

  • Jess3Loves
    Jess3Loves Posts: 94 Member
    I despise it! I think I hate it so much because it's just SO hard for me. After a minute I am exhausted! We have an Elliptical and of course I hate it. It's so boring to me, even while watching TV or listening to music. 30 minutes on that thing can seem like forever. I also have the Wii Fit, it was fun for a while, but going boring. I got the Zumba Wii game, but it's way to advanced for me. I find myself just staring at the TV trying to figure out what they are doing. The Just Dance Wii games are a blast, but again, make me so exhausted that I give up quickly.

    My two fav forms of exercise so far has been Curves and walking at the park with my Mom. Curves is for woman only (which I liked), I never felt out of place (whereas at a regular gym I felt too fat to be there), and the people motivate you! However, I couldn't keep the cost in my budget for very long. :( Walking with my Mom is fun and goes by so fast because we talk so much!! Right now walking with her is put on hold because winter and it's gets dark around 5:30 (I don't get home from work until 6). Soon, the time will change and we will start doing that again for sure!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Once you get into it you will LOVE the way it makes you feel.

    Maybe find a workout partner? Someone to go with you and help push you along?
  • babalee
    babalee Posts: 20 Member
    I am impressed with the replies written here! You all have great suggestions. I think I will just quote my father (when giving me a list of chores and I would whine) "I didn't ask you to like it, I've asked you to do it."

    Give yourself permission to hate exercise and then go and do what needs to get done. You might grow to like or you might not, either way you exercise. Prioritize exercise. If not for you, for the children in your life.

    I love to exercise. I hate counting calories. But I have to keep up with the calorie counting or I will not reach my goal.
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    If you exercise one hour a day, everyday, it only counts for less then 5% of your day! focus on the other 95%

    Always take the stairs when possible. Park farther away when going shopping or running errands. Walk around the mall and window shop. There is alot we can do in our everyday lives that is healthy behavior, and every bit counts! Good Luck!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I vote with the people who say that they hated exercise until they forced themselves to do it. Count me in that club.

    The exercise that will work is the one that you will actually stick with. I tried a number of things -- in-home exercise equipment of various types, taking a weightlifting class, joining the YMCA, walking. What finally worked for me was the Wii Fit. I *heart* my Wii Fit. If you're totally out of shape, well, you can start with the very most basic stuff. Heck, it has an exercise that is just BREATHING, and another that is SITTING STILL. But as you progress, or get bored, it has many other options, including step aerobics and running. And I can do it all in my own living room, whenever I have time -- no changing clothes if I don't want to, no travel time spent going to the gym and no childcare hassles, and it is also my scale and my calorie-counter. I've stuck with my Wii Fit for two full years, doing almost daily workouts. I love it.

    You may not love it. But you have to find the thing you DO love, the thing you WILL do. Just keep trying until you find that thing.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    Once I get going, I'm fine, but the starting... ARG! I can find any excuse and do all the time. :(
  • Jess3Loves
    Jess3Loves Posts: 94 Member
    I am impressed with the replies written here! You all have great suggestions. I think I will just quote my father (when giving me a list of chores and I would whine) "I didn't ask you to like it, I've asked you to do it."

    Give yourself permission to hate exercise and then go and do what needs to get done. You might grow to like or you might not, either way you exercise. Prioritize exercise. If not for you, for the children in your life.

    I love to exercise. I hate counting calories. But I have to keep up with the calorie counting or I will not reach my goal.

    I love love love this!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    the good thing about exercising is that you get to eat more food!! I eat my exercise calories, and it keeps me full, otherwise on the days when I don't get to exercise, I'm starving!

  • TwilaG
    TwilaG Posts: 134
    I have never liked exercising. I try to mix it up. I do some wii biggest loser challenge every day. Also, I dance with my daughters using the wii just dance. I normally do it for at least 30 minutes at a time. The key for me is "surprise" exercise. In the wii just dance and biggest loser, I have it set to where it just pops up whatever exercise or dance it has suggested. It is a surprise every time to me. I have also started working with a DVD Biggest Loser workout. I really just like to mix it up and keep it exciting!