babalee Member


  • Thank you for sharing your story. Your shining outlook on life shows in both photos and in your story. Thank you for letting your light shine and may it continue to burn brightly throughout your journey. You will lead others to a healthier life.
  • You are doing so well with your weight and with your running! I love to run, too. You are also brave to approach these ignorant "neighbours". (They are not good neighbours) Since you have let them know that you are offended by their comments, you can do no more. As others have suggested, what goes around, comes around.…
  • Thanks for sharing! Nicely written, inspirational post. Great before and after! Keep up the good work.
  • I love these! Brain is not working too well this morning... so I'll just leave you with this oldie: A horse walks in a bar, the bartender comes over and says, "Why the long face?"
  • This is a wonderful story! Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration.
  • Would it be possible for you to see your primary care provider? If so, maybe he/she could refer you to a physical therapist. The script to the PT should read, "Evaluate and treat". I have had good results from various injuries when treated by a physical therapist or occupational therapist. >little known fact< Oddly enough,…
  • I would not get the inserts without a medical professional's opinion. I love my local running store and have purchased many pairs of shoes from them. They "fitted" me many years ago. I found that I actually needed "less shoe" than they suggested... If I were you, I would get fitted and make sure you are allowed to "test…
  • I love my Nike Free+ ! The key to Nike Free is you have to work up to running in them. Start by walking in them a few days a week and then run just 1-2 miles a few days a week. This is important because they have no support and are supposed to mimic "barefoot running". I started running in Nike Free+ about a year ago. I…
  • You expressed yourself really well here. You should let him read this. Thank you for sharing this. I think we all can glean some good points. Be well!
  • Looks like it is an advert. right above this topic...
  • I like reading "this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change." And, "Life is short, if you enjoy ribs, have some." Do not feel guilty about it. Don't even think of MFP until tomorrow. Then. Tomorrow, keep the healthy habits you've been working on for a while. Enjoy your workouts and eat healthy! (Good point about increasing…
  • India Pale Ale. As someone else said, I cringe when I document those calories. I think one of my food obstacles is having to feed the family. If it were just me, I'd have a bowl of soup supper. But I need to feed my husband, 2 sons (18 and 21 years old) and 1 daughter (23 years old). These people are physically active and…
  • There are many ideas about how to train for a marathon. You are much faster than I am. I will say that my best marathon was four weeks after I ran a marathon... (Ran Tampa in February, 2005 and then ran Lower Potamac River Marathon in March, 2005. Tampa was a 4:22 and Maryland was a 4:05) I don't recommend running 26.2…
  • I ran the Knoxville Half Marathon in 2008. My husband ran the full. We loved both races. The course is nice. There didn't seem to be a flat part... but it was rolling with a big hill near the hospital. Appropriately. I've run a lot of marathons and did my best when I paid attention to eating right. It is very difficult to…
  • Excellent! This is my favorite. Also, don't get into "starvation" mode. (Don't believe that being way below your calorie goal is always good) And, make sure you exercise every day. Even if it you can only manage a 30 minutes walk... do it! (An hour would be better but, just try and make sure you get your heart rate up…
  • At first glance, I suggest you stick with MFP and not worry about all the math. Try to get the calories you are supposed to get. The exercise is great. You need to make sure that the engine has fuel. I think your metabolism goes into starvation mode if you burn too many calories; your cells need fuel and food is fuel. Make…
  • I am impressed with the replies written here! You all have great suggestions. I think I will just quote my father (when giving me a list of chores and I would whine) "I didn't ask you to like it, I've asked you to do it." Give yourself permission to hate exercise and then go and do what needs to get done. You might grow to…
  • Don't beat yourself up right now. Be proud that you didn't want to track the food but did. That is a very good sign that you are going to be okay. Re: drive to work out has gone down. Don't give in to this. If you don't feel like working out, say to yourself, "I don't feel like working out but, I am going to get my workout…
  • This program will work for you. All you have to do is stick with it and understand that it works best if you pay attention to both portions: the food diary AND the exercise diary. Pay attention to both equally. As an ob/gyn nurse, I agree with your doctor about losing weight before you get pregnant. This will be healthier…
  • Thank you for sharing your story. You are doing fabulously well. Keep up the good work. I am glad that you all in Tucson got together for a 5K to honor the victims. I think it is a good way to start the healing. This is such a tough time for your city. What a positive way to work through it! My thoughts and prayers are…