

  • Hi there I am in your same boat....I have been doing this since the 3rd of January and I have not seen the scale move either. However I have been told that I "look skinny". Now if you think like I do...then you are thinking...well Im not seeing it on the scale and that is what makes me more motivated. LOL I have been…
  • I have experienced the same thing lately. I have been intaking my 1360 calories and walking on the treadmill, but after weighing myself the other morning, I had gained weight. I was very disappointed. But Im determined to continue with what I am doing and hopefully one day, I will see pounds lost. However, I am more…
  • How do these foods relate to calorie intake?
  • Im with you on this whole net or goal calories...I have been eating healthy all week but I always come up short with the calorie goal which is generally what I execerised off. Thanks for posting this,. It has been really helpful.
  • I tell you this...I am in your shoes right now...but I will say that I have begin writing down what I intake on a daily basis in a spiral notebook and then input the infor into this system and its become a way of living now. Try it out and remember the decision to do the "right thing" is ALL UP TO YOU! Good Luck
  • I am in the same boat as yourself. I am way under my calorie intake and totally misguided about this thing. So any information you can share would be very helpful!!!!!
  • So are you also to eat you "exercise calories"? I got so confused when I was reading that on the first time on this site.
  • "You can!! Start eating the right amount of food, start slowly if you have to, add in some cardio and weights for toning and eat your exercise calories. It's possible that you might see a little gain at first but once your body is used to getting enough food you'll start to burn fat. I was in the same position as you when…
  • I am in the same mind set as you. Watched my calorie intake and increased my exercising and when I weighed this morning. NOTHING>>>>>!!!!! And i have to say its very disappointing.