

  • Also a 5'8" gal! My highest ever (about six years ago) was 183 and a US size 12. I was inching towards a 14 and felt awful! My low was in the high 140s and a size 6/8. I've been hanging out in the low-mid 150s for the last couple of years and recently put on a few pounds of happiness weight (moved to a new city and state…
  • I have a mild gluten intolerance. In general, I'm quite fit, but in the last year or so I've put on a couple of pounds of body fat that just haven't been willing to budge. Over the last six months or so, I moved out of state with my boyfriend. I started a new job, have learned to navigate a new city, have had lots of…
  • Week Two! I fell short of my 3,500 calorie goal last week... missed it by approximately 300 calories! Boo to a few days of rotten weather! This week I'm amping it up and trying to hit 3,800 calories. Here we go! Weekly Goal: Mon: 566 (387 in cardio dance class, 179 in hatha yoga class... a great combination, btw!) Tues:…
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 528 (180 on a brisk walk with the dogs, 348 at my favorite dance/weights/ballet bar/cardio fusion class... I just called it "dancing" for 60 minutes!) Tues: 415 (My poor pups didn't get a walk today due to terrible rainstorm... Bummed that it also knocks my calorie count down! I did 10 minutes at…
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 528 (180 on a brisk walk with the dogs, 348 at my favorite dance/weights/ballet bar/cardio fusion class... I just called it "dancing" for 60 minutes!) Tues: 415 (My poor pups didn't get a walk today due to terrible rainstorm... Bummed that it also knocks my calorie count down! I did 10 minutes at…
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 528 (180 on a brisk walk with the dogs, 348 at my favorite dance/weights/ballet bar/cardio fusion class... I just called it "dancing" for 60 minutes!) Tues: 415 (My poor pups didn't get a walk today due to terrible rainstorm... Bummed that it also knocks my calorie count down! I did 10 minutes at…
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 528 (180 on a brisk walk with the dogs, 348 at my favorite dance/weights/ballet bar/cardio fusion class... I just called it "dancing" for 60 minutes!) Tues: 415 (My poor pups didn't get a walk today due to terrible rainstorm... Bummed that it also knocks my calorie count down! I did 10 minutes at…
  • Two things that have worked really well for me are having a very protein-heavy breakfast and drinking two glasses of water right after I eat. (I'm sure the latter is psychological, but it works for me!) I don't know why, but even protein-rich breakfast cereals just don't stick with me-- same goes for sugary fruits like…
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 528 (180 on a brisk walk with the dogs, 348 at my favorite dance/weights/ballet bar/cardio fusion class... I just called it "dancing" for 60 minutes!) Tues: 415 (My poor pups didn't get a walk today due to terrible rainstorm... Bummed that it also knocks my calorie count down! I did 10 minutes at…
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 528 (180 on a brisk walk with the dogs, 348 at my favorite dance/weights/ballet bar/cardio fusion class... I just called it "dancing" for 60 minutes!) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories…
  • Oooh! I love this! Last week was my first week on MFP (hi guys!) and I almost hit 3500 exercise calories. Ready for the challenge! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: calories burned (how they were burned) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were…