You will weigh _____ in 5 weeks...



  • Pocket__Cthulhu
    Pocket__Cthulhu Posts: 134 Member
    I took an 8 hour Aikido seminar one saturday and there was a vegan buffet after. During the seminar, all that was available was fruit and water, because no one wanted to have a rock in their belly while being tossed about. I logged everything and it told me I would have lost 60lbs in five weeks if every day had been like that day.

    It's amusing, but I wouldn't tell a dress maker to make a dress in that size based off it. I would find more comfort in noticing that the number it says I will be is slowly going down. Last month it kept saying I would be in the low 160's, and now it's saying I will be in the mid 150's.

    I think of it as a pat on the back and encouragement, not a carrot dangling at the end of a stick. It does specifically say "If every day were like today..."
  • Slowfaster
    Slowfaster Posts: 186 Member
    I find it the opposite of motivating because I think further ahead when visualizing my goals and don like to be reminded that in five weeks I'll still be fat.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    The only time I pay any attention to it is when I go way over my calories, kind of a reminder that I need to be careful and I can't let going over my calories happen all the time.
  • EdgarPs
    EdgarPs Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2016
    I don't find it helpful.
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    I really dislike it. It just reminds me of my mom and her judgmental ways. I really wish there was a way to disable it.
  • catherinekalberg
    catherinekalberg Posts: 18 Member
    I like it because you can kind of get a better idea of what food will effect your weight. Haven't used the app long enough to determine if the numbers are right though. To me it's a tool to use though.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited March 2016
    Been here going on two years, this thing on the diary is BS (I am just being very blunt about it..sorry).. And I too wish it would just go away.

    edited to add: OP, it is NOT reliable or consistent. One day I will try to eat the same exact thing for 5 weeks and burn the exact same calories for 5 weeks... Anyone tried it?
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    It isn't reliable. I wish they would take it off. My sister refuses to use this site and her lame excuse was, "It didn't help. I did what it said and there is no way I would drop the weight it said I would. I lost more weight just eating and drinking what I wanted." I was like okay sure whatever, eat mcdonalds and drink your 5 lemonades and 2 chocolate milks a day and be super healthy that way...
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I've been using MFP for more than 2 year as well and it is totally wrong. I really wish it were true because I would have reached my goal weight more than a year ago if it were right.
  • Smccabe8
    Smccabe8 Posts: 129 Member
    I've found Happy Scale app to be more accurate, since it actually looks at your weight loss rates and trends. Happy Scale has been pretty spot on about when I'm going to hit certain goals.
  • fvtfan
    fvtfan Posts: 126 Member
    benzieboxx wrote: »
    I really dislike it. It just reminds me of my mom and her judgmental ways. I really wish there was a way to disable it.

    If you don't "complete" your day you won't see it - I stopped doing that a while ago because that feature bugged me.
  • Microscopes
    Microscopes Posts: 92 Member
    I'm confused.

    Everyone talks about CICO.

    Doesn't that feature simply take your calorie deficit and calculate your CICO to see what you'll lose?

    If you're weighing food perfectly, how can it get it wrong?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    jodidari wrote: »
    Have you found this to be reliable with some sort of consistency or have you found yourself close to the predicted weight around the 5 week mark? Or do you not pay this any attention?

    It is a ridiculously oversimplified equation that assumes the math is exact rather than a guideline and that every day is in fact, exactly like today...meaning your CI and CO would have to be exactly the same every single day which is just a ludicrous notion in and of itself.

    It's actually about the most worthless thing on this entire app.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I'm confused.

    Everyone talks about CICO.

    Doesn't that feature simply take your calorie deficit and calculate your CICO to see what you'll lose?

    If you're weighing food perfectly, how can it get it wrong?

    Because it is more complicated than CICO. Because your BMR and exercise burns are more complicated. Because food calories are not perfectly measured even when weighing. Because of a lot of things.
  • caurinus
    caurinus Posts: 78 Member
    It's making a lot of assumptions about how active you are during the day.

    You're much better off measuring your weight regularly, graphing it, and drawing a trendline that extends into the future. That will give you a prediction based on actual past performance, and has a shot at being accurate assuming you don't change what's working for you now.

    This web site does most of that for you:
  • jodidari
    jodidari Posts: 95 Member
    edited April 2016
    benzieboxx wrote: »
    I really dislike it. It just reminds me of my mom and her judgmental ways. I really wish there was a way to disable it.

    I want to disable it or it could atleast tell me based on my last week of logging rather than day
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Been here going on two years, this thing on the diary is BS (I am just being very blunt about it..sorry).. And I too wish it would just go away.

    edited to add: OP, it is NOT reliable or consistent. One day I will try to eat the same exact thing for 5 weeks and burn the exact same calories for 5 weeks... Anyone tried it?

    Once i tried to eat not the exact thing but I tried to rotate within a reasonable amount. So if i was to eat 1350 calories everyday I tried never to go over 1500 or below 1200. My daily amount varied but my weekly amounts were the same. I lost three pounds in that 5 week period rather than the 12 it predicted the first day. Someone pointed out if you log the exact meal two days in a row but change the amount of water you consume it will give you a different estimate so....accuracy is questionable
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    benzieboxx wrote: »
    I really dislike it. It just reminds me of my mom and her judgmental ways. I really wish there was a way to disable it.

    You can just not click on "Complete Diary" and it will not pop-up. The only reason for "completing your diary" is for it to pop-up on your News Feed. I don't let anything cross over to my News Feed except the amount of days I have logged in, so for me, not clicking the "Complete Diary" button is no biggie...