Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • FreeKatrina
    FreeKatrina Posts: 16 Member
    Afternoon girls
    Happy Bday Choco!
    I managed to get cardio max in last night.. hoping for it again today! I also have to clean super good today so thinking I burn a little there too! Other than that doing ok on my eating.. I stay right at 1200cals, but sometimes dont eat my workout points. I also measured my waist and hips today. I came in 2in off my waist and no change in my hips.. do you think I could really lose 2in of the waist in 14 days...
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I really want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. I had an absolutely wonderful day and although I'm a bit sore from my intense workout today I feel good overall in body and spirit. Turning 37 has been great, I can only pray the rest of the year will be just as great.

    By the way, I went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and because I checked out the nutrional informations prior to going I was able to eat a nice hearty meal AND remain well w/in my allotted calories. I ate the Black peppered shrimp dish which consists of spicy shrimp, white rice (I asked for brown but that don't make it), black beans, plantains and a mango salsa. There was a total of 1100 calories for the entire meal (and they give you ALOT) so before I even took my first bite I asked for a to go box and placed half of eat in the box and placed it to the side.:smile::smile: :happy: :smile: :happy: I only drank water and I didn't even have a desire for cheesecake.

    Amk, GREAT job w/putting that anger to better use. You could have easily allowed your frustration to get the better of you and skip the workout altogether or go pig out on junk food. Instead you decided to take on Jillian that women is no joke. The Banish dvd kicks my tail everytime.

    Kittykat, sounds like you're doing the darn thang, way to go. I wish I could offer insight regarding the measurement situation but I really don't have a clue. Just try to make sure you are measuring yourself at the some spot to be consistent. Do your clothes feel any different b/c if so then you might have truly lost some inches. Nonetheless you're doing awesome so keep up the great work.
  • I'd like to join too and be more accountable. Today was a good and bad day for me.

    Working out: I was lazy this morning and didn't get up to workout like I should have :ohwell: BUT I have a bicycling thing under my desk at work and made sure I did that quite a bit today (over 2 hours total) - it's not much of a workout, but at least I'm moving.

    Food: I was really good on my food until I got home - no sweets and no snacks. Then I ate more dinner than I should have and SIX of those Hershey's Nuggets :blushing: I still can't believe I ate that many - I'm a little sick. :sick: BUT I was still under my calories for the day, so there is hope yet.

    Tomorrow is going to be tough - I have an early meeting and then I fly out for work and won't get to the hotel until after 9 pm, so I don't know if I'm going to be able to work out.

    Well, I'm going to pack for my trip and head to bed to hopefully get up in time to have a quick workout in the morning. Now that I have somewhere to report back to it's good motivation!

    Good luck to everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    GRRRRRR! today has started off horribly! I got up at 430 with full intentions of going to gym for a class that started at 530. I went outside and cranked my car because it was cold and for some reason, the doors automatically locked and so I could not get into my car. Long story short, I missed my a.m. workout and now am very sleepy from having to drive all over creation in order to get a set of keys to get into my car. grrrrrrr.....anyway, I guess i will have to settle for 1 workout today with DBF after work. I was really looking forward to the class this a.m., its called "making the cut" and its an intense cardio/strength workout. I guess I will have to catch it another time....hopefully my day gets better, I will be in court all morning so atleast I wont be able to snack to much before lunch! lol Everyone have a great day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning Vrdz, sorry to learn your day has not started so well BUT I'm glad to learn that you still have every intention on working out today. When you workout w/DBF later take out the days frustration on your workout.....kick harder, run faster or lift heavier to get it all out.

    Yesterday I started the day w/so much energy but today not as much. I didn't sleep well at all which has been a constant problem over the last year or so but for some reason I thought it was improving, Hah, the joke was on me. I went to bed by 11 pm but was up by 3:30 and tossed and turned until about 6:30 til I finally said forget it and turned on the morning news. I knew if I didn't get the workout in w/in the next hour I would try to talk myself out of it so I threw in my Biggest Loser "Power Sculpt" dvd and did the best I could do. While I really didn't want to work out I did put much intensity in and when I was tired of doing squats and lunges (I have a bum right knee and those exercises kill sometimes) I jogged in place or did jumping jacks while holding 5 lb weights. Fifty minutes later (5 minute warm up, 40 minute workout, 5 minute cool down) I was done and glad I sucked it up.

    Hope all my workout buddies have a great day and I look forward to reading your post throughout the day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    By the way, I just located my very first post on this thread and today marks my 2 month anniversary of participating in the workout buddies group. Great job ladies for keeping this thread going and I look forward to many more months sharing are accomplishments and setbacks.....tear, tear, tear.....
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    :Good morning ladies! Hopefully it's warmer where you are, like it is in TX! We actually might see 60 today..woo hoo!!!

    Sorry vrdz for your mishap this morning...don't you hate it when it gets the best of you so early! Great job Choco on resisting the yummyness at Cheesecake Factory. I don't think I would have had as much discipline, but that's a goal I'm working on this month. Way to go!

    I had a really good day yesterday! I stayed within my calories, ate well throughout the day, and had no temptations or desire for sweets or "bad stuff" at all. We've been cooking dinner at home all week and planned our meals out and it's really helped on the eating front.

    I got off work a little early yesterday and had lots of energy so I decided to challenge myself with Jilian's Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout that I hadn't tried yet. I was scared but it ended up being good and I loved it. I did the entire video, which lasted 1 hour and burned 486 calories! I felt so good afterward and feel like I accomplished something! :love:

    Choco- I think you'd like this video. It's Jillian kicking butt of course but a little different format than the other ones we do. It's a little 'less organized' because she's using contestants from the show. But, she does like 6 circuits and each circuit is a strength (with weights) move, cardio, strength, cardio, etc. for 25 minutes. Then you can choose to do upper body toning and lower body toning, each last 10 minutes. Those are more of the same moves we do on other videos, without the repeating circuit structure. Oh and of course it has a warm up and cool down. There were only a few moves that I had to do as 'beginner'. You should definitely try it! (Amazon $10)

    Sorry for the novel (seems I always type long posts). Hope everyone has a great day eating & working out! Keep up the good work!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    :Good morning ladies! Hopefully it's warmer where you are, like it is in TX! We actually might see 60 today..woo hoo!!!

    Sorry vrdz for your mishap this morning...don't you hate it when it gets the best of you so early! Great job Choco on resisting the yummyness at Cheesecake Factory. I don't think I would have had as much discipline, but that's a goal I'm working on this month. Way to go!

    I had a really good day yesterday! I stayed within my calories, ate well throughout the day, and had no temptations or desire for sweets or "bad stuff" at all. We've been cooking dinner at home all week and planned our meals out and it's really helped on the eating front.

    I got off work a little early yesterday and had lots of energy so I decided to challenge myself with Jilian's Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout that I hadn't tried yet. I was scared but it ended up being good and I loved it. I did the entire video, which lasted 1 hour and burned 486 calories! I felt so good afterward and feel like I accomplished something! :love:

    Choco- I think you'd like this video. It's Jillian kicking butt of course but a little different format than the other ones we do. It's a little 'less organized' because she's using contestants from the show. But, she does like 6 circuits and each circuit is a strength (with weights) move, cardio, strength, cardio, etc. for 25 minutes. Then you can choose to do upper body toning and lower body toning, each last 10 minutes. Those are more of the same moves we do on other videos, without the repeating circuit structure. Oh and of course it has a warm up and cool down. There were only a few moves that I had to do as 'beginner'. You should definitely try it! (Amazon $10)

    Sorry for the novel (seems I always type long posts). Hope everyone has a great day eating & working out! Keep up the good work!!

    Thank you for the feedback regarding the "Last Chance Workout" dvd b/c I was considering it. Perhaps when I get a little more money I can purchase it along w/the Biggest Loser "Boot Camp" dvd. I'm also considering purchasing a Taebo dvd b/c I really used to enjoy them back in the day and I know he has a few more updated versions. I'm trying to switch things up so I don't get bored which can happen very easily especially since I really don't like to workout.

    I made a conscious decision to stay within my calories yesterday because my cousin is coming in town this weekend. I plan to continue celebrating this weekend. First, we (me, my cousin and a couple of girlfriends) are going to take an exotic dance class and then head to the burger joint. Later that evening a different group of friends are suppose to have appetizers, drinks and listen to a live band. Since I know if I allow myself to indulge my calories may be blown I decided to stay on target all week and take a kickboxing class on Saturday too. My hope is between kickboxing and exotic dance I'll burn enough calories were the burger and appetizers wont cause too much damage.

    I'm only 2 lbs from my goal weight and i'm a bit nervous about indulging over the weekend out of fair it will cause weight gain but we'll see what happens.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Hello hello hello :smile: I didn't check in yesterday and was just catching up on everyone's posts.

    :cry: Sorry vrdz for your day starting out so awful.

    CHOCO- HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY WISHES :drinker: That's great you were able to go out to eat!

    Well, yesterday and today have both been amazing workouts for me! I really pushed the cardio and burned 575 calories yesterday and 425 today!!! I really do feel a difference when I'm working out! I still haven't weighed myself. The scale pissed me off when I first started out, so I'm not weighing till this saturday when I will have a digital scale! I'm looking forward to adding a weight workout on friday :happy: I'm now going to do 45 mins of weights and 45 mins of cardio!

    Ouch, my triceps still hurt from sunday, any tips to get them back to working mode before friday would be great :wink: Everyone have a great afternoon :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Ang, thank for the birthday wishes. Yesterday was great although today's been rough. I did not sleep well last night and now i'm exhausted. I'm soo glad I decided to get that workout in this morning b/c I would not be doing it today.

    Anyway, I'm glad to learn you've been rocking it out at the gym. Keep up the great work. I did take a peek at your food log and I don't know if you retain a lot of water but you might want to watch your sodium intake especially a couple of days before way in so you don't have to worry about a lack of loss on the scale. Water retention may not be a big deal for you and if not don't worry about it, just stay w/in your allotted points and you should be fine.

    Although it probably won't happen this week it sure would be nice to lose these last 2 lbs and be at my goal weight.
  • I'd like to join too and be more accountable. Today was a good and bad day for me.

    Working out: I was lazy this morning and didn't get up to workout like I should have :ohwell: BUT I have a bicycling thing under my desk at work and made sure I did that quite a bit today (over 2 hours total) - it's not much of a workout, but at least I'm moving.

    Food: I was really good on my food until I got home - no sweets and no snacks. Then I ate more dinner than I should have and SIX of those Hershey's Nuggets :blushing: I still can't believe I ate that many - I'm a little sick. :sick: BUT I was still under my calories for the day, so there is hope yet.

    Tomorrow is going to be tough - I have an early meeting and then I fly out for work and won't get to the hotel until after 9 pm, so I don't know if I'm going to be able to work out.

    Well, I'm going to pack for my trip and head to bed to hopefully get up in time to have a quick workout in the morning. Now that I have somewhere to report back to it's good motivation!

    Good luck to everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Checking in again and I'm proud to report that I DID get up this morning and squeeze in a 1/2 hour workout on my elliptical! :happy: I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's an accomplishment for me to get out of bed (especially with DH still sleeping) and not use my early meeting as an excuse.

    I'm doing good on calories for now, but I'm eating dinner on the plane (work trip) so I'm not sure what that will hold. But I did my under the desk cycling thing for 30 minutes during a conference call, so at least that's something. And I packed my workout stuff to workout at the hotel gym.

  • Yesterday I went to zumba for an hour and my second chair dancing class for 45 minutes. Huge ab workout at the chair dancing class! Tonight hitting the elliptical machine!

    Heidi - wow, 2 classes in one day? I'm impressed! :drinker: Sounds like they are fun ones too. I'm just happy if I can get in 30 minutes on the elliptical most days! My hat is off to you :flowerforyou:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well just got my butt kicked in step aerobics and burnt 794 cals. We worked our legs and abs today. I definately feel the abs burning. I think I will just take it easy tomorrow and stay on the treadmill.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Good morning ladies! Happy Thursday and it's almost the weekend! Woo hoo!! :drinker:

    Checking in for yesterday....
    Went over my calories a little but I was super hungry and needed more food...probably from all the hard workouts this week. My fiance and I replicated a Chipotle bol and made our homemade version last night....mmmmmmm. So good and not too high in calories either!

    Last night I didn't want to chance going to the gym and getting on a treadmill that may or may not work, because I might have gone ballistic! :tongue: So, I chose to do Jillian's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and burned 450 calories. I'm super sore from the video I did Tuesday night, so I was hurting! And today I'm even more sore. :ohwell:

    Tonight I plan to hit the gym and get on a treadmill for a walk / jog to give my upper body a rest (hopefully)! Then just do abs afterward. Still eating my WW soup for lunch and plan on a quick easy dinner tonight, like sandwiches, so I will hopefully stay within my calories today.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day and gets their exercise in! :heart:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Did 30 min on treadmill this morning and burnt 355 cals. Good chance I will go over my cals today since hubby and I are dropping off kids at grandparents and going into the city for some shopping and supper and Boston Pizza. But I do have just over 1100 calories (that uses all exercises cals) so I may actually be alright. Feeling really good, I have worked out 4 days this week so far. Will hopefully finish off the week with Bob's Boot Camp tomorrow.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Yeah choco, I think I am going to watch the salt these next few days. I don't feel bloated, but I don't want to let myself down when I do get on the scale :happy:

    Well, today is a "rest" day and I'm going to do some yoga. I really don't feel like it, but I know my body will feel less sore. Tomorrow we go to the gym and I'm starting weights :bigsmile: Today I just feel sooooooo freakin' tired! Not tired like I want to go to sleep, just my body hurts :yawn: LOL that yawn smiley made me yawn! So I'm going to take it easy today. I was going to do an ab and butt workout before yoga, but I just can't bring myself todo it!

    OK enough chit chat, popping in that yoga video and then cleaning the house. Everyone have a great afternoon :smile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning my workout buddies. I'm glad to read everyone is doing the damn thing when it comes to getting their exercise in and controlling their calories. I had a lot more energy today compared to yesterday so I headed to the gym to get the workout out of the way. I was able to burn 300.5 calories on the stairmaster (the machine where you walk on the actual steps) and 320 calories on the elliptical machine, so, when it was all done I rocked out 620 total calories. I was also able to get about 10 minutes in the Sauna so that really made my day. Once again I topped all that off w/a banana/strawberyy protein shake.

    While I did get a little more sleep last night I'm stil tired and wishing I could take a nap but duty calls so I'm off to answer.

    Have a great day ladies.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good Morning/Afternoon all and Happy Thursday! thanks for the words of encouragment yesterday, and my day did get better...but I wound up skipping the gym because i was just too exhausted...court does that to Anyway, today I have been on track with eating so far and plan on working out tonight with DBF after work! I am excited because he just joined a biggest loser contest at work and while he is not over weight and doesn't necessarily need it that bad, it will help me immensley because he always wants to eat soooo bad so its really hard for me especially on the weekends when he wants to go to Mexican or Waffle I know he will do well because it involves a cash prize, he had to pay money to enter (and he is a major tight wad) so he won't want to lose any money lol:)
    I usually take Fridays off, but plan on getting up and going before work to negate the fact that I skipped my workout yesterday and had a bowl of icecream:blushing:
    Saturday is the "greatest loser" boot camp that I joined kick off at the new gym I joined. We start our 1 hour 3 day a week bootcamp sessions on Monday and I am looking forward to it I am also determined to win that $500 cash prize at the end! I am super excited to build some muscle and change it up some! Sorry for the long post, hope everyone has a great day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Vrdz, I'm glad your day got better and it seems like you have a plan in place to get your workouts in.....Great Job. Quick question, has your ticker always stated you wanted to lose 20 lbs or did you change up your weight loss goals?

    Money is usually a good motivator for those who don't believe in wasting money....LIKE ME! I find I have my best weight loss experiences whenever I've paid for boot camp or a personal trainer or when my job held a "Project Get Fine" contest in which the person w/the most weight loss won a cash prize. I came in first place and claimed that I guess that's why I don't gamble b/c I can stand the thought of losing money.

    Hope you have a great day, any plans for the weekend?
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Choco- no my ticker used to say 10 pounds...but that was back from when I first joined and I put on some extra baggage! lol:) i think 20 might be too much for me, so I am going to change it to 15. This weekend I dont really have much planned, just spending time with the DBF as he has both Sat and Sun off (he is a firefighter, so he only gets the full weekend off every 4th week) Also I am on call all weekend so I can't really do a whole lot:cry: i only have to take call every fifth week so it could be worse..just wish it wasnt on his weekend off, I need a mini vacay so bad! I plan on having one whole weekend where I dont cheat at ALL! what are your plans?
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