Do you think BMI is a hoax?



  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Not a Hoax, just a mis-used outdated tool.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    All it is is a height to weight ratio. It doesn't take things like body composition, bone structure, etc into consideration. It should really be thought of as a guideline, not a be-all end-all to health measurements.
  • sarah456s
    sarah456s Posts: 98 Member
    For people like me (most definitely not an athlete), I think it's quite accurate.

    I think part of the problem is that we're so used to seeing overweight and obese people that it's become the new normal. I am overweight according to my BMI and yet I get told over and over that I don't look overweight. I think I DO look overweight. I'm a size 12 - that's not the size I am supposed to be. But it's like people don't see overweight as being overweight, but instead as "normal". And they think obese is overweight, and it's only when people get up into higher levels of obesity that people actually start seeing it.

    For athletes, it's a different story. The vast majority of us are not athletes, though.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    It's pretty meaningless. It seems like a measurement that is used to determine if people are obese or overweight should have been based on body fat.
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    I don't think its a hoax, but certainly not ideal for weight/measurement. Mike Tyson in his prime (5'10", 215lbs) according to BMI would be grossly obese, when we all know he was nowhere near obese.

    Similar to bodyfat % scales. I believe the only "true" ways to measure bodyfat% are calipers when used by a professional and water displacement tanks. But those bodyfat scales can be used to accurately measure fat loss (before and after)
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I think hoax probably carries some contextual weight with it. I will say that my company has me do a biometric screening every year. There's half a dozen little dials that display a range of results. All my little indicators are decidedly green and happy...except for BMI. I have a big, honking, irritating red OBESE reading.

    I'm 5'9ish and 210 lbs with probably 26-27% BF. Every time I tell someone that I'm obese, they argue with me. Maybe I just carry my fat well, who knows, but that stupid little red OBESE reading ticks me off when every other indicator says I'm healthy.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    So you take a city with 10,000 people in it. You classify them all based on BMI. Then you split them up into groups according to their classification. The majority of people in each group will fit their BMI classification.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    sure, it doesn't work for athletes, but it does give some guideline for the remaining 85% of us.

    Most US pro sport athletes value burst power. Those will tend to BMI "overweight", with "obese" being a hit or miss concept (RB is not obese, OL may well be).

    The vast majority of Olympic and popular world sport (soccer, tennis, cycling) athletes are BMI "normal". Endurance and top end speed favor lower mass, so those athletes don't have the enhanced muscularity effects.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    According to the bmi the majority of the western society is overweight and i am not sure that is wrong otherwise mfp would not be as popular as it is. Every time this discussion comes up here people chime in with how such and such is classed obese and how it is outdated. In reality though it is not as outdated as you'd like to think. We as a population group are now less fit then ever before (it was developed before the wide spread use of cars) thus it might even grossly underestimate the problem because it assumes a certain 'average' muscle/ body fat ratio.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Honestly the BMI charts have a HUGE range already (30 to 40 lb difference for most heights), and I'm always astounded by these types of posts saying it's inaccurate just because they are over it (and most of the time, do have some fat to lose).

    I'm on the flip side of the coin, and come in right at the bottom of my range or slightly under. I could say that it's inaccurate solely based on myself, but honestly I don't think a BMI of 22 is that unachievable for 95% of the population.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member

    Don't you see men who are fit with a high bmi but low bf% seem to be the exception. Although this chart is from the 90s. I wonder how much it's changed since then.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I just looked it up. Clay Matthews. #52, Linebacker of the Green Bay Packers. Professional athlete, possibly at the top of his game. He is 27 years old, 6'3" (75 inches tall) and 255 lbs. According to the BMI chart I have, that puts his BMI at 32...which is in the "obese" range. Look at him. THAT'S obese?? Or how about Aaron Rodgers, Quarterback for the Packers? 29 years old, 6'2" (74 inches) and 225 lbs. Puts his BMI @ 29 and that's..."overweight"?!?!?

    When I showed my doctor this chart & what my insurance plan was dictating I needed to be at, he just laughed. He said "insurance plans don't see the person, don't see body shapes and frames. I see you. I know that for you, a top weight of 140 will NEVER be attainable or maintainable. I'll be happy to see you down to 175. THAT'S a weight YOUR body can get down to and maintain safely." And 174 is the top weight for my height for the "overweight" category. I think I'll stick with my doctor.

    Don't know if "hoax" is the right word, but I think they need to look at more than just "BMI".
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Inappropriate use of the word hoax. It isn't Area 51, it's a sometimes inaccurate measure of health.

    but wasn't it a measure created by aliens coming to earth to harvest human meat for their fast food operations????

    **** my bad bro, thanks for correcting me! :flowerforyou: You're totally right, the whole organ harvesting thing had slipped my mind when I posted that.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    BMI is somewhat accurate for most people. When I was heavier than now, my BF% was actually HIGHER than my BMI. Now my BF% is lower. My BMI is 41 and my BF% is 39... I feel like if you're tracking your BF% then your BMI is useless... but if you're not tracking your bf%, and unless you're a bodybuilder, BMI can be a good wakeup call to draw attention to obesity.

    BTW, Obese doesn't look like most people think it's going to look like...especially if you're carrying a lot of visceral fat. Heck, I'm MORBIDLY OBESE... and I'm not on death's door riding in an electric cart as most people assume someone in this category would be.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Hoax? No. But massively oversold and being inappropriately used now? You bet. There are MFP members here who have come on here saying they need to "crash" diet to get below some arbitrary BMI number or their health insurance bill at work will go up. I can envision a scenario where someone will not get a job simply because they don't meet the numbers on the chart, ,regardless of whether they are truly overweight or obese. There is not a single competitive bodybuilder now or in the past who wouldn't be considered obese. At his prime, Arnold Schwarzenegger (6'4") weighed 260 which put his BMI at 31.6. You wanna tell "The Terminator" that he was obese? Go ahead. Be my guess. This week is the Mr. Olympia competition in Las Vegas. Anyone want to get out there and tell all those competitors, with body fat numbers at 3-5% (or less) that THEY are obese?

    Take my partner and I. I'm about an inch shorter than he is and about 5-10 pounds heavier. He has a few beers every night and has the beer belly to show it (not bad but noticeable when nekkid, which is how I like him. :blushing: ) My last calculation put my bf% at about 17%. He's in size 34 pants, I'm in size 28. Yet he has a BMI of about 23 (and normal) where I have a BMI in the low 25's (or overweight). You tell that to any of our friends and they'll laugh you out of here. I could lose 40 pounds and still be considered "normal" weight. As it is, I can't count the number of people who tell me to stop losing because I am getting way too thin. And I think I am too.

    So to use the BMI in appropriately to "punish" people who really are in good shape, as some employers are starting to do, is simply wrong in my estimation. And in that sense, it is a hoax. At least the implementation is fraudulent.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I think it's one tool of a multitude that is probably fair for the vast majority of the population and horribly wrong for a very small portion of the population. It's not the end all and be all, nothing is. I don't think picking out the possibly hundreds of thousands of people (out of the human population of what 6 billion?) for whom BMI is not an appropriate measurement makes it less appropriate for the other 5.99 billion people in the world.

    I will add that my health insurance premium is based on BMI. But not entirely. If you don't meet the BMI cutoff, you can still qualify with waist to height or waist to hip ratios. Like 97% of people, I don't qualify (yet) by any of those measurements. Because my BMI is 26.something and I AM overweight. If I wasn't, I could qualify for reduced premiums through another metric even with an overweight BMI.

    Lets add vanity sizing to the mix because I am overweight by every measurement, including my eyes, and I wear a size 6.
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    Inappropriate use of the word hoax. It isn't Area 51, it's a sometimes inaccurate measure of health.

    And using Hoax for Area 51 is also inappropriate use of the word. Area 51 is real, it's an American Military base used often for top secret new military developments in aviation. (Such as the U2 and the Oxcart.) People often thought there were UFO's but it was usually the U2 or the Oxcart they were seeing, not aliens. has some more info.

    "the U-2 flight tests created an "unexpected side effect — a tremendous increase in reports of unidentified flying objects." The authors said the spy planes flew at altitudes in excess of 60,000 feet, which was not thought possible at the time. Thus, air traffic controllers began receiving flurries of UFO reports from pilots who saw the planes above them."

    Really fascinating stuff. (And often terrifying when you read up on the nuclear bomb testing going on at the Nevada test site and the like... )
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    There are many competitive bodybuilders who are not BMI obese. Guys gettjng down to sub-7% are often surprisingly light. The heavyweights are not natural and off any evolutionary path. Referencing NFL linebackers and Mr Olympia contestants as examples why BMI is inaccurate for normal people is silly. If you're a 5'4 woman whose doctor recommends trying to get down to 175, BMI is accurate - you're currently obese and should be trying to get out of that category. If you're a guy at 26 BMI and 17% bf, well, you're heading straight into BMI normal with decent abs.

    BMI can definitely be misleading for heavily muscled people. It's pretty easy to tell when this is happening. Got some chubs and BMI says mean things? Working as intended. Throws a little red flag up and the doc can say whether there's anything to worry about or not. It's not the final word, it's just a rough estimate that fits a whole lot of people.
  • x1v16
    x1v16 Posts: 66
    Measure your body fat percentage, if it's over 22-25% probably would be "healthier" to keep dieting.

    That being said, I'm nowhere close to that point and may never be, though I hope to be. You've accomplished a lot on your weight loss journey and should be proud. You are miles healthier now than you were at the beginning of your journey. As far as gaining more confidence, and not be embarassed around people, any man/woman who didn't want to get to know you because you were 220 is so shallow as to not be worth your time. Lots of women like men with a little meat on them. Apparently we are comfier to cuddle with. That's my experience anyway.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    No. I think that BMI works for statistical purposes, which is what it is intended for, and that it is reasonably accurate for most people.