

  • Every day.. If you do it every week or two, you can get the same weight or higher due to fluctuations which can be very depressing. Its nice to see what's going on every day. Only record a half pound or a quarter pound loss though for any one day, that helps avoid showing weight loss or gain that isn't real...
  • Good question, your instinct is correct. Concerning weight loss, you do not need to exercize at all. You can get your 1,000 calorie deficit any way you like. Eat 1,000 less, or eat normally and exercize like crazy to burn the 1,000 cals. Or do a combination of the two. Exercize for fitness, exercize because you are bored,…
  • I would take the body builder's approach. Rest for 4 days after the painful run. ( Go ahead and walk those days) Your body builds when it's at rest. When you re-work the muscles too soon, you just wreck the partially re-built muscle over and over again with poor results. With a nice rest period, those newer bigger stronger…
  • Pretty close, I'm still in the middle of the overweight range- 27.5. Basically, I look thin now, but have fat on the abs and haunches. I began using dumbells about 5 weeks ago and am aware of the metabolic contradiction and am hoping my slightly overweight, beginner status will carry me for a few more weeks or months...…
  • Yeah- I've never been so tuned in to what I've been doing- ever. Usually at this point, I'd be flipping out, exersizing too much, eating too little, getting a little dizzy and craving anything with fat in it. Instead, I know exactly where I am, and can calmly consider a minor adjustment, and I'm not craving a thing, since…
  • Hi.. My BMR is 27.5- right in the middle of the overweight range. I'm 208 pounds now... I record everything and measure everything. I measure my coffee creamer with a tablespoon, weigh my grilled chicken before eating it, read everything, record everything. I'm like a friggin chemist. I haven't measured anything with a…
  • Wikipedia- right? I went there first, they didn't have they number. Informative though.... Thanks!
  • I read this one. It looks like the myth you are talking about is that people gain weight in starvation- that the metabolic reduction could outpace the calorie intake reduction. Sounds legit. It did say they put the subjects at a 50% calorie intake and called that semi starvation, and that they lost weight, but did suffer…
  • Interesting... I read the article and it said you can enter this state at 1,200 to 2,000 calories per day. This puts me at risk since I am at 1,630 net calories per day. I am only running a deficit of 750 per day though. I thought I was pretty safe. The scale is getting a little stubborn and I was thinking of bumping up to…
  • Wow Thanks! I made a little error (75% depression was for 2 drinks) So- One 120 cal drink of wine affects your deficit by about 170 calories, two glasses by about 315 calories... I guess that's not too bad really, but it is noteworthy. I think it might be worth adjusting the calories to reflect that...
  • Fascinating... I wonder how many hours it takes to metabolize... So if my BMR is 2,000 calories per day, that's a little under 100 cals, per hour. a 6 oz glass of wine costs 120 calories plus 75 calories per hour for some unknown number of hours. Maybe 2 hours? Anybody know?
  • Hi- Its not gaining muscle (maybe a little tiny bit). You are inflaming your muscles. When you started working them, they started filling up with fluid. When I start some new workout, my weight loss stops for about 3 weeks and then starts off again. Its normal. For the fat loss, just focus on your calorie deficit. If you…
  • 3 ideas... 1. Keep frozen dinners and vegetables on hand. The tired/busy person will go for these out of convienience. 2. Keep eating lasagna and pizza. Carefully measure the portion to about 250 calories. Add a 250 calorie portion of brocolli and cheese, or brussels sprouts and butter or something on the side. You still…
  • Thanks... So will a dumbell lateral raise work the shoulders mainly, and traps secondary? Thanks.
  • Do not resist... Have a small scale at work, take a small piece, weigh it, record it. I do it all the time... You can fall asleep that night knowing that you had chocolate cake and did not cheat on your diet... And if you are really adventurous, walk 1 mile per ounce of cake, (do the walk first!) that will net out to zero…
  • Big box of plain quick oat meal. Every morning, I add peaches and almond extract, or a bananna and maple syrup because I want peach cobbler or pancakes. Whatever you are missing, you can probably turn plain oatmeal into a very filling version of it... Big bags of frozen broccoli and a big can of cheese sauce. I have 3 cups…
  • Its normal for the weight loss to stall occasionally. My only advice is do not get more intense with your diet- just keep recording everything you eat. If you do, you will know that you are losing fat for sure, and the scale will reflect it eventually. I also weigh myself all the time. It helps me when I record my weight,…
  • Thanks!
  • Thanks again! I read further and discovered that hormones = metabolism so I think that is what you are saying too. So its been a month with the work outs- Think that's enough time to have maxed out on muscle gain while losing fat that beginners may experience? I really think I need to re-focus on the fat loss for 10 or 20…
  • Looks like I get about 50 to 60 grams of fat per day, 200 carbs, and about 65 protien. With that, I was getting reliable weight loss until I started the work outs. The workout I descibed was one workout every 5 days. The only cardio to speak of is 3.5 mph walk arount the lake twice per week (3.1 miles) . I was looking for…
  • Thanks evryone! I read a little further and one guy said that when you burn fat, you your body is in a catabolic state, and when you build muscle, you are in an anabolic state. He didn't elaborate, but I'm guessing the anabolic state is also a lower metabolism, therefore the calorie defict you were running is less or even…
  • Thanks everyone! Inflamation- I've never heard of that. It sounds about right. I hope I didn't sound like I was complaining... Other than the scale, I do feel like I look and feel better as a result of the work outs. I didn't want to cut more calories because I wanted the energy for the muscle repair, etc. I'll give it…
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