Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • mrsdovin
    Still here!

    Last week was not a particularly good week. I started to stray and never quite got back on track, which had me avoiding MFP (out of shame) like the plague. I'm planning on starting fresh this week, and have already done just fine with breakfast. I've been neglecting the gym, but really need to keep myself motivated and just push to go. I guess I just get so mentally exhausted at work all day that by the time I clock out I don't want to do a darn thing except lounge in my chair at home. :ohwell:

    Tonight I plan on getting at least 45 minutes in at the gym, and a short walk with the dog when I get home. We'll see if I can really stick to my guns.

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Happy Monday All! :sad: I did OK this weekend. I did eat mexican Friday, but counteracted it with a LOONG run on Sunday. I was proud of me at one point this weekend because we went to an All u Can Eat southern cooking buffett after church ( I was with the fam so I had no choice...) and I only ate salad and a piece of fried chicken without the breading....which is good for me because being from the south, southern cooking is my weakness! Hope everyone else had a great weekend, and looking forward to a great week.,..especially since we have Wednesday off for veteran's day..Woo HOO!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Happy Monday, I wasn't horrible bad this weekend. I am always afraid I will go crazy on the weekend. I canceled my internet at home because I had a crappy computer, plus I sit in front of one all day during the week. So I never log my weekend food in but I was just thinking back to what all I did eat this weekend and it wasn't that bad. I did drink a six pack of hard cider though over the weekend. Vrdz what do you eat when you do mexican? Is there anything that is "good" for you there? And as for exercise, I cleaned out my car! It was full of jackets and shoes and just junk. My apartment is on the third floor so having to make multiple trips carrying that stuff is major exercise :tongue:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    If there is anything healthy at a mexican restaurant...i haven't found I usually eat chicken quesadilla and refried beans with cheese dip :blushing: .I don't even want to know the calorie, I think that fajitas would prob b your best choice at mexican but without sourcream, guacamole, or cheese which makes them no fun! I also have a weakness for margaritas at mexican which is prob worse for you than the food!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Yeah I think it is all the creamy things that come with mexican food is what makes it so good, the SC, cheese dip, guacamole, and of course the margaritas. I love them!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    . I did drink a six pack of hard cider though over the weekend. :

    Mmmmmm hard cider yummy!:drinker: :drinker:
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hello everyone! Checking in after my too-short of a weekend. I could have slept late just one more day!!

    I didn't do too bad this weekend. I went to a party Friday night and impressed myself by just having grilled chicken and a salad. AND I even switched to wine instead of beer. :drinker:

    I ate really well Sat & Sun with the exception of a homemade dessert I had leftover from the party. :cry: I had some on Sat & some on Sun. But it's all gone no more cheating.

    On Friday, I got my new video in the mail. Jillian's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. Instead of going for a jog on Sunday, I decided to try it out and OMG!!! It totally kicked my butt like never before. One of the best videos I've tried so far. I'm starting to slowly feel sore today from it. But was awesome.

    I'm eating good today so far and plan to continue throughout the week. Mixing up the treadmill/eliptical tonight I think. Hope everyone has a good day & evening!!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member

    On Friday, I got my new video in the mail. Jillian's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. Instead of going for a jog on Sunday, I decided to try it out and OMG!!! It totally kicked my butt like never before. One of the best videos I've tried so far. I'm starting to slowly feel sore today from it. But was awesome.

    I LOVE that workout!!! In fact it's been a few days since i've done it and I'm planning on doing it tomorrow night! Another kick @$$ workout is the Biggest Loser Cardio Max...I think I was more sore from that workout than any of my other ones! It was a great feeling though!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    HELLO EVERYONE! I haven't quit working hard I just haven't had time to post :((( I"ve even been slacking on the calorie counting! I'm super stressed with my graduate work and working everyday. It takes all I have to get through the day and include a workout...which I've been pretty successful with!

    Over the weekend I did not do well at all...but I knew going in that I would have a rough weekend. Friday I was chicken breast for dinner. Saturday I went to a college football tailgate all day with some girls, went to the game and then out all needless to say I did a lot of drinking and snacking on unhealthy foods all day!!! On Sunday, I went to my brothers house to meet my new niece...she's so stinkin' cute ;) LOVE BABIES! :happy: and we took dinner over to them...a pasta bake, breadsticks, salad, and of course not a good day of eating again!
    Oh...and I didn't workout on Saturday or Sunday! :noway:

    Now I'm back on track with the healthy eating and I WILL workout when I get home from work. I have to do it right away though b/c I have 2 papers and a final project to turn in tonight!!! School is killing me!

    Level 3 of 30 day shred...HERE I COME! just a warning...if I'm not back here for a few's b/c we have parent-teacher conferences this week and it's going to be a LONG week!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing was so nice to see that people are still committed to posting :heart: I was a little worried about logging on today b/c I thought the post might have died.

    HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!! Hope to post again soon!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good MOrning All! Happy Tuesday:happy: or mini Friday if you have veteran's day off tommorrow like I do! ( I am still on call but at least I don't have to come in unless they call me:happy: ) Had a good day yesterday, walked on treadmill for 25 and did the stair stepper for 5 and about 25 minutes of strength training. It was my day off from running. Hope everyone is having a good week so far and is staying dry, it is coming a monsoon here in GA because of Hurricane Ida....with all the rain we've been gettin in GA. I may just have to invest in a boat:laugh: .
    I think we should do a water challenge today....try to drink 100 ounces of water and nothing but water all day (with the exception of morning cup of coffee). Who's with me?

    Good to c you back even if for a brief moment DreeDub, i know how hectic life can be while working and going to school at the same time.....hope to hear from you again soon!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    It is soo nasty out today in GA. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning to go to the gym so I was bad and didn't. But the storm caused me to have a nasty pressure headache. I shall try to go this evening. I went yesterday evening and there were sooo many people there. Thankfully I got there just in time to get a parking spot and a treadmill, when I was leaving people were practically fighting over spots. Does anyone here wear Merrell running shoes? After the gym I drove all around town trying to find some, no one actually sells them in stores :sad:

    After I went in the ****s Sporting Goods place I noticed a Panera Bread next door and decided to get some soup and salad for dinner, I thought it was going to be soo horrible but when I put it in my diary this morning it was just under 400 cals for the whole meal! I will have to keep that in mind because it was very yummy :love:
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Happy Tuesday! And no, not a mini- Friday for me today. :( Gotta work tomorrow.

    I'm down with a 100 oz water challenge! I have my 32 oz cup filled up ready to go. I'll report back tomorrow.

    I did well last night....stayed under my calories and didn't stray on anything bad.

    I went down to the gym at the apts last night to get on the elliptical, (I'm still sore from the Banish Fat video!!) and a man and his kid were on them. I wanted to be rude and ask the kid to move, because he was just playing, watching tv, but I refrained and took the opportunity to get on the treadmill for the first time in a while. I ended up jogging for two 12-min intervals with some walking in between, totaling 30 mins. I was so proud of myself!! Then I went home and did two circuits of abs.

    I signed up for my first 5k in Dec and I've been trying to work up to jog the whole thing. I started back in July jogging here and there and I've finally gotten to where I can go longer than 10 mins at a time. So if I can keep it up a few times a week I'll hopefully be able to do the whole thing.

    Anyway....Here's to the water challenge and a good day for everyone! :drinker:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    It is soo nasty out today in GA. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning to go to the gym so I was bad and didn't. But the storm caused me to have a nasty pressure headache. I shall try to go this evening. I went yesterday evening and there were sooo many people there. Thankfully I got there just in time to get a parking spot and a treadmill, when I was leaving people were practically fighting over spots. Does anyone here wear Merrell running shoes? After the gym I drove all around town trying to find some, no one actually sells them in stores :sad:

    After I went in the ****s Sporting Goods place I noticed a Panera Bread next door and decided to get some soup and salad for dinner, I thought it was going to be soo horrible but when I put it in my diary this morning it was just under 400 cals for the whole meal! I will have to keep that in mind because it was very yummy :love:

    I don't wear Merrell's but there is an outlet store in Calhoun that sells them. I can't remember the name of it but I am positive there is one at the Dawsonville outlets.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Well I'm sad to say that I missed the water challenge!! I'm logging in today for the first time and I can promise you I did not drink 100 oz of water today and I drank some of my manditory Dt. Mountain Dew (my substitution b/c I hate coffee). I'd love to try it the rest of the week though!!! I struggle so much with drinking enough water! It's always been a challenge for's so BORING ;)

    I'm planning on doing my Banish Fat workout's been over a week since I've done it so I hope I don't die...I'm hoping the fact that I've been doing the 30 day shred workouts all along will help me.

    I need some motivation for tomorrow girls...I have to work all day...then I have an hour break to get some dinner and get back to school for parent teacher conferences until 8:00...THEN I'm supposed to workout...I'm going to be exhausted...please motivate me and kick me in the butt to get it done! It's going to be SUPER challenging for me. They're such LONG days!!!

    OOOhhh...tomorrow is also "check in" day. I have yet to "check in" on this thread. I'll do my best to post my successes so far. I have it all written down at home. I'm going to be disappointed w/ the weight though b/c not only did I have a bad weekend but PMS is a factor this week and I always gain about 2 pounds at this time...YUCK!

    Talk to you all soon! & I'll try to get on tomorrow to let you know how I do w/ the water challenge as well!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Well I'm sad to say that I missed the water challenge!! I'm logging in today for the first time and I can promise you I did not drink 100 oz of water today and I drank some of my manditory Dt. Mountain Dew (my substitution b/c I hate coffee). I'd love to try it the rest of the week though!!! I struggle so much with drinking enough water! It's always been a challenge for's so BORING ;)

    I'm planning on doing my Banish Fat workout's been over a week since I've done it so I hope I don't die...I'm hoping the fact that I've been doing the 30 day shred workouts all along will help me.

    I need some motivation for tomorrow girls...I have to work all day...then I have an hour break to get some dinner and get back to school for parent teacher conferences until 8:00...THEN I'm supposed to workout...I'm going to be exhausted...please motivate me and kick me in the butt to get it done! It's going to be SUPER challenging for me. They're such LONG days!!!

    OOOhhh...tomorrow is also "check in" day. I have yet to "check in" on this thread. I'll do my best to post my successes so far. I have it all written down at home. I'm going to be disappointed w/ the weight though b/c not only did I have a bad weekend but PMS is a factor this week and I always gain about 2 pounds at this time...YUCK!

    Talk to you all soon! & I'll try to get on tomorrow to let you know how I do w/ the water challenge as well!

    I completely understand being busy...I am busy just with my job, which is quite demanding at times and I am un motivated when I get off work, esp. when I have to work late, which is often.
    My motivation is this....may sound weird but has worked for me thus far:

    A good friend of mine gave me the cutest pair of Seven for all Mankind Jeans (if you havent heard of them they are like $150 a pair normal retail, and they are just a little bit small, I reallly really want to wear them for New Years Party I am going to ( casual new years, I live in the So I hung the pants up in the front of my closet, so they are the first thing I see every morning when I start the day. I also took a picture of them ( nerdy I know) and hung it on my fridge so I can see said pants when I open the fridge to get something to eat. If you have something like that to look at when u get unmotivated, etc. sometimes it helps.

    Good Luck! Hope to hear from u soon!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    I love your motivation vrdz3215! When I started this whole workout thing before the summer, I hung a bikini on a hanger in my room so I would see it every morning when I woke up and every night before I went to bed. It totally helped!

    And since my fiance and I have such a hard time in the winter with gaining and eating like crazy, a few weeks ago I took an old picture of us in our swimsuits from a few summers ago, where we were our heaviest, turned it into a "postcard" with MOTIVATION written on top, and taped it to our microwave. So far it's worked for me...I look it at night and think how I never want to be that uncomfortable again.

    Hope everyone has a good workout tonight! I think I'm going to get on the eliptical tonight (my muscles are STILL sore from Banish Fat..when will it end???)
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Hey girls, it is finally hump day! I have some things in my closet that are just a bit small. I tried on all my "fancy" dresses for my stepsis's wedding and they were all too tight, I would love to be able to wear them again without have to wear a gut sucker or something underneath :laugh:

    I don't have a problem with snacking at home. I live alone so I don't have to buy stuff for others so I just don't keep anything in the house. Normally if I do it goes bad. I have a box of cherrios that I munch on if I get the boredom munchies. I did buy a 2 liter of diet coke the other day and I drink that in the evening when I should be drinking water but oh well, it will be gone soon and I won't buy another one at least for a while.

    You can do it DreeDub, I am sure it will be tough, don't over do it though!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    So today I decided to do the drinking 100oz of water challenge...however, I'm actually only going for the 64 oz we're supposed to have in a day! That's tough enough for me! As of right now I've drank 44 oz. Not too bad! I can only imagine the water weight gain I'll have when I weigh in tonight though :( It may put me back to my starting weight with the added PMS weight! UGH!! I can never be satisfied!!!

    Back to work...much to do before conferences :)
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    :grumble: Here's my check in:
    I measured the following and will let you know the increase/decrease of's a sad first disappointing check-in since day one...and I'm on week 7!!!

    weight=up 1.2 pounds (PMS? water?)
    bust=down 1/2" (can't I lose somewhere else?)
    wasit= up 1/2"
    hips=down 1/2"
    thighs R=same L=up 1/4"
    biceps R=up 1/2" L=same (I don't mind gains here)
    calves R=up 1/2" L= up 1/4" (I don't mind gains here either)

    SUPER disappointed with my weight and waist gains...these are my two TOUGHEST areas and I can't get em to go down!

    Here's to next week's check-in being better.

    Anybody else have some updates? I hope to do this weekly from here on out. I had intended to do this from the start but I got too busy!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Hi! I will do my check-in tomorrow. My tape measure is at home. It will be my first real check in with measurements. I have measured my waist here and there but nothing else. So I will post everything tomorrow. This is my red week so I am not expecting too much of any change weight wise. My bf is leaving Sunday for a 2 1/2 week Mediterrainian (sp?) cruise :ohwell: So I am going to use that time to work really hard and hopefully lose a little while he is gone.