Trilby16 Member


  • So everybody likes this? I usually like anything remotely sweet but not this. I've only tried Birthday Cake because that's all I could find. It tasted fake. I didn't even finish the pint. Ick. And very expensive. I much prefer mixing a couple of tablespoons of Edy's Slow Churn together with skim milk. Just MHO.
  • Well, I wasn't disappointed!!! :) :) :) I'm doing it for a week, and maybe intermittently in the future. But thanks for your concern, everybody. Try googling it. Most "authorities" say it isn't harmful and you'll get results. I know "diet" has become a dirty word for some reason, but sometimes I need to lose a few pounds,…
    in Milk Diet Comment by Trilby16 June 2017
  • I'm doing this now: juice-fasting for 2 days in a row, then eating normally for 5. It's working really well. I make my juice in a blender, then squeeze out the pulp using a nut bag (very fine nylon mesh). I find that my stomach and digestive processes just go to sleep with nothing to "work" on, so juice-fasts are really…
  • I once did Atkins for quite a long time and noticed that one small cheat would not do harm, but slip off the rails for say a weekend, and 8 pounds will jump back on you overnight, like magic!
  • My pants falling off me! Having to buy small sizes. My boyfriend running his hands up and down my new waist! Wearing nice clothes from my closet that I had given up on! Feeling light! Feeling sexy! It's all good.
  • I used to go to OA many years ago, and a lady there once shared that when she had foods in the house she needed to stop eating she would "Ivory Snow them," meaning put the item in the garbage and liberally sprinkle Ivory Snow on it to prevent eating it out of the garbage
  • My confession: I've eating low-carb AND low-cal at the same time for the past 3 weeks and it's working great. I'm generally staying under 900 cals. and no one can stop me! Low-carb helps me not be constantly ravenous. Low-cal, well, do the math.
  • I'm back in all my skinniest pants! And my boyfriend said I look thinner. :p
  • Oops! I didn't read it carefully-- Zucchini holds together better than cauliflower, huh? I can imagine that as I sometimes make fried zucchini pancakes and they hold together pretty well. Thanks again.
  • Thanks for posting this! I was looking for a cauliflower pizza crust recipe today and was disappointed that the only ones I found depended on a cup of mozzarella in the "crust," and then you would put more cheese on top. Too much cheese!
  • Sometimes I take 2 T of regular sour cream and mix in 2 splendas and about 1 T of unsweetened cocoa and eat it with a tiny spoon. YUM! For only about 72 calories.
  • I make a stir-fry that's absolutely delicious. 3.5 oz. cooked chicken breast meat, sliced 1 med. onion, sliced 2 cloves garlic sliced thin and lightly chopped 3-4 stalks of celery, sliced 1 T. EVOO soy sauce to taste Dijon mustard to taste red pepper flakes to taste Saute the onion in the EVOO till the edges are browned.…
  • That's a lot of progress! Don't cringe, be proud.
  • I'm pretty old and now a 35-YO dude in my building is falling in love with me. It's so weird. I went back to counting calories with a vengence.
  • When you're low-carbin' and need a hit of chocolate goodness: 3 T. sour cream 1 T. unsweetened cocoa 2 pkts Splenda or fake sugar of your choice. Mix well. So good.
  • These cloud "breads" are lot of trouble, and not very good or useful actually. Here is a yummy bread substitute that is easy as anything to prepare and is actually delicious: Almond Flour Buns – yum • ¾ C. almond flour • 1 T. flax seed meal • 2 large eggs • 5 T. butter • 1 1/2 pkts Splenda • 1/8 t. salt • 1.5 t. baking…
  • Not sure why you're posting that here. I think we are just sharing recipes, not arguing over where (or whether) carbs land on your body. A lot of people have success eating low carb. Some people find that high carb eating leads them to over-eat and be hungry all the time-- like me! That's why. Why do REPLIES not show up as…
  • Anyone tried the recipe for "cloud bread" yet? I just made some today. Not sure yet if it was worth the trouble.
  • I just made this chocolate flax seed cake even better and easier by using a T of full-fat sour cream instead of the coconut oil or butter. Very easy to mix up and divine texture. Try it!
  • I've been enjoying this chocolate mug cake for breakfast: 1 egg 1 T cocoa 2 T flax seed meal dash of cinnamon 3/4 t baking powder 2 packets Splenda (or equivalent amt. Stevia) 1 T melted butter or coconut oil Mix all together very well in a microwave-safe bowl or 10-oz mug. It should look like cake batter. Nuke for 1 min.…
  • Sounds like throwing in a couple of tablespoons of Flax seed meal might make these more like a bread, less like a meringue.
  • Wow. I'm trying to stick to around 20g/day!!! I don't think my body would notice if I ate 100g per day. Come to think of it, 20 is not making a difference yet either. I'm having salads for lunch (very basic greens, not even shredded carrot) and then meat, cheese, eggs, some almonds. That's about it. A little vodka at…
  • I did a stretch of about 2 years of low-carbing ten or so years ago and it worked great. Then I fell off the wagon and my weight moved around a bit and I tried other eating programs (trying not to say diet) with more or less success. I joined FP in Jan. 2013 and counted calories and lost 15-18 pounds. It was great! And…
  • I ordered one when bored at work the other day. I can't wait to stop slouching!
    in Lumo Lift? Comment by Trilby16 May 2014
  • On Sunday I made a pot of Spicy Lentil Carrot Stew and brought about 10 oz. of that for my lunch at work. Good stuff.
  • I think the advice would actually be, Track your calories accurately!