aprileve411 Member


  • Yes, yep, uh huh. All the time!
  • Hungry Eyes - Eric Carmen
  • Depends on how hungry I am! I tend to eat more carbs in the morning. I love making french toast with egg whites, low cal bread, 1/2 scoop protein powder and sugar-free syrup with a cup of almond milk. If on the go or if not too hungry, I eat a protein shake. I do eat a mid-morning snack so that affects how much I eat too...
  • I have great upper body strength and can do several pushups on my toes at 152 lbs. I have lifted weights ALWAYS. If you lift weights, you won't get bulky muscles. You'd have to consume tons of protein and even supplements. Weightlifting is wonderful for any weight loss program, or even for just adding that tone to your…
  • It most definitely would! I'm kind of glad they are not posted because I only eat out for a cheat meal and I'd rather not know during that one time! lol. I do think it's helpful though, if you are someone who eats out a lot and is trying to make healthier food choices. Most people thinking going to a restaurant and eating…
  • What is it that you are eating throughout the day on a daily basis? I used to have this same problem, forever! And it was mostly sweets, sometimes salty stuff. And it would be for the same reason as yours - not hungry, just because I had the urge. It was like I felt like I always HAD to have something at night whether I…
  • I'm big on getting lots of protein to build muscle for fat loss, so I use whey protein. Myofusion is my favorite. Here's my typical breakfast smoothie- I actually had it this morning and it's pretty filling: 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (40 cals) 1 scoop Vanilla Myofusion (about 147 cals) 1/2 frozen banana (53 cals) 1…
  • good luck!
  • You go girl! I'm a big believer in the Beach Body programs. I started with P90 long, long ago. Gave me that jump start and the nutrition guide educated me when I didn't know ANYTHING! Keep up the good work! :)
  • way to go man! you have done a great job. :)
  • hey :) there are so many ways you can go about this. what is your workout regimen at the moment? where do you workout and what do you have access to?