Smccabe8 Member


  • Oh, and this just happened and I haven't shut up about it for days. My dairy free friends are rejoicing with me. My dairy eating friends just want me to shut up. That Coffee Caramel Fudge has my inner fat girl rejoicing. And my thinner outer self telling her to calm the F down, we still have 10 pounds to go. :# .
  • I'm glad I could help! I totally wish I would have tried this in high school. My skin was awful, but I just figured it was normal teenage hormones. I'm wondering if cutting out dairy would have helped my skin back then too. Be sure you look for hidden sources of dairy too, casein and whey. I broke out a little once and I…
  • I used to have days where I felt like crying when I looked at my skin. Just touching it to put on makeup was painful. My face literally hurt. I started tracking my food intake and noticed that whenever I ate dairy, my skin was a giant swollen mess. I've always had dairy issues with digestion and lactose, so I didn't eat…
  • I would log meals, but build the "tastings" into his diary everyday. Maybe figure out around how many calories these "tastes" are (like 300-400 calories maybe?) and just use the Quick Add tool to add those calories in the morning. Then he can still do the tastings, but he knows how many calories he has left for meals.
  • Aww, thanks. The mango salsa is "Italian Rose" brand, I buy it at Sam's Club. 2 tablespoons of salsa is only 15 calories! For the shrimp, they're definitely not "restaurant" style, as I don't really bread them. They're kind of a "skinny" substitute. They're tasty, but definitely not as delicious as Red Lobster. I just dip…
  • All of these have 350 calories or less. From top to bottom - Baked chicken tenders with sweet potato and peas. Tortilla encrusted tilapia, with corn, black beans, and cauliflower "rice." Salmon, with bowtie pasta and broccoli. Coconut shrimp with mango salsa, angel hair pasta and green beans. Mahi Mahi with mango salsa,…
  • I'd take a mani/pedi over a facial. The results last longer, and I feel like I can do a facial at home easily with a good face scrub and a face mask cream.
  • I meal prep up to 2 weeks worth of lunches at once. I freeze them in small glass containers, and just take one out at a time to microwave them. I don't eat fresh meat or cooked veggies if they've been in the fridge for more than a couple days, but I have the digestion system of a newborn kitten so that's just me. I don't…
  • I meal prep weekly usually. I weigh everything and then save it as "meals" or "recipes" in MFP. It's easier for me to log when I eat it then, because I don't have to remember exact ounces of everything. I divide everything up into glass Pyrex containers and freeze it. I usually make 10 servings at a time, with a few…
  • Black and preferably through an IV.
  • This was me earlier this week. I started the 30 Day Squat Challenge along with starting to lift again. I've been weighing 2+ up for the last 5 days, and magically today (after peeing every 5 mins last night) I'm 3 lbs down and lower then before I started. This too shall pass. :D I know how frustrating it is though. I was…
  • I'd be like, who are you and why are you in my house?! #single In all seriousness... dishes done, house picked up, errands run (like if you're out of milk, need to drop something at UPS ... and she was planning on getting all that done.) Favorite wine or drink prepared?
  • As someone who was previously in a relationship with someone who was critical and made comments like you make... It's mean, it's hurtful, and it's 100% YOUR ISSUE, not his. My ex made me feel sloppy and unattractive at a SIZE 2. I was in no way fat, or unattractive but he wrecked my confidence completely. I went from a…
  • Sorry to thread jack, but do you know if Whole Foods carries this? I haven't seen it before. I have a dairy allergy, and I've almost given up on cheese.
  • I love the lightly salted rice cakes with some sliced avocado. MMMMM....
  • 5' 8" and at 145 I was a size 4. I'm about 5 lbs away from that right now. 6's are getting big, but 4's are still a little tight. It 100% depends on your height and body type though.
  • 1. Log everything before I eat it. 2. Meal Prep - Weigh and measure (divide equally) - then save the prepped meals in MFP. Then for lunch, just pick a meal and log it. I don't have to remember what everything weighed because it's all saved for me! 3. Forums help a lot for staying motivated and getting meal ideas and…
  • I would eat back at least part of your exercise calories for health reasons. Can you try giving up the cheat meal and drinks for a couple weeks and seeing if the scale drops at all? When you don't have a ton to lose, every little calorie counts towards weight loss. And you're right, diet is for weight loss, exercise is for…
  • Are you weighing your food? Every single item in your meal? "Cups" are super inaccurate and you could be eating more than you think. If not, get a food scale and start weighing everything. How many calories do your cheat meal and drinks consist of? You can totally wipe out a weeks worth of deficit with a cheat meal and…
  • Get a leg amputation? :D Embrace the curves. It all depends on your body shape anyway. Just focus on toning and having a great butt and thighs. ;)
  • Corn starch should work.
  • Athleta capris are <3 . I like the Revelation capris best, since they're mid calf length. And they hold up super well. Yoga pants always get caught on the machines (bikes especially) when I wear them.
  • I've found Happy Scale app to be more accurate, since it actually looks at your weight loss rates and trends. Happy Scale has been pretty spot on about when I'm going to hit certain goals.
  • Where has this thread been all my life? <3
  • Are you actually weighing your ingredients? I always logged bananas at 90 calories... until I started weighing everything. Most of my Dole Bananas end up being around 3.5 oz which is around 40 calories. Which is awesome, because I don't eat dairy so I throw in a banana instead of yogurt. My last smoothie was 163 calories.…
  • I want your stomach. <3 (I mean that in a super non-creepy way!) You look fab.
  • I'm 5'8" and my goal is somewhere between 135-140. It kinda depends how I feel at that weight. I've been a slim size 2 all my life, and gained around 30 lbs after graduating college. I'm about 152 lbs right now, so we'll see how I feel when I get down to goal. I'm planning on evaluating how I feel when I hit goal and…
  • I lost weight last time I was in New York. I enjoyed the food, but we also had a hotel in Times Square and walked EVERYWHERE. We walked to the Empire State Building, all the way up 5th Avenue, through the Park. I used a step tracker and we did 12 miles one day just walking. And I ate a ton of delicious food. Authentic…