
Hi everyone!
I've been using the app for 3 months now and in that time lost 28 lbs, still got 56lbs to go but now losing motivation!
I don't have a support network or a training partner so finding it really difficult to inspire myself!.
Want to get fit and healthy again to play with my little kids, and to do tough mudder. I used to do triathalons but put the weight on having D's no 4!
Look forward to chatting with you all :) x


  • speeno
    speeno Posts: 55 Member
    Want to get fit and healthy again to play with my little kids, and to do tough mudder.

    There's your inspiration right there... to play with the kids....if you give up now all your hard work will be for nothing, and you will be back to square one again wishing you could lose weight.
    28lbs loss is fantastic...surely the fact you can see such good results must help you stay motivated?
    Keep up the good work... :smile:
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Just sent you a friend request. Creating a supportive network of friends here who offer encouragement, advice, and truth has made all the difference in my experience and my success so far.

    Good luck!
  • mandi_allen
    Thanks, don't actually notice the loss, so far, other have commented tho. Just easier said than done! I find training hard on my own, I have no one to challenge me! Had a pt for a few months but they have now moved.
  • kirkytwo
    kirkytwo Posts: 21 Member
    You're weight loss so far has been amazing, well done. It's hard to stay motivated, I understand that. I lost sight and trained last year to take part in the major series (similar thing to tough murder). After completing that though I slipped back into old habits and the weight piled on again. I have a 3 year old daughter and I've found she is my best motivation. I often work out in front of her so that she had an understanding of exercise/healthy lifestyle but even at 3 she knows it's hard work. She cheers me on and keeps pushing me till the end!
  • mandi_allen
    Thanks, that really amazing working out in front your child, we cycle together but my 6yo aCan do better push ups than me lol and he tells me off, so prefer the sanctity of the gym! It's what to fo when I get ther!
    I'm sure with some of the lve,t support offered here already ill success! Thanks in advance! :)

    All yummy mummies and yummy people together! :D