

  • Laser hair removal. I can't imagine there is any reason I would ever regret having my leg hair gone, but I can imagine lots of scenarios in which I would regret having a foreign object implanted into my body. I've had laser (legs and underarms) and wish I had done it years ago.
  • LOVE this post! You really are awesome. I love that the "worst" had happened and you kept going. I have such fears as well and I know they shouldn't stop me. Having said that, WTH is wrong with people, yelling insults at people?! I'm astonished! Keep it up. And yes, I think bald is sexy. :-)
  • Sarcasm can be very funny. But I have no need to be mean sarcastic with anyone. I'm all about love and kindness (unless I forget myself momentarily). Which is why I stay away from the boards (second time writing that on the boards in the past 10 minutes LOL). Guess I'll go back to losing weight and getting healthy over…
  • MeliciousGibs I can't quite figure out why so much sarcasm and smarminess was spewed out by responders here. I too stay off the boards for that reason. I think you wrote your post well, it was amusing and I could relate to it. It most certainly is NOT simple.
  • I just want to offer my support for whatever that is worth. I don't check out the forum often because frankly a lot of the posts are just counter to my way of thinking. I need to lose 75+ lbs to get to my "healthy" weight, but I am trying really hard to just become a healthy person with healthy habits, and not stress so…
  • Despite being created for "seniors", the Sit and Be Fit series ( is also useful for anyone who has difficulty standing while exercising. I've purchased tapes for friends who due to recent surgery can't continue their exercises of choice.
  • I was thinking you must be from the Southern US, as certainly there is little shame there in owning a deep fryer LOL! Here in So Cal I could OWN a deep fryer but I would have to use it in secret! And yes, those things are likely quite yummy and I am finally learning that they are for consumption on a very rare basis if at…
  • I wonder how they taste... I'm looking at their site and they are by far the lowest sugar bars I have seen anywhere. I like sweet though LOL. Are they truly somewhat tasty? I may have to try these... I'm tired of all the bars having so much sugar.
  • "Sit & Be Fit" has VHS tapes on sale through March 31. I just bought one for my friend who is recovering from surgery.
  • I have absolutely lost without cardio... I eat healthy and well, and sometimes have trouble getting up to my recommended calories in a day if I have chosen healthy. I add in more walking and occasional stationary bike time when I can but it's not much and not daily. Isn't it normal to lose about two pounds a week when one…
  • What is "nsv"? :-) I get the concept based on your stories, just not sure what it stands for...
  • You know, it makes more sense to MY judgmental side to actually work toward a productive goal such as getting your house clean or your clothes washed than to exercise with a DVD in front of your TV... just sayin'.
  • Thank you all for making me laugh this morning!