

  • You seem very particular about your weight. Women should keep their body far percentage between 19% and 24% ideally. If you are actually below that and still trying to slim down it's probably not making you healthier and your body has probably slowed it's metabolism to hold onto the pounds you are so desperate to lose. I…
  • My round was fantastic. Anytime I overate I always made it up with exercise. I didn't feel terribly deprived of good food because I exercised enough to earn some. I do about 2000-3500 calories of exercise a week so you can imagine how that would help. When the weather gets warm enough I can't wait to start exercising…
  • My best friend from high school didn't see me for a year and I put on like 30-40 pounds and lost 10 pounds of muscle. First thing he did when he saw me was go "WOAH what happened!" and pointed at my gut. Friggin jerk.
  • 1. What made you join this DietBet 10? Dietbet 4 was too fast a weight loss for me in 1 month. It would have been 2.7 pounds a week. I liked the idea of having an extra drive to continue the diet longer than the 8 weeks I ussually peter out around. 2. Where do you live? Have you lived there all of your life? I live in St.…
  • 750 calorie food deficit plus 400-500 calories of exercise on average per day. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies and high protein foods as they fill me up. I have a gym membership that I use twice a week and I do Leslie Sansone style walking/jogging while watching netflix and youtube videos. I also have an exercise bike at…
  • My final goal is 220. Some might not consider that "healthy" enough but I think it is the most realistic healthy weight for me where as long as I exercise every week I can eat the foods I'm going to crave. Right now I'm 268, and my dietbet goal is 241 so I will still have another 21 to go but it will be a great start!
  • Oh? cool me too! Mine is Feb 11 - Aug 11 How about you? Oooohhh, I just read that if you don't weigh in at least 6% down by the end of the 5th month, you cannot win, so they actively discourage a loss of more than 4% of your weight in a month. I think that is a good thing.
    in Dietbet Comment by x1v16 February 2014
  • melaniecheeks: Thanks hun :-) SezxyStef Selector: Solid advice. I agree with most, if not all. Doesn't really address the urge to give up though. If it were easy I imagine more would succeed. sentaruu : I agree, it needs to be lifelong and that's what I want, but it's also what I wanted last time too. BigGuy47: Scare…
  • My quaker instant oatmeal has massive amounts of iron. I suppose it is enriched with it. I ate 370 calories of oatmeal today and got 50% of my iron requirements from it. It appears I rarely reach my iron goals though so maybe I'll make oatmeal a more regular occurrence.
  • As someone who is quite overweight I also do not run and I have limits on what I can do on a treadmill. When I am at a gym I cycle between those three options. Ussually it looks something like this: Eliptical 15-30 minutes Treadmill 15 minutes Bike 15 minutes Eliptical 15-30 minutes Do whatever you can manage and whatever…
  • I ussually do the 1 mile walk a few times a day. Still at he beginning of my weight loss journey so it still kicks my butt ;-). Today I was using a hrm for the first time and found I was burning about 533 calories an hour, or 160 calories in 18 minutes on the video I use on youtube. So far it is my main source of exercise…
  • As far as brushing/flossing to inhibit eatting, oddly enough it doesn't work on me. My girlfriend always gives me funny looks because I don't hesitate to eat minutes after brushing or mouthwash. As far as my mental health goes, I do have issues, and I do take meds which cause weight gain. This will be the last time I post…
  • As far as playing with numbers, yes I do. For example my goal is to lose 1 pound a week. Some days I feel able to do better than that, other days I need to eat more, and in the future I have a cruise where I won't be on a diet at all for 1 week. So, what do i do? I try to save extra calories for the cruise/bad days. If I…
  • lol I'm not blaming my girlfriend, I don't view it as her fault. I view it as a fault in my self control. I've never been very disciplined and don't know how to even start. Btw the tough love approach doesn't really accomplish much with me, just irritates me or makes me feel like cra. As far as groceries, I pay my fair…
  • Measure your body fat percentage, if it's over 22-25% probably would be "healthier" to keep dieting. That being said, I'm nowhere close to that point and may never be, though I hope to be. You've accomplished a lot on your weight loss journey and should be proud. You are miles healthier now than you were at the beginning…
  • I guess I will try to fluids thing, though I don't want to wake up having to pee so I will just try a glass of water before bed OR/AND a glass of water if I wake up from sleeping.
  • I log all food I eat. I don't log medicine and wouldn't log vitamins. If the estimates I see are extremely varied I take the average. I log all exercise, I log cleaning. I put down I'm sedentary so I figure anything active and moving should count. I find I lose more weight than what MFP would suggest so whatever my TDEE…
  • I do the leslie sansome walk a mile thing a couple times a day. It definitely makes me work up a decent sweat
  • I do leslie sansome as well! Right now I do the 1 mile walk, 20-30 minute break, another mile, 20-30 minute break, and if I feel good another mile. She makes me work up a sweat and it certainly is more difficult than what you would think of as walking in place. Personally I find ALL workout video people's voices annoying,…
  • Glad to hear people have gotten off the CPAP's through losing weight. Really hope I don't gotta break 200 though :-P
  • OK, my food diary is public now. I eat a lot as you can see. I eat every last calorie, including those i exercise off. As far as why I gained it back, I just went back to old habits. My girlfriend and I eat a lot of unhealthy food, partly because it's cheap and partly because we just like it, and we don't hold back on how…
  • oh ok, so is it possible my bmr is 500-1000 calories higher than normal?
  • http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=50900 This site says eating too much protein will tax the kidneys, dehydrate you, and let toxins build up in your body. It says you shouldn't eat more than 0.36 grams per pound of body weight of protein a day, which for me would be 94 grams which is less than I…
  • No doubt it is unfortunate when people don't even try because of misconceptions, but this thread reeks of "fat people haters" who are disgusted by those less fit/thin than themselves. I think that some people feel they are better than others simply because they are able to be a certain body shape.
  • My current weight is 265 pounds and I'm 5 foot 9. Btw I am going to take the advice to eat more fats, probably by eating more peanut butter along with carbs.
  • 2200 calories right now. I am trying to lose 1 pound a week. If I was trying to lose more than that I would have to do some substantial exercise to feel satisfied with what I was eatting. I lost 25 pounds over 6-7 weeks early this year by doing it 1.5 pounds a week as my goal but i HAD to exercise 400-500 calories a day…
  • 87 grams of protein on average over the last 6 days.
  • Awesome! Thanks guys! I added you all. Anybody else interested?
  • Seems I average about 95g a day over the last 30 days.