Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Happy Thursday all! Sorry I didn't check in yestereday, we were off for Veteran's Day and was so busy i didn't even turn my computer on at home! So I did pretty good yesterday, I did eat some fries, but I also ran 6.5 miles and burned 1,000 cals while doing it, so I think I worked them off....
    I'm suppossed to weigh in tommorrow but I dont think I want to because Aunt Flo decided it was time to visit yesterday and I feel like a blimp! Ugghhhh, its like a never ending cycle!
    Almost Friday!!!!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Happy Friday to all! Ready for the weekend for sure! Running a 5K in the a.m. so hoping that will help keep me on track for the rest of the weekend. I haven't weighed in yet, am still debating on whether I want to wait until next week because of TOM.....all you ladies have strength this weekend and hoping for a successful one with no gains!!!!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    I'm not weighing in today I don't think because of the same reason vrdz. I feel fluffy so I am scared of seeing a bigger number than last week so I am gonna wait till Monday maybe. I haven't done very good with the gym this week, only went three times. Probably will go Sunday after bf leaves for Rome. I hope everyone has a good weekend and be good :wink:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I bit the bullet and weighed myself....and to my surprise... i actually lost 1/2 a pound! yay! and I kno I am retaining water so that means i may have actually lost more! yay! good motivator
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    I bit the bullet and weighed myself....and to my surprise... i actually lost 1/2 a pound! yay! and I kno I am retaining water so that means i may have actually lost more! yay! good motivator

    CONGRATS!!! That's great news and yes a fantastic motivator!!!

    Here's to a great weekend for everyone. I can't wait to hear how everyone did. I'm planning on working out tonight, shopping all day tomorrow w/ my cousin (that's my workout) and working out again on Sunday. As far as the eating...I'm goint to try my best to stay healthy and avoid sweets...seems that the weekends are my biggest sweet craving times!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    tsk tsk...I am drinking a small coke icee, at least I passed the fries. Hard to do but I did. Why can't they at least make diet coke icees. That would be nice :smile:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    tsk tsk...I am drinking a small coke icee, at least I passed the fries. Hard to do but I did. Why can't they at least make diet coke icees. That would be nice :smile:

    Yay for passing on the fries! It's the small victories that count! hope your weekend is good!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello all, although I fall slightly outside of the age group I decided to post since it appears i have the same struggles as everyone else. I joined a boot camp last week and lost 4.4 lbs and 2.2% body fat in my first week. I'm super excited. Boot camp is held 3 days a week w/workout assignments given on our off days. Tomorrow's assignment is to do some type of cardio activity for at least an hour. I have decided to take the kickbocking class at my local gym. My struggle will be this Sunday when I decide to check out "Law Abiding Citizen" at the movies. I love to snack while watching movies and I absolutely love "movie" popcorn so I am trying to think of a healthy alternative. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Otherwise I feel pretty confident that I will be able to make healthier choices this weekend.

    Everyone have a great weekend!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Hello all, although I fall slightly outside of the age group I decided to post since it appears i have the same struggles as everyone else. I joined a boot camp last week and lost 4.4 lbs and 2.2% body fat in my first week. I'm super excited. Boot camp is held 3 days a week w/workout assignments given on our off days. Tomorrow's assignment is to do some type of cardio activity for at least an hour. I have decided to take the kickbocking class at my local gym. My struggle will be this Sunday when I decide to check out "Law Abiding Citizen" at the movies. I love to snack while watching movies and I absolutely love "movie" popcorn so I am trying to think of a healthy alternative. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Otherwise I feel pretty confident that I will be able to make healthier choices this weekend.

    Everyone have a great weekend!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Calculator

    Welcome Choco! Glad to have you!!!:smile: My suggestion for the movie would be to pop your own popcorn at home...the healthy pop kind, or may b even butter so atleast you know how may calories you will be consuming, put it in a zip lock baggie or two and carry a big purse to the movie and take it in with you. If you get a big enough purse, you can put a drink in it
    We used to do that when I was a kids, my mom would go to the store before the movies and buy candy to save $$$ at the movies. So this way, you will be saving $$$ and calories..a double bonus!!!

    Good Luck and have a great weekend!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Welcome Choco! Glad to have you!!! My suggestion for the movie would be to pop your own popcorn at home...the healthy pop kind, or may b even butter so atleast you know how may calories you will be consuming, put it in a zip lock baggie or two and carry a big purse to the movie and take it in with you. If you get a big enough purse, you can put a drink in it
    We used to do that when I was a kids, my mom would go to the store before the movies and buy candy to save $$$ at the movies. So this way, you will be saving $$$ and calories..a double bonus!!!

    Good Luck and have a great weekend!!!

    Thank you for the movie suggestion. I hadn't even thought of that and i have the 94% fat free Orville Redbaucher sitting right in my cabinet. BTW, thank you for the welcome. This is the first site I have ever posted on and so far so good.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE!!! I don't have much time b/c my students will be walking in any second!!!

    My weekend wasn't too bad...I ate at Red Robin with my cousin who I took shopping yesterday but I did pretty good w/ the turkey burger and only ate 1/2 of it...but I did eat some fries...OOPS ;)

    Today is an extremely tiring day for me...I stayed at my bf's last night so I had an hour drive to work this morning...SO I went to bed with a migraine last night...not good ;( Today we take our students swimming all morning which makes for an exhausting afternoon for all of us (adults & students). Then I'm taking the student I mentor on a field trip to the fire station with our group from school. THEN I'm going to try to do Cardio Max today which KILLED me the last time I did it!!!

    Maybe one day off won't be a bad idea?!?!?!?!?!? I've worked out the last 10 days straight :)
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Happy Monday!!!!!! I have fabulous news, I placed 2nd in my age group (25-29) on Saturday morning...I gots me a trophy and :) But then I ruined it by going out with friends Sat nite and drinking a few too many beers :( but I guesss I deserved :0
    Soo back on the band wagon today....How was everyone's weekend? Hopefully it was good....can hardly believe next week is Thanksgiving!!!! looking forward to a three day work week, but not looking forward to having to fight anyone have any suggestions on how to fight Thanksgiving?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Monday all,

    I had a pretty productive weekend. I completed a kick boxing class on Saturday along with 20 minutes on the elliptical at a decent resistance level. I didn't realize kick boxing was going to kick my booty so bad or I would of held off from doing the elliptical but hey I burned some extra calories so it's all good. Friday is the end of my first session at boot camp and we have to do a fit test and re-take our body measurements, body fat percentage and weight. Cross your fingers that I will see some good results. I am using this week as my "last chance workout" as Jillian would say on the biggest loser. I'm going to try to go at it hard......key word, I'm going to TRY. We'll see what happens and I will keep everyone posted.

    Everyone have a great day.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Happy Monday all,

    I had a pretty productive weekend. I completed a kick boxing class on Saturday along with 20 minutes on the elliptical at a decent resistance level. I didn't realize kick boxing was going to kick my booty so bad or I would of held off from doing the elliptical but hey I burned some extra calories so it's all good. Friday is the end of my first session at boot camp and we have to do a fit test and re-take our body measurements, body fat percentage and weight. Cross your fingers that I will see some good results. I am using this week as my "last chance workout" as Jillian would say on the biggest loser. I'm going to try to go at it hard......key word, I'm going to TRY. We'll see what happens and I will keep everyone posted.

    Everyone have a great day.

    Good Job on extra cardio this weekend! Kick boxing is so fun but it is also hard! And you don't realize how hard you have worked until the next day when you can't hardly :) I kno you will do great this week and your measurements will b awesome! Keep up the good work!!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hello Ladies! I haven't posted in about a week and I missed ya'll!! :tongue: Here's to another motivating Monday, picking back up after the weekend. :drinker:

    Way to go vrdz on your 5k this weekend!! And DreeDub for working out 10 days straight!

    It sounds like everyone is doing good and being conscious of your eating and working out!

    My week was crazy last week so I haven't logged everything yet, but I did pretty good. I was off on Thursday (volunteered at my son's school) but I managed to go on a 1 hour- 5 mile walk on the trail outside, came back and did Jillian's 40 minute No More Trouble Zones. It kicked my butt, but I felt so good afterward. I got some cardio in and a good strength workout. I was so sore on Friday! I repeated that same routine on Saturday afternoon too.

    I ate pretty well, but once again the weekend tried to corrupt me. It started Friday afternoon when I gave in to a Corner Bakery brownie, one of my faves, and topped it off with pizza Friday night. Then Sunday, while watching the Cowboys get clobbered, I ate chips & queso and a hamburger. I talked myself into "deserving" it for all my hard work all week.

    This sounds a little OCD, but I looked at my log and out of the 28 meals I had for the entire week, I only made bad decisions on 3 of them. I was beating myself up yesterday and it made me feel better to look at it that way.

    I've been at this for 7 weeks now and I'm really noticing a difference in my body shape. The weight isn't coming off as quickly, but I can tell with my clothes, etc. I had to buy a new, smaller size pair of pants this weekend. Woo hoo!!

    Keep working at it this week ladies! Good luck to all!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good Job on extra cardio this weekend! Kick boxing is so fun but it is also hard! And you don't realize how hard you have worked until the next day when you can't hardly :) I kno you will do great this week and your measurements will b awesome! Keep up the good work!!

    You are not lying about feeling it the next day. I was sore but felt great b/c I knew the soreness was for a great reason. I'm a bit anxious about the upcoming weigh in b/c I feel like I been working out diligently and making healthy eating choices, so, to not see any results would be rather disappointing.

    I'll keep you all posted!
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    Hi all i would love to join this thread if thats ok i'm 27 year old mother of 2 boys.

    I started working out on Sunday and went 48 min on the elliptical (wondering why 48 and not 50? my little baby 6 months old crawled right under the elliptical haha just started crawling) and took a 20 min infared sauna.

    Today I worked out 50 min on the treadmill and 30 min in the sauna.

    My plan is to work out a min of 35 min on the elliptical machine 5 days a week and take a sauna at least 3 days a week. Personally i enjoy my workout so far only because i know as soon as i'm done i get to relax in the sauna and read haha but its a great motivator for me being a mother of an 8 yr old and a 6 month old i don't get alot of time to myself since i'm still nursing and he refuses to take a bottle even of pumped breastmilk. anyways its been fun to read all these posts and motivating too..

    good luck everyone
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Hi all i would love to join this thread if thats ok i'm 27 year old mother of 2 boys.

    I started working out on Sunday and went 48 min on the elliptical (wondering why 48 and not 50? my little baby 6 months old crawled right under the elliptical haha just started crawling) and took a 20 min infared sauna.

    Today I worked out 50 min on the treadmill and 30 min in the sauna.

    My plan is to work out a min of 35 min on the elliptical machine 5 days a week and take a sauna at least 3 days a week. Personally i enjoy my workout so far only because i know as soon as i'm done i get to relax in the sauna and read haha but its a great motivator for me being a mother of an 8 yr old and a 6 month old i don't get alot of time to myself since i'm still nursing and he refuses to take a bottle even of pumped breastmilk. anyways its been fun to read all these posts and motivating too..

    good luck everyone


    Welcome snoflowr82! Good to have you!!!

    Happy Tuesday all! One day closer to Friday!! yay! I didnt do too well yesterday, I started feeling a little funky in the afternoon so I skipped my workout..:( but am back on it today! ready to hit the gym this afternoon and make up for it! Hope everyone has an awesome day!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hi all! Happy Tuesday!!

    I had a good day yesterday. I stayed right at my calories for the day and did Jillian's 30 Day Shred Level 2. Even though it got cold here and all I wanted to do was curl up in bed.

    I plan to hit the elliptical after work or do another video...maybe Bob's BL Boot Camp.

    Hope everyone has a rockin day!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Hi everyone, and welcome new ones! I was pretty good this past weekend. I didn't go to the gym but got workouts just doing regular stuff, I vaccumed and shampooed my car. It took almost a whole day to do. I get to babysit my little brother the rest of the week so I won't be able to go to the gym but they have a treadmill at their house I can use. My mom and stepdad are going to be climbing Mt LeConte in TN I believe, I am a bit jealous. :ohwell: