How often do you weigh yourself??



  • gmkimby
    gmkimby Posts: 58 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, early Monday morning. I use to weigh myself everyday, but quickly became discouraged due to the constant change because my weight flucuates throughout the day.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Once a week, same time and in the morning.

    I agree with this. I weigh myself at the gym, because they have a good scale. The rest of the week, I really try to focus on eating right and exercise. I have fallen in to a 2 weeks of loss, 2 weeks of maintain pattern (I think tied to hormones) so I don't stress when I go a week with no loss. Usually that is the week I start to feel my clothes are looser. Good luck to you!:drinker:
  • ewtx1000
    ewtx1000 Posts: 24 Member
    I weigh myself once a day, first thing in the morning about the same time before any eating and drinking to get the most consistency. There will be fluctuations, but soon you'll learn more about your own personal patterns. Hang in there and don't be discouraged for an 'up' day.
  • Shushonet
    Shushonet Posts: 37
    If you ate snacks with salt you might have absorbed some liquids that will leave your body by the end of the day.
    If you are before your monthly period, you might gain even 3 pounds - for the same reason as salt, your body absorb water.
    Don't forget to pee etc before.
  • Thank you everyone!!!! Wow - your responses were all so helpful and reaffirming. I think I will try to weigh myself just once a day in the morning and maybe I'll start every weighing in only every other day. I was about to be sad all day about the weight gain, but instead - me and my daughter are going to the gym where she can play and I can "work off" those 4 pounds!! :) Gotta undo the damage from last night. I'm going to drink tons of water today in hopes that it's water weight.

    You all are truly wonderful support. Thank you!
  • EmilyJ1979
    EmilyJ1979 Posts: 144 Member
    Most mornings when I get up if I'm at home.
  • RGJeff
    RGJeff Posts: 32
    Every day.. If you do it every week or two, you can get the same weight or higher due to fluctuations which can be very depressing. Its nice to see what's going on every day. Only record a half pound or a quarter pound loss though for any one day, that helps avoid showing weight loss or gain that isn't real...
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you everyone!!!! Wow - your responses were all so helpful and reaffirming. I think I will try to weigh myself just once a day in the morning and maybe I'll start every weighing in only every other day. I was about to be sad all day about the weight gain, but instead - me and my daughter are going to the gym where she can play and I can "work off" those 4 pounds!! :) Gotta undo the damage from last night. I'm going to drink tons of water today in hopes that it's water weight.

    You all are truly wonderful support. Thank you!

    You will get frustrated if you weigh daily because any given day you fluctuate--- you can gain muscle, lose water etc. Try tracking measurements and not just the pounds. i.e. girth of waist, hips, chest, arms, thighs. You can also use a body fat monitor to track body fat percentage. I bought one from relatively inexpensive. Omron HB-306 has been of good quality for me or if you go to the gym sometimes your healthclub has them.
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I weight every morning..stark naked after weight can go up or down by 4lbs for no comes back off after a couple of days...or I can sit at a weight for a week and then drop 2 lbs in one day...small fluctuations I no longer worry about..Its the long term that really matters..over weeks and months!!..Also..look for NSV. (non scale victories) they mean a lot more!!! xxxxx

    I totally agree with the emphasis on NSV's!! I freak out a little bit when the scale doesn't move or **gasp** goes higher- but when it comes down to it, it's about how you said you've done it for a week- one thing that you have to remember (I have to tell myself everyday) is that it can be a sloooow process. Personally, I weigh myself once a week- when I start weighing too often I start get a little panicky thinking I'm not doing enough which leads to extreme changes that aren't realistic for a lifestyle! Stick with it here, it will help you achieve your long term goals!
  • I was given a Wii Fit Plus. So I have been weighing in daily, about the same time. I walk an hour right away in the morning. Then am working on getting 60 minutes of Wii Fit in after that. It seems to be working well for me this past ten days I've lost 3 pounds giving me a told of 23 lost. Yeeaaah!
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