Metabolism Question- Starvation mode

RGJeff Posts: 32
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition

Does anyone have any solid number on what calorie level over what period of time puts a person into starvation mode and/or a lower metabolic state? Perhaps as a pecentage of BMR or something else that can be calulated?

Also- how much does the metabolism (BMR?) decline? 10%, 50%, 70%?

I know a 1,000 calorie deficit keeps you away from it but am curious how far away...


  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    Bump...curious to see the responses
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    I consumer between 200-600 calories a day and i've been loosing weight regularly. But i did get to the point before where i was stuck at 7st 12 for about 4 months no matter what happened and at the time i was eating a bowl of cereal a day, some squash and a piece of fruit. Hope this helps.
  • natmadc
    natmadc Posts: 116 Member
  • chantel111184
    chantel111184 Posts: 124 Member
  • maryritt529
    maryritt529 Posts: 82
    I consumer between 200-600 calories a day and i've been loosing weight regularly. But i did get to the point before where i was stuck at 7st 12 for about 4 months no matter what happened and at the time i was eating a bowl of cereal a day, some squash and a piece of fruit. Hope this helps.

    Oh Honey....I hope you forgot the 1 in front of those numbers :(
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    I consumer between 200-600 calories a day and i've been loosing weight regularly. But i did get to the point before where i was stuck at 7st 12 for about 4 months no matter what happened and at the time i was eating a bowl of cereal a day, some squash and a piece of fruit. Hope this helps.

    this kind of info does NOT help. 200-600 cals a day?! If you have your mind made up you are going to eat this way fine, but I would not suggest advising this for anyone else. There are impressionable people on here who may actually take your advice and eat this way. This is not healthy, hon. I hope you can get some help.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I consumer between 200-600 calories a day and i've been loosing weight regularly. But i did get to the point before where i was stuck at 7st 12 for about 4 months no matter what happened and at the time i was eating a bowl of cereal a day, some squash and a piece of fruit. Hope this helps.

    You do know that you're effectively starving yourself by eating so little? No wonder you're losing weight, and the reason you plateaued was because your body was clinging onto your weight for dear life (literally). The recommended minimum for women is 1200 calories. If you're having difficulties, then see a nutritionist, please, because what you are doing is very dangerous for your long-term health.

    OP: there was a post about this somewhere - it's probably stickied - where they did give a rough estimate of numbers to hit starvation mode. Sorry I can't be more help, try having a good ole rummage through the stickies :)
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    I consumer between 200-600 calories a day and i've been loosing weight regularly. But i did get to the point before where i was stuck at 7st 12 for about 4 months no matter what happened and at the time i was eating a bowl of cereal a day, some squash and a piece of fruit. Hope this helps.

    this kind of info does NOT help. 200-600 cals a day?! If you have your mind made up you are going to eat this way fine, but I would not suggest advising this for anyone else. There are impressionable people on here who may actually take your advice and eat this way. This is not healthy, hon. I hope you can get some help.

    I did not say anywhere in my post that people should eat like this! He asked about starvation and i told him the food i was eating when starvation kicked in.
    And I do know that i am starving myself i've been anorexic with bulimic tendencies for the last 3 years.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I consumer between 200-600 calories a day and i've been loosing weight regularly. But i did get to the point before where i was stuck at 7st 12 for about 4 months no matter what happened and at the time i was eating a bowl of cereal a day, some squash and a piece of fruit. Hope this helps.

    seriously? that's not even enough for breakfast and 1 snack. 200-600 cal and if you workout too I am surprised your still standing and not out cold on the floor
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    I consumer between 200-600 calories a day and i've been loosing weight regularly. But i did get to the point before where i was stuck at 7st 12 for about 4 months no matter what happened and at the time i was eating a bowl of cereal a day, some squash and a piece of fruit. Hope this helps.

    this kind of info does NOT help. 200-600 cals a day?! If you have your mind made up you are going to eat this way fine, but I would not suggest advising this for anyone else. There are impressionable people on here who may actually take your advice and eat this way. This is not healthy, hon. I hope you can get some help.

    I did not say anywhere in my post that people should eat like this! He asked about starvation and i told him the food i was eating when starvation kicked in.
    And I do know that i am starving myself i've been anorexic with bulimic tendencies for the last 3 years.

    Please get help. I know this is an illness, but sweetie, you need to talk to someone, a nutritionist or your doctor maybe. And, the way you said it, "I consumer between 200-600 calories a day and i've been loosing weight regularly" does suggest it is advice from you and it suggests you are saying it is a successful way to lose weight. Since you suffer, I'm sure you don't want anyone else to suffer from this illness.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    my neighbor died on 4th of July 2 years ago from a massive heart attack in her sleep and it turns out she was battling anorexia and bulemia too for years. Hope you find the help that gets you healthy asap.
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    I consumer between 200-600 calories a day and i've been loosing weight regularly. But i did get to the point before where i was stuck at 7st 12 for about 4 months no matter what happened and at the time i was eating a bowl of cereal a day, some squash and a piece of fruit. Hope this helps.

    seriously? that's not even enough for breakfast and 1 snack. 200-600 cal and if you workout too I am surprised your still standing and not out cold on the floor

    I also suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia so i can't exercise or really walk. But i think the convo should get back to the OPs question!
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    Blimey when i'm writing a reply more pop up!

    I'm sorry if my response looked like advice but trust me it really really isn't. I meant it in at that amount of calories i am consuming starving mode hasn't affected me yet. Please to anybody that read that do no go anywhere near that low i hate my EDs and it is something to stay away from, forever.
    I see my doctor every couple of months i was with a therapist for 2 years, everyone is aware of my problems and help is there when i need it but i am seeing my doctors regularly to check on my heart etc. I think i did a blog last year on my page about it all. If anyone would like to ask questions or wants to comment on this please message me or something i don't want to be ruining the OPs thread! Again apologizes if my comment seemed as advice it honestly wasn't meant to be.
  • RGJeff
    RGJeff Posts: 32
    Interesting... I read the article and it said you can enter this state at 1,200 to 2,000 calories per day. This puts me at risk since I am at 1,630 net calories per day. I am only running a deficit of 750 per day though. I thought I was pretty safe.

    The scale is getting a little stubborn and I was thinking of bumping up to a 1,000 calorie deficit but maybe I should do the opposide, reduce to a 500 calorie deficit...
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Blimey when i'm writing a reply more pop up!

    I'm sorry if my response looked like advice but trust me it really really isn't. I meant it in at that amount of calories i am consuming starving mode hasn't affected me yet. Please to anybody that read that do no go anywhere near that low i hate my EDs and it is something to stay away from, forever.
    I see my doctor every couple of months i was with a therapist for 2 years, everyone is aware of my problems and help is there when i need it but i am seeing my doctors regularly to check on my heart etc. I think i did a blog last year on my page about it all. If anyone would like to ask questions or wants to comment on this please message me or something i don't want to be ruining the OPs thread! Again apologizes if my comment seemed as advice it honestly wasn't meant to be.

    Good for you!! Stay healthy!! And God bless!!
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    Interesting... I read the article and it said you can enter this state at 1,200 to 2,000 calories per day. This puts me at risk since I am at 1,630 net calories per day. I am only running a deficit of 750 per day though. I thought I was pretty safe.

    The scale is getting a little stubborn and I was thinking of bumping up to a 1,000 calorie deficit but maybe I should do the opposide, reduce to a 500 calorie deficit...

    Thanks for bringing us back to your topic...

    I'm no expert, but I had to increase my calories for about 3 weeks to get the scale moving again. It worked for me but it was a little scary, and seemingly counter-intuitive, to eat MORE to lose but it did work.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Interesting... I read the article and it said you can enter this state at 1,200 to 2,000 calories per day. This puts me at risk since I am at 1,630 net calories per day. I am only running a deficit of 750 per day though. I thought I was pretty safe.

    The scale is getting a little stubborn and I was thinking of bumping up to a 1,000 calorie deficit but maybe I should do the opposide, reduce to a 500 calorie deficit...

    I think that 1200-2000 number is consumed cals, not NET?
  • deverez
    deverez Posts: 34 Member
    'Starvation mode' as most people know it, is a complete myth.

    To achieve a reduction in metabolism, a healthy individual would have to severely cut their daily required calories for a prolonged period of time. In 1950 a study was performed where 36 men were deprived of their daily caloric needs (as low as 50% below their daily need) for 6 months. The result was major weight loss, and 40% reduction in their RMR (resting metabolic rate). However the men CONTINUED to lose fat until the end of the study, or until they reached 5% body fat.

    A reduction in RMR due to severe calorie restriction will not counter-act the resulting calorie deficit.

    Humans have evolved to handle starvation very well. Our bodies make great use of our stored fat. (cited sources at the bottom of the page, for those Wiki haters)
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Interesting... I read the article and it said you can enter this state at 1,200 to 2,000 calories per day. This puts me at risk since I am at 1,630 net calories per day. I am only running a deficit of 750 per day though. I thought I was pretty safe.

    The scale is getting a little stubborn and I was thinking of bumping up to a 1,000 calorie deficit but maybe I should do the opposide, reduce to a 500 calorie deficit...

    I think that the number to stay above is 1200 calories per day. But it's probably not a set in stone number and more of an individual thing. Here's some good reads: (commentary that includes mention of going below 1200 calories per day) (Mayo Clinic Calorie Counter)

    I hope that you find this helpful!
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