Colleen118 Member


  • I had to have a pilonidal cyst removed and recovery caused same symptoms. could you try a sitz ring? looks like a really small pool ring
  • THIS. Only you can take control of you. This is a life changing thing and should be something that is sustainable for the long term. Anything you are doing "just to lose 10 pounds for the holidays" is not likely going to be something you will continue. You have to find a deficit you are comfortable with and maintain it.…
  • Make mini Egg White omelettes versus real eggs so you can add whatever you want to them. I make them in a muffin tin sprayed with butter Pam spray. I add veggies but you could add different meats. Store in fridge up to a week. Otherwise Morningstar farms products are high in protein and I see many people will supplement a…
  • Aside from looking at the packaging, I do not believe MFP has any such information available.
  • I accepted the fact that the journey is never ending. I can always be better. When there is no end point, there's no rush to get there![/quote] This is an excellent statement. Well said, Sir. Congratulations on your success.
  • Welcome back. Message boards can be helpful and entertaining at the same time. enjoy looking through and reading the advise and ideas, refreshing what I've learned, and offering any advice I might be able. No one is perfect but we can all lean on one another and try to be our best.
  • I would say acid reflux as well. What are you consuming within two to three hours before your workout? I would start by eliminating /changing pr- workout energizers
  • Living a low carb lifestyle got my diabetes and high blood pressure under control in 6 months. I lost 80 lb and feel emotionally better. This is not a lifestyle for everyone but it has proven to bge a healthier option for me than what I was living before.
  • I got complacent and gained back 10 of the 80 I lost. I am back to logging and making it to the gym at least 6 days. For now I have set a low calorie goal but that is just to slap me into reality of just how complacent I became. I know that I had more to worry about than keeping off my weight and am mad at myself for…
  • LOVE IT I may come and go from time to time. We all get busy and sometimes, complacent but MFP has kept me on track and every time I stop logging and get complacent I pay the price and know where to turn for assistance. Tips: The calculators are not the most accurate. I suggest other sites to accurately calculate what you…
  • This too. I smoked for the first two years of my lifestyle changes. It was hard to start but I made it. Quitting smoking is one of the very last steps in the all new healthy me.
  • Currently 51 days smoke and nicotine free. No "substitutes". I know it sounds crazy, I had the book for YEARS before I read it. Took me over a month to read through it but it really worked. The Easy Way to Quit Smoking by Allen Carr. I read the version The Easy Way for Women to Quit smoking. Seriously changes the entire…
  • Mine is in my profile. Start: 217 Current: 142 5'4" from start in May of 2012 to goal of 145 in May of 2013. And I look different now... just realized I never posted a photo of me with all my hair gone. I should probably take one :noway:
  • I know when I run versus using low impact cardio my heart rate gets high much more quickly. As to whether or not it is a concern, only a doctor can tell you that but mine always told me that in time it would level out and I would find my confortatble place. Having blood pressure issues at 39, my doc wants mine kept below…
  • You want to cut processed starches and sugars. Carbs should come from whole sources like veggies and dairy sources. Fresh fruit is okay when consumed in moderation, especially if you are using this lifestyle as a way to control your glucose for insuling resistance (type 2 diabetes). The biggest factor to remember is to cut…
  • thank you!!! :happy: That is what I was wondering... was my thought that it has only 3g carbs/30 cal per DRY serving correct so that I can add it into "My foods" as just the dry mix and use it for a recipe to get the correct values using amond milk and getting 6 servings to get the actual serving per popsickle. I just…
  • I think this is what the OP is saying though, that now the opposite type of control has been taken by food... It's the Obsession of counting every calorie in an effort to KEEP full control. Like another person posted about looking at the menu in DD and not seeing the food, but rather considering the calories of this and…
  • Is there any way for you to grab a less expensive heart rate monitor? I only say that because I don't know how invasive this rehearsal is. Will you be in fact burning a significant amount of extra calories or is it a matter of adding in more "lighter" activity? For me I base possible adjustment on the change coming. If the…
  • I have done it twice and it kicked my tush both times. Great results! I really need to start it again...
  • I did that and then added my Almond milk expecting a big change from the fat free milk and was very disappointed that butritionally the recipe was really no different. That is what raised my suspisions. I know we as users log everything in here and people always do it differently based on the information they might need. I…
  • I had the same excrucitating pain when I first started trying to run as well. Doc told me NO HIGH IMPACT ANYTHING.... I was getting bored and losing weight so I decided one day to give it a shot again. Pain still there but I decided enough was enough, I had certainly experienced other pain along the path and decided to see…
  • OP I have done the 30DS 3 times, each time I had to dump the scale and turn to the tape measure to see the results. JM is NOtorious for her routines helping to gain muscle which can be a demotivator if you are only looking at a number. You WILL LOSE on the program but you will feel a LOT better about it if you use the tape…
  • I wish I knew the user's name on here but there is a woman that is a member, I will try to find her again for you, she GAINED lbs and LOST inches, was physically smaller and more "shapely" rather than "thin". The choice is yours to make but women don't possess the Testosterone required to "bulk" and by toning and lifting…
  • OP your gym should be willing to give you a free "introduction" menaing they will teach you how to use the machines that they offer. Most machines have visuals as well to follow. It can be initmidating but don't let this derail you. "Musclehads" will intimidate you, don't let them; I ignored them...looked beyond them if…
  • I wouldn't say they "improved" but I have noticed that lifting weights helps their appearance a bit more than when not lifting. I have had 3 kids, lost 75lbs, and have maintained for 9 months now. During maintenace, I stopped lifting weights and noticed they bagan to seem more "saggy" looking even when wearing my bra. I…
  • I weigh every time I go to the gym whether it is day after day or a couple days missed. I don't hold too much stock in small fluctuations and recorded weekly on here, I did not record the weight daily. It is not recommended because it can be a demotivator. There is definately stock in forgetting the scale at points because…
  • I had to renew my license recently and a friend of ours is the manager of the local DMV. When I arrived he took me straight away. He had never looked at my information prior and when he pulled me up and updated everything he said to me "So, how much have you lost?" It was completely out of left field from this friend (we…