

  • It's in your heart to do the right thing - now you just need to make it happen. All that training the first couple months didn't go unnoticed, and your body I bet was very happy with you!! Just fall back into place - and it will even just be more natural!! And pole dancing?!? Sounds SOO MUCH FUN!!! :)
  • Thank you all for the great feedback. As for the 22 year old that lost 70lbs at age 20, congrats to you. However, I've been watching my sister struggle for nearly 20 years, and 3 kids-it gets a lot tougher the older ya get, and I just love her so much, I want to see her live healthy for the next 20 more years. :) Example…
  • Thank you all!!! Great Advice!!
  • Funny - she is the older sister with 3 kids!! Her and I are just very dif. body types - she has struggled all her life, but she chooses to be lazy, and think it will go away in 3 weeks. Oh well. I am just happy her husband cooks for the kids - he is in great shape, and is a great chef! :)
  • Argh!! I am totally in the same boat as far as not understanding the fad diets! My sister is QUEEN of them! She is starting this week, and I got excited, and suggested she come over and work out with me a couple times a week, it would be fun. However - this diet requires ZERO excercise - since it is only 500 calories a…
  • You are not alone! I do the same thing!! However, I only actually track on my counter once a week! (Same time) It's really not moving as fast as I'd like it either - but, keep it up girl!!
  • You are working your tail off - and in return, muscle weighs more than fat!! How do you FEEL??!!!! Don't look at that scale a moment longer!!! Have the BF put it away for another 2 weeks... :) Hang in there!!
  • I was reading today that you need to reset your goals with your new weight, and your calorie intake will be reset, and help you get through the hump - good luck!!
  • I too am really picky!! However, the easiest thing I have found I've been doing is baking chicken or baking porkchops. You can choose a light side along with it, and your b/f can have something else. Super simple, spice it up just a little bit - and throw in the oven at 375-400 for 30 mins - easy peasy!
  • ditch the b*tch! You're doing great, and working your tail off!! Keep it up!
  • eggs are always simple - anyway you make them. Low-Cal, especially if you take out the yolks! :) Good luck!
  • Wine is pretty low-cal - I won't give it up! Ice cream is my biggest treat - and I got some weight watchers ice cream bars that are pretty tasty, and very low-cal Glass of wine is only about 60 calories.
  • Try Vit B-12. Take it every day...my mother had to deal with me and my two older sisters and that is just too many women in one house!! It is suppose to level you out, and I nicknamed it the *****y pill... :) your boyfriend would thank me! (Walgreens always has all their vitamins buy 1 get 1 free!) :) I stock up!
  • This is stuipid and small - but, don't you like when you get reconized for logging in each day? Today was 25 for me!!! Don't disappoint yourself, tomorrow is a new day - and keep logging in!!! :)
  • Very true...I'm kind of gotten stuck at 5lbs...BUT, I feel like I'm getting smaller. And taking measurements, I'm losing the inches! :)
  • I am single, and went last night. I spent about $75 on the staples of food - breakfast, lunches, dinners - and that will last well for 2 weeks. If you have an Aldi's around you - that is even cheaper!! I went to cub, had some coupons, and bought everything generic!
  • Funny you post this, cause I've been choking down (literally) oatmeal for my morning breakfast. The instant stuff in the package isn't too bad at all - only 130 calories. However, I'm guessing the crunch in the apples would be much better! I did litterally gag this morning! I'm more of a fan of the maple and brown sugar. :)
  • DIET MT DEW - is my FAVE!!!! 0 calories, 0 everything! :) Check it out!!! And yes, only make it count once a week when you weigh in.
  • This maybe outdated...but, it worked when I was 18!! My back is very bad now, so I use an ab roller, and increase the amounts every week. I start with a typical sit up, and then rotate my legs to shift side to side. I know everyone has their own new ways of doing crunches, and ab workouts - but...in 2 weeks I've shed 2…
  • Just track all your food!! And when the fam is over - sounds like you have a wii...it's COLD out - and what a perfect time to challenge those family members to some games!
  • Thank you!! I just had FOS for lunch, and have never attempted to make it myself!! Thanks for the recipe! :)
  • Well let's not go crazy and close FB accounts!! LOL There is a REASON for this site, and there is a REASON for FB. Use both of them correctly, and you get what you want out of both of them!! Who is excited to post a new fresher picture of YOU to show off to your Facebook friends??!?! I know am!!!
  • A night out!! That I will be wearing a new pair of cute jeans...(I have only 2 pairs that even fit me now! - so prob will have to buy a new pair!) And I will be wearing a shirt that doesn't hide all my curves...I will be showing them all off!!! :)
  • Kraft Macoronii and Cheese - Bare Naked Ladies, If I had a Million Dollars
  • Girl - I totally know where you are coming from!!! I've had people tell me I have to stop drinking all together...but, come on, there are plenty of skinny girls at the bar, and I just want to be one of them! I've been just trying to add the drinks into my calories for the day, and been kicking up the working out just that…
  • I have gotten my pedi's after the tan. So my toes are really fresh, opposed to letting the tan set in a couple days. Just tell the people who are doing your pedi, and don't soak too long and let them scrub too hard on your legs. :)
  • I would totally recommend it!!! I have been in countless weddings, and it is a perfect excuse to have a glow! :) I would recommend going to a salon that you go into a room, and someone sprays you. (Don't do a machine.) You will want to do this a couple days before the wedding, and when you do it, I wouldn't plan on on…
  • Try Chicken Tacos...they are SOOOO easy! Throw a pound of skinless chicken breasts into a crockpot, (can still be frozen), add your seasoning and water...go to work...get home, and the chcken will just crumble apart! It will be up to you to what you want to put on the tacos, but it is one of my favorites!
  • quaker instant oatmeal is super, super easy - and you can get the healthier ones...and even the reg ones aren't so bad. It's getting me through my first week! :)