smoten Member


  • beautiful, it made me teary. I can so relate to this. i wasnt the fat girl, i was bigger for sure when i started running. i think i was the old lady compared to many others out there but i kept at it. i love this so much, thank you.
  • i went thru this about a week ago. My son graduated high school and we had out of town guests and lots of food around. i just made myself do it. i set specific exercise goals and once i got started getting back on track I could tell i was feeling so much better. you will too! it happens to most of us and its nothing to…
  • "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes of your goal" --Henry Ford "The miracle isnt that I finished; the miracle is that I had the courage to start"--John Bingham "Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you are probably right". --Henry Ford
  • i have. i am 1/2 from my goal and have weighed twice this week. If i hadnt weighed in that last time i would still think i had a full pound! I feel a little silly worrying about a few pounds now but i am obsessively goal oriented and MUST SEE IT THROUGH!
  • do it! you will be glad you did; I bet if you don't do it you won't be glad you didn't.
  • LO FREAKIN L this is awesome, i am tearing up at this, so funny!
  • you might consider looking at a goodwill or other second hand store. I dont want to buy a bunch of new stuff that i will not fit in a month or two. It would be silly to waist all that money, wait 'til you reach some milestones or your final goal and then splurge on some new duds. Edit:well except for bras, that might be…
  • Start Now! But listen to your body. Really, starting out it can be barely more than a fast walk or a shuffle even. And what everyone is saying about alternating running/walking is a great way to get going. Just try it, see how long you can go, maybe 30 seconds or so and then do that alternating with a few minutes of…
  • i heard this too, but i think its because its supposed to make you poop.
  • I tried a new workout last night and i was sure it was going to be too hard. But i did it. i really feel it this morning but I'm glad to know that i'm capable of more than i thought i was. I'm grateful my husband told me to stop making excuses and get by butt in there. (he did this in a loving sweet way) I'm also grateful…
  • i just did the get strong intemediate Drill Sergeant workout. it was good, it moved pretty quickly between exercises but it made it seem doable and i guess it was! i will do this one again and i'm sure i will feel it tomorrow. i just wish i had a better idea of the calorie burn.
  • this was super, even though i love zumba i want to be bad *kitten* like the girl in the pic. AWESOME!
  • We take our coffee the same way! I thought about changing it for a while too. I didnt change anything, i just count it in my food diary and go on. i dont drink as much as i used to, i only have a few cups in the morning. if i need something hot during the day i drink green tea plain. You cant give up everything and…
  • That is so great. What a sweet hubbie. Enjoy your night!
  • I have a recent experience with what i consider to be a fanatical person. My niece who is about 24 has been a vegetarian for a few years and posted something on facebook about it being "X" years since ive eaten a dead animal". One of her friends commented "oh now your eatting live ones?"--Just trying to be funny, which i…
    in Fanaticism Comment by smoten April 2012
  • I get the same thing. In my clothes i look ok you wouldn't think i have an issue at all. I know how to dress to hide my belly pretty good and really, i only need to lose maybe 5 more pounds. if i didn't lose any more but could get rid of my flabby midsection i would be thrilled (and i am now focusing on some core…
  • I want to be sexy!:blushing:
  • Thanks for posting this. I was feeling a bit discouraged with my running progress. I started just last year at 40. busy schedules, injuries, illness and life in general sometimes made my progress slow. I just got up to 5 miles and my speed is improving each week so i was really happy, until my 24 year old niece just…
  • i totally did that quote thing wrong... oh well
  • Yep resting up for a few days before is the way to go, like the others have said. that doesnt mean you cant do anything. you could do an easy run, no more than your race distance or just walk or some other type of activity that will keep you loose. Good Luck!
  • I think i understood the original question and i do think it is protocol to wear the shirt later. The people at the event are already familiar with the cause (thats why they are there) so spreading the word at that time isnt really as productive as it would be at another time/location. If you get the shirt but dont do the…
  • Well thats great news! I cant afford a gym membership right now and want that definition too. I am also a cardio junkie, i still like it but maybe its time to mix it up a bit. Thanks for posting this. you look super!
  • that is super! Great Job!
  • Glad to see this post. i dont want to be hit on either "just noticed". No one looks at me EVER. I see men gawking at women all the time and nothing here! I think im just glad that others think this way! We all just want to be appreciated right?
  • I have lost 3 inches off my middle since starting zumba classes only a few months ago. i only do it once per week (in addition to running, some ab work (twice a week 15 minute routines) and light weight training). There is lots of belly dancing type moves and hip shaking in zumba which must be whats doing it for me. its…
  • i guess i've been married too long. i have no idea what i find attractive. Silly or not. thats awful. I do love the smell of "Fierce", i guess that's one thing.
  • oh, its on! i am making a plan tonight to add weights. i have gotten a bit lazy and have found myself in a rut. Thanks for posting, its just what i needed.
  • I know those people, and that is exactly what they are wishing for.
  • Well today my pet peeve is work out buddies that ditch. I was supposed to try a Piloxing class tonight with one of the only people i know who care about fitness, and she forgot to bring her workout stuff. this will make the second time this has happened. We were gonna be brave and take this class after our zumba workout,…