kirkytwo Member


  • Thank you :)
  • You're weight loss so far has been amazing, well done. It's hard to stay motivated, I understand that. I lost sight and trained last year to take part in the major series (similar thing to tough murder). After completing that though I slipped back into old habits and the weight piled on again. I have a 3 year old daughter…
    in Hello Comment by kirkytwo March 2014
  • Quite a good match. Same age and similar starting and goal weights. Female 25 5'2 SW 172lbs (when I joined MFP, 189lbs has been my highest) CW 165lbs GW 126lbs
  • Only been logging since Jan but beet counting cals since Oct. 1500 just seems like a lot. I was always very full when I used all my cals.
  • I'm 5'2 with over 40lbs to lose.
  • I went to bootcamp on a Saturday morning and actually enjoyed it!
  • Think im going to. Fresh start tomorrow.
  • Im not giving up. Just venting my anger. We have a group weigh in at work every friday. Others have bigger portion sizes, full fat coke, less exercise etc. They all lost more than me. So I was really disheartened today. Tomorrow is a new day though and I will try and be more positive.
  • I'm in. Lacking in motivation today as I only lost 0.6lb in my 1st week of using mfp and I did circuit training for 4 days in a row! Bootcamp coach has said to mix up exercise though as I have been doing too much circuit training. May account for small weight loss and ive probably bulked my muscles up. So tomorrow im…
  • I'm not saying I'm on a diet. I'm just saying I started logging what I ate and have upped my exercise this week. I have been changing my lifestyle since October and I've seen a huge improvement. Lost 9lb and 4 inches from waist, 2 from hips and 2 from bum. So I'm not expecting changes over night! All I was saying was I'm a…
  • I just joined MFP and cant quite believe there are no restrictions to what you can eat as long as it is within your calorie allowance. Weigh in day for me is Friday so I'm hoping to see some results. Might treat myself to some chocolate if it's a good loss.
  • I started the 30 day shred Level 1 on Sunday. Missed yesterday because I go to bootcamp Mondays and Thursdays which is a 45 minute circuit training session. 30 day shred feels like a huge jump because my body isn't getting the usual time to recover. Feeling the burn!
  • What a transformation! Well done :happy:
  • I'm an emotional eater too,have been for as long as I can remember. Have been losing weight for a while now but my Mum suggested I try this site as old habits are slowly creeping back and I still have so much to lose. I just completed my 1st 30 day shred workout. Hard but feeling really good now. Plus I've earned some…
    in Hello Comment by kirkytwo January 2013