jlsironen Member


  • Me too!! Feel free to add! This site does work it's just keeping up with it. Logging is time consuming but so eye opening, especially on this road trip we've been on this past week, yikes!
  • The scale hasn't budged but are you still seeing a change in your measurements/clothes?
  • Oh my goodness I can TOTALLY see the change!!! I am looking forward to when my "after" picture looks like yours :) Even with pants on in the first picture you can see how much slimmer your legs are and your tummy looks awesome! I'm too chicken to even to the "before" pictures but I guess i should *sigh* You have done an…
  • Is that one of the P90X programs? those are tough! Good job!!!
  • I hadn't really thought about my shoes lol. I actually am wearing running shoes for it, I think next time I'll try my Pumas :) They're my lifting shoes I wear for free weights. It makes sense! Thanks everyone for the input!
  • Same here, your fluid levels are a bit off during your cycle. Keep up with your water intake, keep doing what you're doing and weight yourself in ONE week. I know, it's tough to wait, but give it a few days, you'll be right where you need to be! :)
  • Oh you'll love it they are so much fun!!! As far as calories, not sure but I LOVE my Polar heart rate monitor. It's comfy and has faithfully logged all my training over the past year (even if you change the battery). They run around $100 but last forever, I'd definitely look into it to keep things accurate :) Have a great…
  • Looks like an almost unanimous "throw it out" here, I agree! Or like someone said, freeze it, that way it cannot possibly instant gratification because it will have to thaw. And if you eat it, just work off a good portion of the calories. Good luck!
  • I honestly didn't realize I was an emotional eater until I started with this website a month ago! 31 and I didn't know that! Weird. I realized it after getting upset with my husband about a week ago and I immediately went to the pantry looking for pastry (which I no longer buy thank goodness) or something sweet and…
  • sweet tea vodka and light lemonade mmmm
  • I use the iPhone app for this site, I like it better to log food because when you put it in it automatically shows you the calories. you don't have to put it in then delete it because you chose the wrong thing. It was a lot of restaurants in it!
  • This is the one I saw :) It may be modified from "everything," sorry for the mix up!!! Sizzling Chicken Skillet grilled, marinated chicken breast with steamed peppers, squash, mushrooms and onions, served with pico de gallo, roasted tomato salsa, salsa ranch dressing, shredded lettuce and warm wheat tortillas (man now I…
  • The childhood obesity rates are absolutely horrifying. I've been so careful to make sure my little one eats as well as possible (fussing at my husband to stop feeding her hostess cupcakes 'because she likes them') and that she has enough activity to stay healthy when I've let myself get so big. I never mention weight to…
  • I'll sign up for two weeks ;) By then I might be out of the habit! Boy that change at the end of the month will be something! In just a few weeks I've lost 10, can't wait to see it keep comin' off during No Weigh February!
  • My husband ALWAYS has twinkies, doughnuts, pastry, Reese's cups, you name it filling a shelf in our pantry. We both have our favorite sweet things and I don't care what's in there unless it's my one favorite thing that he doesn't really care for, Hershey's with almonds. When he buys that it ticks me off because I know he…
  • I can now proudly button my pants again without endangering those around me with the possibility of a high speed flying object to the head ;) You will get there too! This is a really good site, we'll be watching! Just no cheating on posting food and do the workouts/week you put in for and it'll keep you right on track!
  • It's tricky. You're not looking to starve yourself or totally deprive yourself. You should be in control but not deprived. If you get crazy and go overboard with your calories, just know it's not a huge deal every now and then. Know you must make it up with an extra workout to create balance. Eat the things you like,…
  • You're in the right place! All the people I've met on here have been amazing. The motivation and determination shared is exactly what's needed when starting out or trying to lose that last bit. Feel free to write anytime! :) Jenni
  • That's great! I've never been big on soda but I love me some sweet tea :) It's been almost a month for me and I've had water only (with the little flavor packets sometimes) and you're right! Don't miss it at all, pretty interesting. My main reasons were I needed to drink more, and I'd rather eat my calories than drink em…
  • I love Leslie Sansone!!!! Wow that's a huge result in just one month! Make sure you're eating enough to compensate! Congrats!
  • welcome! You're in the right place :) All kinds of interesting and motivating people on here. Isn't it amazing what we don't realize we're eating?!?!? I was shocked how much I was snarfing down within a day, no wonder I'd been gaining again! Yikes! Feel free to write anytime! :) Jenni
  • All these sound good, especially adding the jalapenos! Mmmmm nummy. Just remember if you don't have the calories/nutritional content just make it a recipe! :)
  • Even if the carbs are a little higher, fruit is a good way to do it. Apples are a natural laxative, I'd go for whole ones (not apple sauce). Bananas can be constipating so beware! Also, they have a bad rep but are actually pretty decent, prunes are a great way to speed things along! Just be careful, once they kick in be…
  • You can always put it under your recipes and it'll tell you the content :)
  • I like your post! I'm putting it on my fridge :)
  • Hey! I'm so glad to see someone else utilizing kettlebells! If you want some ideas of more ways to incorporate it I strongly strongly suggest checking out www.crossfit.com There you find a local crossfit box in your area. If you're into strength and all that comes with it, that is the way to go! I think you'll like it a…
  • Polar for me! I wear it throughout the day as well, you'd be amazed at how many calories you burn during daily activities! I also like that if you change the battery it still retains all your information :) Strap is comfy and washable (always important!) and stays in place. Display is easy to read on the watch and you…
  • well, I'm not local but would love to watch your progress! Anytime you need an extra ear feel free to write!!! And yes you WILL get there! Even if it takes a year hey, that year was going to pass anyway :) Can't wait to see how you do! :) Jenni
  • Yep always read the label. And remember if you don't buy it, it can't hurt you! Cold cinnamon apple sauce has saved me a few times, it still has sugar but not nearly as much as a candy bar or brownie. You also want to look at the carbs. Each meal should have carbs but make sure they're from "real" food and not processed.…
    in Sugar! Comment by jlsironen January 2011
  • Awesome attitude! That's what will get you there :) And just remember one bad day does not define your path. You just go "oh heck" and start all over the next day! Good luck with everything, you'll get there! :) Jenni