Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Sandtelwood - I found this site works amazing. When I started out, I just tracked my calories on here, and tried to eat healthier. Drinking lots of water is also key. The support on here is terriffic. As for exercises to do at a gym, I can't help you out, I don't have a gym available to me, so I just use the treadmill at home, and I have 2 biggest loser dvd's. And then on some days I will get in some crunches.

    W2g for getting out there and doing it.
  • Renaegry~ Thanks for adding me as a friend!!! I am so dedicated right now about doing this!!! I am seeing a Dr. right now to help with weight loss goals and she suggested that my goal for weight loss right now to be 174 pounds! That's 20 pounds, but ultimately I should be about 162! I am taking it one step at a time for now, and searching for anything to that can be helpful to me!! I go and weigh in next Tuesday, so hoping for at least a pound or two lost by then!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I "bumped" the thread because I just came across it and was interested in it, but didn't have time at the moment to read it. So by "bumping" it it put it into "my topics" under the message boards so now I have easy access to it.

    Thank you for explaining this to me b/c I've seen "Bump" in previous threads and had no idea what ppl were talking about.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Welcome, Sandtelwood :happy: I really do love this site and am on here more than my facebook :laugh: The support is amazing. I'm just starting out also, I think I'm 5 days in. Congrats on joining a gym :happy: I was always scard to go but now that I realized everyone is there for the same thing and not "judging" how I look, I love togo. Best of wishes on your goals.

    Well, workout 3 today :smile: I couldn't make it to the gym so I did a 20 min ab workout by shape (bikini body) then did 45 min yoga video (power yoga by the Firm) My muscles were all shakey! I think because of the past two days at the gym. I may take a rest day tomorrow. Maybe workout 3 days then 1 rest day, then 3 more workout days... ect. I feel like I really need to hydrate myself today. :drinker:

    Everyone have a great day :flowerforyou:
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hey Ladies & Welcome Newbies!! Hope you all have your parkas on today!! :tongue: It's freezing!!!

    Just checking in for the day.... I did good yesterday but not as good as I could have been.

    Strange, but ever since I returned to work on Monday I have been getting these horrible headaches and I'm starting to get annoyed. I thought maybe it was the stress of being busy but then when that tapered off, they were still there. So, I thought maybe my body was in shock from lack of all the bad stuff. :smile: Over the holidays, I ate what I felt like eating and didn't try to "be good". I was eating chocolate left & right and Monday I cut myself off cold turkey and went back to being strict and keeping it to my 1200 calories. So yesterday I couldn't shake the headache with meds so I thought a little sugar might help and I ate some peanut M&Ms. But it didn't work and I have another one today. WTH??

    That being said I didn't have as good of a workout as I would have liked. I went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the treadmill, jogging and walking with different inclines. Then did 2 circuits of Jilian's No More Trouble Zones, burning a measly 330 calories. :grumble: But hey, at least I did something, right?

    My plan is to shake the headache again (hopefully), stay on track with the food, and get a good workout in tonight. Probably head to the gym and do a video too. Wish me luck! Hope you all have a good day and are staying warm!!! Check in tomorrow.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey Ladies & Welcome Newbies!! Hope you all have your parkas on today!! :tongue: It's freezing!!!

    Just checking in for the day.... I did good yesterday but not as good as I could have been.

    Strange, but ever since I returned to work on Monday I have been getting these horrible headaches and I'm starting to get annoyed. I thought maybe it was the stress of being busy but then when that tapered off, they were still there. So, I thought maybe my body was in shock from lack of all the bad stuff. :smile: Over the holidays, I ate what I felt like eating and didn't try to "be good". I was eating chocolate left & right and Monday I cut myself off cold turkey and went back to being strict and keeping it to my 1200 calories. So yesterday I couldn't shake the headache with meds so I thought a little sugar might help and I ate some peanut M&Ms. But it didn't work and I have another one today. WTH??

    That being said I didn't have as good of a workout as I would have liked. I went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the treadmill, jogging and walking with different inclines. Then did 2 circuits of Jilian's No More Trouble Zones, burning a measly 330 calories. :grumble: But hey, at least I did something, right?

    My plan is to shake the headache again (hopefully), stay on track with the food, and get a good workout in tonight. Probably head to the gym and do a video too. Wish me luck! Hope you all have a good day and are staying warm!!! Check in tomorrow.

    AMK, hope your headaches get better there's nothing worse than not feeling like yourself. I too workout w/Jillian's "No More Trouble Zone's dvd but didn't even realize you can pick and choose circuits. I play the entire video which runs just shy of an hour. While I think I'll continue doing the entire video I am curious to know how many minutes each circuit tends to be?

    My workout is complete for today. I did 55 minutes of a "Melt It Off" dvd. My workout was completed by 8:30 this morning but have been so busy running around for work that I didn't have a chance to post to all of the threads im participating in.

    Since I've been utilizing dvd workouts all this week I think i'm going to go to the gym tomorrow morning and if I have a really great workout treat myself to 15 minutes in the sauna and a protein shake from the smoothie place inside the gym. The things I look forward to.....SMH
  • Day 3 is going well! I made myself go out in the 7 inches of snow we had today to get to the gym... I'm struggling figuring out what I should and shouldn't do while I'm there...but something is better than nothing! I did the elliptical machine first! - 12 min. and I thought I was going to die!! Hoping that in the next few weeks/months to come, I can increase my time on it! I also walked/jogged on the treadmill for about 25 min. Jogging is a struggle for me because I'm so "top" heavy! Did a few of the weight machines for my lower body also... :) Definitely feeling the burn now! Only had 1/2 of a 12 oz Diet coke today, so that is a HUGE improvement! I'm used to drinking 2-3 32oz Diet cokes from the gas station! My Weight loss Dr. says that cutting pop is a HUGE thing when trying to diet/exercise.... So I'm trying! :blushing:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Day 3 is going well! I made myself go out in the 7 inches of snow we had today to get to the gym... I'm struggling figuring out what I should and shouldn't do while I'm there...but something is better than nothing! I did the elliptical machine first! - 12 min. and I thought I was going to die!! Hoping that in the next few weeks/months to come, I can increase my time on it! I also walked/jogged on the treadmill for about 25 min. Jogging is a struggle for me because I'm so "top" heavy! Did a few of the weight machines for my lower body also... :) Definitely feeling the burn now! Only had 1/2 of a 12 oz Diet coke today, so that is a HUGE improvement! I'm used to drinking 2-3 32oz Diet cokes from the gas station! My Weight loss Dr. says that cutting pop is a HUGE thing when trying to diet/exercise.... So I'm trying! :blushing:

    I'm glad to learn you're steady progressing. If you keep at it before you realize it you'll be doing 30 minutes then 60 on that elliptical machine. I find that my endurance/strength increases pretty quickly w/consistently. I may not always be able to see it on the scale but I can definitely tell w/the cardio and weight machines.

    Keep up the great work.
  • FreeKatrina
    FreeKatrina Posts: 16 Member
    Hey girls wondering if I can join.. Been on MFP for a week now. Have been eating well for a few weeks but this week I started working out. Just wondering if I could join you all I did well with W.O on Sun and Mon but Tue and Wed I didnt.. I am doing cardio max at home after I get off of work and get the kid.. anyway hope you will have me!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Welcome KittyKat, the more the merrier. It seems our group is regrowing. Now that the holidays have passed. We check in daily to report our workouts and healthy (or unhealthy) eating. Feel free to share triumphs and any struggles. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good morning ladies, and welcome newbies! So glad to see that our group is growing again! I did 35 min cardio yesterday 15 treadmill, 20 elliptical...burning 350 cals....I was going to go to the gym this a.m. to catch a 5:30 a.m. class before work, but here in GA the roads are very icy this a.m. and the gym was not open. I had to brave the icy roads to get to work though, while driving 25 Anyway so it doesn't look like I'll get my work out in today, but its okay...i plan on doing 2 classes at the gym in the a.m.(that is if they are open) if not, I will have to settle for a work out video...which I absolutely despise doing, but its better than nothing I guess! Ya'll stay warm and focused on your goal!!! O and happy Friday! Woo hoo!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Vrdz, I'm unsure if my gym was open this morning but I decided to stay in and complete the Biggest Loser "30 day jump start" dvd b/c the newscaster kept talking about the black ice. Im disappointed I couldn't make it to the gym though b/c I was really looking forward to my time in the sauna and my strawberry/banana protein shake. Now i'm from the Northeast and have battled through straight blizzards (19 inches of snow, winds 20 mph) but decided to air on the side of caution. Anyway, the workout is complete and I'm glad.

    I'm down 3 lbs according to my scale (it better be and that has truly made this a HAPPY FRIDAY!

    If things go according to plan, I will take a kickboxing class tomorrow, utilize the sauna for 10-15 minutes and get my protein shake.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Choco, your scale is absolutely accurate, and don't think otherwise! Go you!!! excited for your success! I will do my weigh in Monday morning at the gym..I decided to do it on Mondays to help me be better on the weekends! The roads are an absolute mess out there so be careful if you go out....there was a 27 car pile up at spaghetti junction this a.m.! yikes! Have a good weekend!! :smile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Choco, your scale is absolutely accurate, and don't think otherwise! Go you!!! excited for your success! I will do my weigh in Monday morning at the gym..I decided to do it on Mondays to help me be better on the weekends! The roads are an absolute mess out there so be careful if you go out....there was a 27 car pile up at spaghetti junction this a.m.! yikes! Have a good weekend!! :smile:

    Girl, I got on and off the scale about 4 times before I was satisfied it was correct....LOL. I really hope I can get these last 2 lbs off w/in the next month, that would be so awesome.

    I heard about the 27 car pile up. I do have a few errands to run so I'll be heading out shortly. I was trying to wait until the sun had been out for a while but I really need to get these things done sooner than later.

    If weighin in on Mondays will keep u on track over the weekend then I say BRILLIANT PLAN!

    Have a great weekend.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Well, I was feeling kinda sore and moody yesterday so I thought I was going to take a rest day today... NOPE :smile: I went to the gym this morning and added two pieces of equipment to my routine. Elliptical (20mins), bike (20mins), stair stepper (20mins), and treadmill (20mins)! Each machine was a 5 min warm up and cool down, with 1 min of heavy activity, then 2 of low. I hope to increase these numbers, but I'm just on day 6. Tomorrow me and my husband are going together, eventhough we will not see eachother the entire time because he's doing free weights :laugh: Once my yoga stops making my upper body sore, I will start weights also.

    Awe, choco, hope you get your sauna soon :flowerforyou:

    I must admit, yesterday and today have been really hard on me. I feel all emotional and crazy! I think it's because I changed everything about exercise and eatting in just one day! I hope I even out soon. I also feel fat at the end of the day!!! :noway: Like bloated! I hated jogging on the treadmill as well, I could feel myself jiggle :laugh: I just have to tell myself it took me 5 months to gain 20 lbs, I'm not going to lose it in just a few weeks! May sound like a "no duh" statement, but I really thought I could lose more in one month! I weighted my self at the gym today 137! I thought I was 135 when I started! I'm just irritated I guess. I did use the scale at home and it's a dial, so I'm just going to use the one at the gym from now on and weigh every friday.

    Hope tomorrow is better :drinker:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    tommorrow will be better! Keep up the good work!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Well, I was feeling kinda sore and moody yesterday so I thought I was going to take a rest day today... NOPE :smile: I went to the gym this morning and added two pieces of equipment to my routine. Elliptical (20mins), bike (20mins), stair stepper (20mins), and treadmill (20mins)! Each machine was a 5 min warm up and cool down, with 1 min of heavy activity, then 2 of low. I hope to increase these numbers, but I'm just on day 6. Tomorrow me and my husband are going together, eventhough we will not see eachother the entire time because he's doing free weights :laugh: Once my yoga stops making my upper body sore, I will start weights also.

    Awe, choco, hope you get your sauna soon :flowerforyou:

    I must admit, yesterday and today have been really hard on me. I feel all emotional and crazy! I think it's because I changed everything about exercise and eatting in just one day! I hope I even out soon. I also feel fat at the end of the day!!! :noway: Like bloated! I hated jogging on the treadmill as well, I could feel myself jiggle :laugh: I just have to tell myself it took me 5 months to gain 20 lbs, I'm not going to lose it in just a few weeks! May sound like a "no duh" statement, but I really thought I could lose more in one month! I weighted my self at the gym today 137! I thought I was 135 when I started! I'm just irritated I guess. I did use the scale at home and it's a dial, so I'm just going to use the one at the gym from now on and weigh every friday.

    Hope tomorrow is better :drinker:

    You should be very proud of yourself for going to the gym and eating healthy over the last 6 days. Before you know it you're endurance and your strength will have increased and you'll notice you've lost inches b/c clothes are fitting better. That pesky scale can be the death of us though b/c sometimes despite our best effort it won't budge. You'll get frustrated, you might feel like giving up BUT remember you have a support group here on MFP.

    It may not feel like it now but "this too shall pass".

    Motto: "Equipped to win in 2010"
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Hi guys! I would like to join your thread if there's room! My name is Jessica and I am a 33 y.o. mom to 5 kids. My youngest is 4 months old, and I am dedicated to getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It's going to be a long journey, but I have done it in the past and know I can do it again. I would love to have a group of friends to support me along the way, and offer what advice I can in return. I would like to lose a total of 71 pounds, and have lost 4 since I started on MFP about a week ago.

    I've read through a few pages to get a little acquainted with the group, but have not read everything yet. I too am a big fan of TBL videos, and have had great success with them in the past. I have been out walking a little bit, but it's really COLD and WINDY here in PA right now, so getting out with the baby is difficult. I hate sticking to videos though, because in the back of your mind you can cheat a little bit, like knowing how much longer you have with a particular exercise and going a little easier than you should. I did the low impact aerobics on the original TBL video today, then a little bit of free weights and some stepping on my bottom step.

    I am really looking forward to getting to know everybody here!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi guys! I would like to join your thread if there's room! My name is Jessica and I am a 33 y.o. mom to 5 kids. My youngest is 4 months old, and I am dedicated to getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It's going to be a long journey, but I have done it in the past and know I can do it again. I would love to have a group of friends to support me along the way, and offer what advice I can in return. I would like to lose a total of 71 pounds, and have lost 4 since I started on MFP about a week ago.

    I've read through a few pages to get a little acquainted with the group, but have not read everything yet. I too am a big fan of TBL videos, and have had great success with them in the past. I have been out walking a little bit, but it's really COLD and WINDY here in PA right now, so getting out with the baby is difficult. I hate sticking to videos though, because in the back of your mind you can cheat a little bit, like knowing how much longer you have with a particular exercise and going a little easier than you should. I did the low impact aerobics on the original TBL video today, then a little bit of free weights and some stepping on my bottom step.

    I am really looking forward to getting to know everybody here!

    Welcome tattoo, I've been apart of this group since sometime in November and have posted pretty consistently. We dwindled a little bit over the holiday but appear to be re-growing.

    We generally post on a daily basis just discuss our workouts and eating habits. This group doesn't weigh in but feel free to post any and all of your achievements.

    Since I've been posting we've not done any challenges but if you have any ideas about what keep ups fresh and committed by all means share them with the group.

    Congratulations on your weight loss thus far. You're right the journey may be long and tedious but know you have a group that can and will support you along the way.
  • FreeKatrina
    FreeKatrina Posts: 16 Member
    Morning, well afternoon girls!
    Struggling today!! I forgot to eat breakfast and for lunch all I managed to get down is a granola bar and grapefruit!!
    Great job for all those who worked out!! We can do this one pound at a time!!
    AFM: Tonight my hubby and I have a date!! The kiddo is at grannys for the night!! We plan on going out to dinner at first I was thinking I couldnt eat anything but this is the first time in about a year that we will be able to go out and have us time.. so I may go over tonight, who knows!! I did about 15m of running this morning before I had to head to work.. so at least that is something for me. I am in such a rut right now!! But everyday is a new day for me to gain motivation! One of my friends suggested that I put a dollar in a jar everytime I work out and then reward myself with a pedi/mani or something.. I may do that!
    Anyway Hi and happy Friday!
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