Smccabe8 Member


  • I simplify by buying easy lunch and breakfast things and eating the same thing most days. Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs and a frozen waffle Lunch: Frozen black bean burger, salsa, apple, & peanut butter (or leftovers from the night before.) After gym: Protein Shake Dinner: chicken breast, steamed veggies & a starch, tacos,…
  • I just bought Bob’s Red Mill Vegan Protein and it’s good. I’ve tried Vega and Tone It Up and didn’t care for them. Bob’s Red Mill is still a tiny bit gritty but not bad for a vegan protein and it didn’t have the chemical after taste like the other ones I’ve tried. I ordered it from Vitacost. I thought this blog had a good…
  • Just speaking from personal experience here, not a doctor. When my mom turned 50, she went from active and pain free to acting like a 90 year old. Walking was painful, her joints were stiff, after sitting for an extended period of time, she’d have to slowly walk till her joints got “warmed up” and she could walk normally.…
  • I only eat back (part of) my actual exercise calories. Your move goal is just daily movement and not actual exercise. Your day to day movement is factored into your MFP calorie goal when you answer the questions about lifestyle and weight loss goals.
  • Same. :( Lost 36 lbs, gained 24 lbs back 3 years later. However, I lost it the first time because I felt fat, gross, and unhappy. I counted calories and did cardio, but I was miserable and it was a diet and not a lifestyle change. I gained it because I am in a fantastic relationship now, am super happy, and we both love…
  • I'd strongly recommend not eating those little Silica packets that come with new shoes.
  • I just shower (and shampoo & condition) every morning. I workout at night but I only get a little damp with sweat. I just eat dinner and go to bed. One problem I had for awhile was feeling like I had gunk in my hair near the crown, even right after I shampooed. It wasn't grease, it was build up from shampoo, hairspray,…
  • TWIN! 5'8" weighing 144 this morning, goal of 138. I got down to 141 a few months ago, but got super sick of calorie counting (weighing everything) and just decided to maintain for the summer and enjoy life. It's been 3 months of not calorie counting and I've been maintaining around the 143-145 range.) I'm still not…
  • I like almond or cashew milk. Cashew milk is creamier than almond milk IMO. Soy milk can act like estrogen in the body, and the links between too much estrogen and breast cancer concern me.
  • I would go with the Apple Watch numbers. I've worn mine with another HRM and the numbers were almost identical. It's supposed to be pretty accurate. MFP estimates have always been crazy off for me. Is your weight set the same on both apps?
  • I don't eat any dairy at all and I haven't lost any weight because of it. It's not one specific food group that causes weight gain, it's calories. I have a dairy sensitivity. Dairy makes my skin break out like crazy, so I avoid it at all cost. I can always tell when I'm accidentally exposed to dairy because my always clear…
  • Everything will kill you. Just drink the freaking Diet Pepsi.
  • Just checking... you mean 1,400 a DAY right?
  • I'm finally judging clothing by how cute it is, instead of how well it hides my stomach and hips.
    in New NSV Comment by Smccabe8 April 2016
  • I just bought the Coffee Caramel Fudge last night. LIFE CHANGING. <3 It was super creamy. Honestly, it may have been even more creamy than dairy ice cream.
  • I can't wait to try the Ben & Jerry's Coffee Carmel Fudge. The Chunky Monkey was supposed to be not as good as expected. I've tried Cashew ice cream and liked it. It's creamier than Almond milk ice cream. Almond milk is too icy. The Coconut cookie dough was okay, but I couldn't get over the overwhelming coconut taste.
  • If you have a microwave, I keep a box of instant oatmeal packets in my desk. I just microwave a mug of water, and then dump 2 packs of oatmeal in and let it sit for 5 mins. Filling and cheap.
  • I get those "100 Calorie" tuna packets and throw them in with my salad. Just dump it on when I'm ready to eat. They come in lots of good flavors like Lemon Pepper and Sweet N' Spicy (great on a salad with mandarin orange slices.) They have salmon packets as well.
  • 5' 8" SW: 177 (Tight Size 6, Loose size 8) CW: 144 (Size 4 fits perfect) It's amazing how different people who weigh the same/same height wear different sizes.
  • I love it with peaches or tomatoes (and salt!)
  • I have the Food Network digital scale from Kohl's. It's pricy when it's full price, but Kohl's always has a ton of discounts and coupons going on. I like that I can switch between grams and ounces, and it's easy to wipe clean. It also will hold quite a bit of weight, automatically shuts off, and has a tare function.
  • No movie popcorn? The horror! :o I'm a popcorn junkie so I will eat a super tiny breakfast and lunch, and save like 700 calories for movie popcorn. I can easily eat the majority of a large bucket. If you eat carrots in the movie theatre, I would seethe in silence and send rage vibes at you. How about homemade popcorn,…
  • Add the whole recipe under the "Recipies" tab, then add how many servings the recipe makes. It will give you the amount of calories per cookie.
  • My weight takes 3-4 days to drop back down during my TOM. I find that keeping hydrated and light exercise helps it drop more quickly.
  • If you can get a veggie spiralizer, zucchini noodles "zoodles" and pasta sauce would be awesome. Add some meat to the sauce or just cut up some chicken on top. I also love beans. They're pretty filling and low calorie. Since you can do tomato sauce, cooked veggies and beans, could you make your own chili?
  • After losing 30 lbs in 100 days, my weight has slowed down to .5 lbs a week. :( I'm in a healthy weight for my height at 5'8" and 147, with 9 lbs to go to goal. I know, healthy, and normal... but still discouraging after dropping 30 lbs so quickly.
  • I have a spray tan package from Sun Tan City. I think it's like $20 a month, and it's 2 tans a month. Mine tend to build up in the winter when I don't tan much. So by the time summer rolls around, I have enough tans saved up to tan weekly all summer. I really like these also. They're tanning wipes, so the tan is evenly…
  • My mom used a saliva test from a nutritionist to diagnose gluten sensitivity. She suddenly started getting sick when she turned 50. It was like my super healthy mom went from age 50 to age 90. Headaches constantly, joint pain and stiffness, tummy troubles... it was very odd. She did the saliva test (you spit in test tubes…
  • You can always take a multivitamin, but calcium is probably the main thing that milk has that you'd want to supplement. I'm super terrible at remembering to take vitamins though, so I just try to get as much from food as I can. Almond milk has quite a bit of calcium, 1 cup is 45% of daily value. Spinach has 25% of daily…