and I am beyond excited!!! Congrats to all of you ladies engaged or married! I began losing weight last summer for reasons larger than to look good in my dress, my real goal is to lose weight to be healthy before pregnancies (looking sexy in my wedding…
  • Day 20 and Level 2 are officially DONE! I am so excited about level 3, I really enjoyed it the first time I did 30DS!
  • Day 19 is D-O-N-E, DONE! Only 11 more days left and I am eagerly awaiting the start of level 3, as it is my favorite level of ALL! Great work everybody!!!
  • I'm right there with you. No pounds lost-no inches lost. It's frustrating to say the least. For me, I need to be realistic about what I can plan to accomplish with 30DS. I'm nearing the end of my weight loss goal, so there is less of me to loose. Also, this is my second round of 30DS and I didn't see MAJOR changes the…
  • Day 18 for me is in the books. got some extra cardio in at the gym today after school! Feeling really good right now :)
  • ok took yesterday off. Planned on doing it twice today, but that didn't happen. Day 17 completed for me!
  • Day 16 is in the books!
  • finished day 15 yesterday, for some reason the website wasn't working for me to post. keep it going!
  • Ok, did day 13 and 14 today! Was extremely tired yesterday so I just went to bed. I'm so proud of us all for sticking with it, even if we grumble every time we press play (is that just me?). GO US!
  • tough workout tonight. Day 12 in the books
  • I hated level 2 just as much as I remember from the first round of 30DS! 9 more days of this level...
  • Had to take last night off, I was so run down from this cold I'm fighting. Just finished day 10 today and will start level 2 tonight. We are all doing so great!
  • she sure does! hah She's supposed to be doing it the "hardcore" jillian way but you'll catch her during the cardio jabs in level one barely squatting, at least she thinks it's hard too!
  • FInished day day earlier. SO glad a new level is right around the corner. Keep up the great work!
  • got it done!
  • LSU LSU LSU! GEAUX TIGERS! Honey badger will be out full force, bring on the Tiger bait!
  • I haven't taken a rest day yet, debating on taking one in between levels. I've recently started eating back exercise calories, so I will see how that goes for a while before I reevaluate things. I was showing 0.2 increase in the scale until this morning when i was up over a pound, but I way over did it on the sodium…
  • If it's continuously hurting throughout activities such as walking and exercising, you should at the very least modify moves on the video so they are less impact on your ankles. You need to listen to your body and allow it to heal if need be, you can further injury yourself if you don't. Ice them down and make a judgement…
  • day 7 complete! Jillian was really pissing me off tonight; I must have told her F*** you half a dozen times. I feel like i'm getting a cold and that also pisses me off because I go back to nursing school Tuesday. What a bunch of BS! Enough moaning and groaning. KEEP UP THE HARD WORK EVERYBODY!
  • finally finished with day 6! Had to watch my boys in black in gold put a beating on the lions before I could work out.
  • Another WHO DATer! GO SAINTS!
  • Didn't feel like doing it today, but did it anyway! KEEP ON PUSHING!!!
  • day 4 done!! now to indulge with my skinny cow strawberry shortcake ice cream sandwich :)