I just don't get it! *weight loss*



  • KayaD
    KayaD Posts: 65
    After i finished the 30 days the weight started coming off faster than before I started it. I did not lose anything during the month that i did the shred.

    ah ok, that makes sense, it just confused me when you said it went from 5lb a week down to 1-1.5lb a week.
  • KayaD
    KayaD Posts: 65
    After i finished the 30 days the weight started coming off faster than before I started it. I did not lose anything during the month that i did the shred.

    oh, I forgot to ask, what did you do once you finished the shred?
  • KayaD
    KayaD Posts: 65
    OK Kaya, first things first, let's go over the 2 parts of fitness. Exercise is important to keep your body healthy, or to get your body healthy. Exercise promotes strength, stamina, and cardiovascular fitness (among other things). But in and of itself exercise does NOT make you lose weight. Yes you burn more calories with exercise, but that doesn't automatically mean you lose weight. It's the OTHER part of fitness that helps you lose weight, nutrition.
    You didn't even mention your nutrition, which leads me to believe that you are only watching calories, maybe I'm wrong, but that's how it sounds.

    Here's the plain truth, no matter how hard, how long, or how well you exercise, if you don't eat right, you'll never lose fat. While I'm on the subject, it's FAT loss your looking for, which isn't the same as weight loss. Many times the two co-exist but it is possible to lose fat while gaining muscle mass (although difficult) so you can't directly equate fat loss with weight loss.

    As to gaining enough muscle mass in 13 days to counter act weight loss, ain't gonna happen, the human body CANNOT build muscle mass that fast, you probably gained a little water weight to compensate for activating existing muscle that you weren't using before.

    So to sum up, if you want to know why you haven't lost weight, show us your diet and your calorie deficit. That will be the reason, not what exercise you've done.



    that makes sense. Usually I snack on fruit or something like a special k bar, 8 or more glasses of water through the day, I have one or 2 cups of tea in the evening, breakfast is special k, or wholemeal toast, lunch is fruit, wholemeal sandwich with turkey ham or something like baked beans on whole meal bread, dinner is grilled chicken, lots of vegetables and sometimes a baked potato, or wholemeal pasta. MFP gives me a goal of 1290, I usually eat around 1200.

    oh and sometimes instead of chicken we have salmon, or tuna (I don't like many types of fish)
  • Are you eating back your exercise calories or at least a portion of them. I wasn't and I wasn't losing. Now my goal is not as much weight because I am in competition mode it is body fat, but I had to start seriously eating back 1/2 my exercise calories to see any loss at all on the scale.
  • I agree, very disheartening. But dont be too disheartened at least you can tell you've lost inches. Anna:sick:
  • RGJeff
    RGJeff Posts: 32
    Hi- Its not gaining muscle (maybe a little tiny bit). You are inflaming your muscles. When you started working them, they started filling up with fluid. When I start some new workout, my weight loss stops for about 3 weeks and then starts off again. Its normal.

    For the fat loss, just focus on your calorie deficit. If you are running a 1,000 calorie / day deficit, you are losing 2 pounds of fat per week, no matter what the scale says. Record everything, be accurate.

    Exercise for fitness, not for wieght loss. Eat back the calorie burn if your calorie deficit is more that 1,000 per day.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I did not lose a single ounce while doing 30ds, but since I finished my weightloss has gone from .5lbs a week to 1-1.5lbs a week. Keep going, it will be worth it in the end!

    you didn't lose anything while doing the shred? I got confused when you said you didnt but then said you went from losing 5lb a week to 1-1.5lb a week? Sorry.

    She said she was losing half a pound a week (.5lb), not 5lbs! :bigsmile:

    Well done on the inch loss, and getting fitter....that's got to be better than just seeing the scales move!
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    Hi- Its not gaining muscle (maybe a little tiny bit). You are inflaming your muscles. When you started working them, they started filling up with fluid. When I start some new workout, my weight loss stops for about 3 weeks and then starts off again. Its normal.

    For the fat loss, just focus on your calorie deficit. If you are running a 1,000 calorie / day deficit, you are losing 2 pounds of fat per week, no matter what the scale says. Record everything, be accurate.

    Exercise for fitness, not for wieght loss. Eat back the calorie burn if your calorie deficit is more that 1,000 per day.


    When you start a new exercise program, especially a more intensive one like the shred, your muscles hold on to water to help with glycogen conversion (or something like that!). I will GAIN a few lbs and hold onto it for few weeks before it drops.

    I was also getting very frustrated with lack of progress until I dropped 2lbs overnight. I checked my body fat and had lost over 3lbs of FAT. Yes- I also want the scale to go down, but losing fat and inches is a huge victory. I would rather be toned and strong than skinny. ;)

    Keep at it!
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