Mike523 Member


  • Do yourself a favor and try real sweet leaf stevia extract. Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00430EJR8/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B001EO5QSC&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1ZQ4KK7G24HTJM21PV4W Truvia is a highly processed sugar substitute made…
  • Hey man, congrats on getting through the first week, it's definitely the hardest part. If you stick with the program and the nutrition (just as important IMO), you'll do great. I feel better than I have in decades.
  • Hey man... You CAN do this. It takes commitment and hard work, but it is achievable. There are many people on this site who have successfully lost hundreds of pounds, and have kept it off. What you have to remember is that it will take time. You have to commit to making yourself healthier, and remember that even though the…
  • You can use resistance bands with a door attachment and do lat pull downs instead of pull ups. Not quite as effective, but works the same muscle groups.
  • I'm on day 47 of my 2nd round of Classic. I also did rounds of Power 90 and Power 90 Master Series last year, and have dropped almost 80 pounds with these workouts. P90X is great. It's fun, it's interesting, it changes from day to day, and it really works. Feel free to add me for support.
    in P90X Comment by Mike523 February 2012
  • Fish oil supplements help a lot.
  • If it's including activity, it's not a BMR calculator. BMR is resting calorie burn, before any activity. This is what your body burns just keeping you alive (heartbeat, breathing, organ functions, etc.) When you include daily activity, it becomes your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). This number is the total of what…
  • I would suggest you really try to eat the calories that MFP has recommended for you without going very far under. ESPECIALLY, if you have MFP set to lose 2 lbs. per week... You don't want to go much faster than that, unless you want to start losing a lot of lean muscle along with the fat. As was suggested, yogurt, protein…
  • You could easily use up those extra 200 with a more calorie dense healthy snack, like an ounce of nuts or a couple tablespoons of natural nut butter.
  • But you're comparing the MFP goals calculator (which doesn't count exercise) to other online calculators that most likely DO account for your exercise level in their calculations. That would most likely be why there's a large discrepancy.
  • MFP does not take exercise into consideration until you actually record it in your tracker. So if you set up your goals and said you're going to exercise 5 days per week for an hour per day, MFP ignores that when setting up your calorie target. Only when you actually do the exercise and add it to your tracker does it count…
  • Good for you! I quit 6 years ago and never looked back. It is without a doubt the best thing I ever did for my health. NICE WORK!
  • It depends on the person, but in general for people who tend to carry the majority of their fat in the belly area, yes it's usually the last place to clear. Some people carry their fat in their lower body (butt/hips/thighs) and those people tend to lose the fat last in those areas. It's just the way it is. As far as…
  • Oh also, I would recommend you stay in the "fat loss" phase (keep the calorie deficit) until you reach or get close to your fat loss goal. Then move into muscle building when you're ready by eating at a surplus. The 30 days of deficit you mention is only going to give you about a 2 pound fat loss at half a pound per week,…
  • I would say you're on the right track. You just have to be super-careful with your food measurement and tracking, since you're only operating in a 250 calorie deficit - a couple of missed measurements could easily eat up most of that deficit and you could be unknowingly eating at maintenance. Also, the HRM will give you a…
  • You should plug in all your numbers and info to the MyFitnessPal Goals page, set it to lose 1 lb per week, and it will tell you how much you should be eating. One important thing to note, the number it gives you, regardless of how much exercise you tell it you're going to do, is how much you should eat to lose weight…
  • I did Power 90 last year, and it was a really good starting point for me since I was out of shape. I lost about 25 lbs during the 90 days, and got stronger and more fit. From there I moved up to Power 90 Master Series, and then to P90X, but you can cross those bridges when you get to them. Good luck with the program!
  • First you need an ACCURATE measurement of your body fat percentage. The formulas you can find on the Internet may give you a ball park figure, but for an accurate measurement you need to have your body fat professionally tested. For the sake of argument, let's assume that the 14% is accurate. According to your profile,…
  • You're correct, Insanity doesn't include any weight training, so you're not really going to build any muscle with the program. It's pretty much all high intensity cardio, which will help you burn fat and reveal the muscle underneath, but you won't be adding any muscle. P90X on the other hand is more focused on…
  • Love them. Had 1/2 an avocado with lunch today!
  • Hi Tom, welcome to the site. In your case I would probably choose "Lightly Active" as a happy medium between sedentary and active. Good luck!
  • Hi Lisa, I can tell you from experience it's hard to find other people doing the Masters Series. I did it last year after doing the original Power 90, and before my first round of P90X, and at the time there was a small group of other people on the forums doing it. I don't see any active threads right now... That said, I…
  • Listen to erickirb here, he is spot on. The P90X nutrition guide recommends a MINIMUM of 1800 calories per day. And even that can be too low depending on your current weight... But bottom line, 1400 is too low for anyone doing P90X. Multiple things are going to start happening if you stay this low. You're going to lose a…
  • Well I say, instead of giving up, figure out what the problem is. Are you logging your food here on MFP and counting your calories? How many calories are you eating per day? How much weight do you want to lose? What kind of exercise are you doing and how much of it? If you make your diary public, we can take a look at it…
  • Best results? That depends on what type of results you're looking for. P90X and Insanity are very different programs. Insanity is mostly high intensity cardio, while P90X has some cardio, but is more focused on strength training, plus some yoga and core work, etc. Both will burn a bunch of calories, but I prefer P90X for…
  • In order for these formulas to vary that much, you would need to have an unusually high body fat percentage (Katch-McArdle uses your body fat percentage/lean body mass in the equation). Are you sure you calculated correctly? Try this: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm If you go into Advanced Options…
  • I have been thinking about picking one up. Which one did you get?
  • Does it really matter what the scale says at the doctor's office? You are tracking your progress with YOUR scale. If you weigh on the doctor's scale and it's 6 pounds heavier than yours, did you magically gain 6 pounds? No. Scales can vary from one to the next. Use yours to track your progress and don't worry about any…
  • That's how I eat it too. I don't eat it too often anymore because it's high in sodium.