FreeKatrina Member


  • I have tried alot of the atkins bars, they are all pretty good!
  • There are 3 levels in Shred, 1 2 and 3. for the first 2 weeks you do level 1 then you step up to level 2 then 3, each level is more intense than the last... they are all 20min long with a warm up and cool down so a total of 30min I believe!
  • I was looking at your diary you are not even hitting 1200 calories! I would try and eat around 14-1600 cals a day if you are working out that much! Be careful if you start eating to low your body will go into starvation mode making you gain! It will take time to lose inches etc.. just go day by day, 1-2 pounds a week loss…
  • You all look fantastic and gave me kick in the *kitten* I need today! Off to the gym!!!TY
  • What stage of BF are you at? If the LO is older 8-12mo+ I say around 2-300cals, if younger 300-600cals!! HTH
  • My moms Dr had her do between 20-60gms a day!!
  • I think it has more to do with the resistance from one to the other... some are faster speeds, some slower, etc... either way you are doing a great job!
  • I was doing the shred and found it hard to loose inches on that DVD, I recently started doing the cardio max dvd and its coming off like butter.. well not weight wise but inches. I have lost 4in in my waist, 2 in my bust and 2.5 off my hips! I really like it, I think once I get to where I want I will use the shred to help…
  • I get it at Costco as well, but I seen it at GNC, walmart, target and Sams club! I get the premade ones I am on the go so much it works out great!
  • I really like muscle milk light!
  • Afternoon girls Happy Bday Choco! I managed to get cardio max in last night.. hoping for it again today! I also have to clean super good today so thinking I burn a little there too! Other than that doing ok on my eating.. I stay right at 1200cals, but sometimes dont eat my workout points. I also measured my waist and hips…
  • evening girls, got my cardio max in today!! yay me! Good Job for working out and not feeling well!! You are a great inspiration Rena! Ok off to figure out dinner for the crew!
  • Morning, well afternoon girls! Struggling today!! I forgot to eat breakfast and for lunch all I managed to get down is a granola bar and grapefruit!! Great job for all those who worked out!! We can do this one pound at a time!! AFM: Tonight my hubby and I have a date!! The kiddo is at grannys for the night!! We plan on…
  • Hey girls wondering if I can join.. Been on MFP for a week now. Have been eating well for a few weeks but this week I started working out. Just wondering if I could join you all I did well with W.O on Sun and Mon but Tue and Wed I didnt.. I am doing cardio max at home after I get off of work and get the kid.. anyway hope…
  • Hi all I was wondering if I could join you all. I actually just found today and this board. I will be a few days behind you all but thought it may be fun to have a group that is doing the same workout.