Another dumb calorie question

ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, I'm working out. Trying to burn calories and get more fit. Staying within my calorie goal for the day, including eating back my exercise calories. I followed a post asking about "fat burning" zone vs fitness zone and gathered that the goal is to burn calories in order to lose weight. That makes sense. What I still can't get my head around is this - if I'm working out to burn calories to lose weight, why am I eating all of them back? Don't get me wrong, I love the idea that if I work out I can actually eat 3 meals a day plus healthy snacks. 1200 calories doesn't go very far, so the exercise calories are welcome. That said, if I could be satisfied with 1200 a day, then I wouldn't really need to exercise in order to take off the pounds. I know, I'd be skinny fat. The question still remains - If exercise is to burn calories to lose weight, why do we eat them all back?


  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    because, if u dont eat them bak, u will be in a further unhealthy deficit than MFP already gives u. if ur struggling with a 1200 a day allowance, y not change ur goals around a bit to give u some leeway?
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Because mfp already has you at a calorie deficit....................
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    Ditto the other posts. MFP gives you the deficit of calories needed to lose weight.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I understand that MFP has me at a deficit. That still doesn't explain why exercise is touted as the way to lose more weight. I understand the fitness benefit. I understand that a toned, lean body looks better than a skinny, flabby one. I know of many reasons to work out and be more fit. I just don't see weight loss as being one of them if we add back in all of the calories we lose to working out.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Because maintaining lean muscle keeps your metabolism cranking more efficiently.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    The idea of working out is more for health benefits, than weight loss. Weight loss is just a bonus to working out. Most people just figure out their maintenance calories, then use their exercise to give them a deficit. Mfp gives you a healthy deficit before working out, therefore if you set your goals for weightloss in mfp, you should eat them back.
  • serendipityrr
    serendipityrr Posts: 109 Member
    If you exercise and don't eat the calories back, you will just lose more weight than MFP has advised you when you put in your goals.
    I think alot of people here eat half of them back....from what I have read.
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    I recommend you talk to a doctor to see what he/she says. I eat between 1300-1500 per day. I was told to only eat calories over 500 burned however a friend was told to eat them back. We are both still losing so it's working for each of us equally.
  • Calorie_Ninja
    Calorie_Ninja Posts: 14 Member
    Everyone has been saying not to but I stick to my 1200 calories a day and don't eat any of my exercise calories unless I feel like I need to. I just can't work that hard in the gym for nothing. If I stop losing weight then I'll shift my diet but until then I'm sticking 1200 calories.
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    From what i gathered you will lose weight not eating them....until you peak! then your body goes into starvation mode because you burned its fuel in exercise, so then your body will get hungry and go after the muscle, because for 1 its easier to eat and 2 the new calories you put in its going to store because you've scared into thinking its starving and by store i mean fat and continue to eat your muscle! This i know for fact is true! I started working out 2/21 and only lost 13lbs as of 5/16 at that rate it would take forever so i found this site and started eating my exercise calories and lost for in 1 week! GOOD LUCK! hope it helps. P.S. I was scared to eat em to, glad i did it was def my problem!
  • RGJeff
    RGJeff Posts: 32
    Good question, your instinct is correct. Concerning weight loss, you do not need to exercize at all. You can get your 1,000 calorie deficit any way you like. Eat 1,000 less, or eat normally and exercize like crazy to burn the 1,000 cals. Or do a combination of the two.

    Exercize for fitness, exercize because you are bored, exercize to look better, exercize because you want to eat a fourth meal in a day, whatever. Don't exercize in an attempt to go over your 1,000 calorie deficit.
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    and don't forget its science not logic!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    and don't forget its science not logic!

    The same reason I never "got' algebra.:laugh:
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Good question, your instinct is correct. Concerning weight loss, you do not need to exercize at all. You can get your 1,000 calorie deficit any way you like. Eat 1,000 less, or eat normally and exercize like crazy to burn the 1,000 cals. Or do a combination of the two.

    Exercize for fitness, exercize because you are bored, exercize to look better, exercize because you want to eat a fourth meal in a day, whatever. Don't exercize in an attempt to go over your 1,000 calorie deficit.

    Exactly what I've thought all along. I love the way my body looks, feels and acts when it's toned and has a bit of muscle. I'll keep exercising to get that back and hold on to it. My diet will continue to be as close to 1200 net as possible, trying to make mostly healthy choices but allowing for life to happen, too.
  • kimberlylove
    kimberlylove Posts: 14 Member
    I like to see it as a reward for working out so hard.
  • yumster70
    yumster70 Posts: 23 Member
    Everyone has been saying not to but I stick to my 1200 calories a day and don't eat any of my exercise calories unless I feel like I need to. I just can't work that hard in the gym for nothing. If I stop losing weight then I'll shift my diet but until then I'm sticking 1200 calories.

  • yumster70
    yumster70 Posts: 23 Member
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    and don't forget its science not logic!

    The same reason I never "got' algebra.:laugh:

    I'm with you! Before I read this one, I was thinking it was "magic"! Ha! Ha! I don't get it either, but apparently we don't need to know the mathmatical equasion for it, all of the shrinking bodies here are enough evidence and I'll just have to trust the process, take everyone's word for it and enjoy my extra calories! = D
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