Boneless, skinless grilled chicken thighs and water. Protein start to the day
Daily. Same time each morning as I get out of the shower. I find it helps me to hold myself accountable. I also log my weight each day so that I can see the progress.
All the time. But I also am losing weight and feeling better than I have in many years so it's worth it. I do believe that with dieting, watching what you eat, lifestyle change, whatever you want to call it, that you have to have a cheat day here and there to do or eat something you shouldn't. At least in moderation.
Spoonful of natural peanut butter.
Almost daily. For me, meal prep is the key to losing weight and gaining strength. I meal prep on Sundays (grill chicken, cook brown rice) and then cook 4-5 nights during the week and use the left over veggies from dinner in the next days meal to supplement a lunch of chicken and brown rice. It's also nice that I have a…
Grilled chicken for me a lot of the time. Protein shakes are always good and today it was cucumber/onions with some olive oil and vinegar. Mostly I look for something with some protien
Will be 1 hour. Right at 2 miles of very brisk walking with some running mixed in. Stops around every 1/4 mile for calisthenics (squats, lunges, push ups) mixed with tension band exercises. Do this workout 3 days a week and mix in 2 other days with walking/running.
Lil protein bar
Chicken wings, chicken thighs are the most common. I usually cook these on my smoker but sometimes I just don't want to mess with it and use the air fryer. Makes great food.
I don't track on weekends. I don't cheat a lot either but I feel that I need a break and this helps me to not worry about the weight, tracking, etc. I weigh and track every weekday and have been steadily losing 1-2 lbs per week
Squats, lunges, crunches, push ups, weight bands, kettle bells, yoga mat and exercise ball. You can get all the hard work you want with those exercises and even without the equipment if you can't get them.
It has to be something with diet. You can't outwork a bad diet is what my trainer says. As several have mentioned, log your food every day even the bad days. You might be surprised at just what you're "really" eating. Also, when you have a cheat day make it a healthy cheat. For me, I love, love, love chicken wings. And…
I feel your pain. I've been dealing with depression (Diagnosed) for about 15 years and it's a horrible, horrible daily battle. Most days are good but even with meds and exercise I still have bad days. I take Welbutrin every day but by far, for me, the best "drug" is exercise. 95% of my exercise is outside so that I benefit…
Check out a book called "Eating Clean" by Tosca Reno. Great book that walks you through the steps to change your eating to healthy foods. Diets aren't the answer, lifestyle changes are. Sounds like you're taking the right steps. I find that when I purposefully make food decisions and take the time for meal planning for the…
I was diagnosed over a year ago. It's scary for sure but you can beat it. I'm down to just metformin and 1 Trulicity shot per week. No insulin! It took me almost a year to get really serious about my diet but now I'm down 17lbs in the past 3 months and A1c that started at 11.9 is down to 6.9. Not much further to go.
Weight training is great as an assist with weight loss and for the toning and shaping of your body. High reps, and low weight will definitely help with the toning. Congrats on your incredible journey.
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