Anyone with Hypothyroid issues..?



  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
    Well I'm sorry Boardergurl, you're just not correct. Blocks of cheddar cheese are an excellent thyroid balancing food.
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    Thanks everyone for the replies :smile: Definitely gonna get checked up x

    Oh and feel free to add!
  • 05saleengirl
    I try to avoid medication where possible. Try healthy thyroid remedies such as cheese and tuna fish juices. These are thyroid boosting foods with no carbohydrates.

    With all do respect, for most thyroid patients, a diet will not bring thyroid levels up. If the person has Hashimotos type of thyroid disease, being gluten free can help abate the attackes on the thyroid, but meds are still needed. There are natural type of meds that are best such as a t3/t4 combo called NDT (natural dessicated thyroid). The synthetic ones such as synthroid can cause MORE issues than it's worth.

    You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Dr. Oz on Oprah even endorsed natural eating to help cure metabolic issues. Are you as smart as Dr. Oz? I think not!

    I disagree with you 100%... If you have a bad enough issue you need your meds! I did the on and off of them and am proof that my body needed them.
    If you didn't need them docs wouldn't give them to you! And you NEED them as a female when you try and have a baby cause if your thyroid isn't right, it makes it hard to conceive a child

    ^Nuff said! Yeah, break out the damn block of cheese to bring up your thyroid levels. If that's the damn case, then WHY do I have hypo?! I each enough cheese trust me. I think you're trolling this post. Healthy eating can help ALOT of issues, but it will not CURE metabolic issues. I never claimed to be smarter than Dr. Oz. And the last person I would take advise from is Dr. Oz. And yeah, oprah has thyroid issues which from what I remember he was "helping" her on. And she clearly needs to find a new doc.
  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
    I each enough cheese trust me.

    Clearly you're not eating enough cheese mustangtiff21.

    Dr. Oz is a medical doctor and is a popular television personality. I'm pretty sure he knows what he's talking about. Maybe you wouldn't have to take medicine if you listened to Dr. Oz and ate more blocks of cheese.
  • rebecca9341
    rebecca9341 Posts: 66 Member
    I each enough cheese trust me.

    Clearly you're not eating enough cheese mustangtiff21.

    Dr. Oz is a medical doctor and is a popular television personality. I'm pretty sure he knows what he's talking about. Maybe you wouldn't have to take medicine if you listened to Dr. Oz and ate more blocks of cheese.
    Dr. Oz certainly is a MD, no debate there. He also is a cardiologist, NOT an endocrinologist. I'm sure he is exceptional at helping his patients overcome heart disease and I'm sure he is great in the operating room, but I can assure you he is no expert in issues dealing with endocrine disorders. For those people with an underactive thyroid, that hormone is not being released into the body, cheese is not going some how make thyroid hormone in a person with a dysfunctioning thyroid gland. As a matter of fact, many people with underactive thyroids have issues with constipation, eating "more blocks of cheese" would not be the ideal thing to do for us.

    That is all... feeling a little irritable :laugh:
  • DollaMimi86
    I have hypothyroidism along side with PCOS. I have always had trouble losing the weight with it too. You can friend me. :)
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Diagnosed at age 11.. Been on Synthroid ever since, same dose.

    I'm still cold all of the time (dear Jesus.. And it's slowly getting colder out). I honestly think that if I went to an endocrinologist for thyroid management (which I recommend everyone to do, if possible.. I'm just lazy), I could get him to put me on a non-synthetic medication that would better reverse the lingering symptoms that Synthroid doesn't seem to address.
  • 2Shar
    2Shar Posts: 26 Member
    MAKE your doctor do all the test. There is also an anti body test for another version of Thyroid issues, that some doctors do not test for. When I have my first son, I was told that I would be on med's for the rest of my life. Skip to baby # 3 and a new city/doctor. Oh NO you are fine, no pills for you. Jump 15 year and 5 new doctors over the years.. plus 160 lbs. Depression, , weak nails, hair, muscles. I couldn't even remember if I had washed my hair in the shower. NEW doctor, lets take a look at that again.. You need to be on med's for the rest of your life. 2 years later, weight slowly starting to come off. Hair and nails stronger. Memory is back.. (You can imagine how much better it feels, when you CAN remember the last 10 min of your life)
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    I each enough cheese trust me.

    Clearly you're not eating enough cheese mustangtiff21.

    Dr. Oz is a medical doctor and is a popular television personality. I'm pretty sure he knows what he's talking about. Maybe you wouldn't have to take medicine if you listened to Dr. Oz and ate more blocks of cheese.

    This is the post of a comedic genius.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    I've always wanted to know where my weight had come from, beings as I've never really been a big eater, or incredibly inactive. Recently, I've no been feeling myself at all... I've had numerous problems, such as constant fatigue, depression, muscle cramps, certain 'girl problems'.. You name it. But the most noticeable of them all, a huge amount of weight gain.

    Since January, I've put on around just under 2st, for no reason.. Which has resulted in horrible stretchmarks, practically everywhere. All around my stomach, my arms, my hips, my thighs.. :frown: I've spoken to someone about all this today and they brought up the topic of 'Hypothyroidism' ... Which I hadn't had a clue about until they explained it to me.

    (Before anyone says, I'm not trying to blame my weight gain on this, it's just that my weight basically came out of nowhere, for no reason and I'm finding it difficult to lose.. I'm trying to find out how and why.)

    I'm just wondering if there's anyone else out there with Hypothyroid problems? I'm a bit confused and would like to know if there's anything at all I should know before I go to my doctors next week? I hope it's nothing, but just incase.. :ohwell:

    I've just been recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease, which is the reason 90% of patients develop a hypo-active thyroid. My TSH numbers have jumped, but I'm currently in the limbo stage of discovering the disease, and seeing how my thyroid is acting. I have another blood test coming this December and I hope to get some answers.

    Now as someone who just discovered this and have watched my symptoms develop over the last 10 months, I can say the biggest sign for me was hair loss. My hair is half as thick as it use to be, and I will loose chunks at a time getting my hair done, washed or anything. It's become dry, and lost all it's luster. I have had some weight gain, minimal to me so far. About 12 lbs. My issue is I can't lose weight no matter what I do. My brain is always foggy, it's hard to focus as well as a list of others. If you think you have it please beg your doctor to let you see an endocrinologist. Tell them your worries, and ask them to test your antibodies for any increase. Some will try to talk you out of it, but demand you get tests to get some kind of answer. I was told no for years, and finally, I have an answer with a hopeful solution coming shortly
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    I was only diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis a year ago, and they are still messing around with my medication.
    I had a lot of the symptoms you listed, so it is for sure a possibility. Go and get yourself looked at by a doctor!
    Feel free to add me if you'd like
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    There is a group on here for those of us with hypothyroidism. :)
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    There is a group on here for those of us with hypothyroidism. :)

    Thank you so much for that link. It's exactly what I need, to talk to people who have been in my shoes. Kinda frightening honestly
  • StephanieEmpson
    Thanks everyone for the replies :smile: Definitely gonna get checked up x

    Oh and feel free to add!

    Glad you are going to get checked, and do what the Doc says. I have it and am on 250mg, becase with out my meds I am in the neg so far off the chart I cannot function. I tried the go w/o meds and all it got me was fat and tired. Now after paying attention to my meds and food intake I have lost almost 50 pounds since April. Do what is best for you!!!