Others upset by my progress...



  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    It all comes from their insecurity. I mean, if someone gets a promotion that's deserved, do you tear them down? No! It's usually those who fail to do it themselves that get upset when someone else succeeds.

    I will admit, it used to drive me crazy to see people stop drinking soda and drop 50 pounds when I have been struggling for several months just to make it to where I am. But I never tear them down. I say great for them. I know my frustration does not ly with the person making it. It lies with me.
  • harlee1950
    harlee1950 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't know why people have to be haters. Why can't they respect someones efferts and encourage their success. You know your able to reach your goal and your the only one that can achieve it. So let the haters hate your success and you just laugh at them every time you lose another pound. CONGRADULATIONS and keep losing.
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    You'll be surprised at who your real friends are when you stop doing the idiocy that they are still inspired by. I had a "friend" ask me how much weight I've lost when I replied 6 lbs she told me I could really tell in your face.....seriously? Same friend today says that wow those pants used to be really tight. I looked @ her & laughed. Dont let haters steal your joy. This is about you and not them!!!
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    Dont let them tear you down just because you have decided to do something positive and healthy!!! If you want to loose the weight its up to you...If they want to stay unfit and risk their health its up to them!
    They're just talking absolute s**t out of their bottoms as they are GREEN with envy!!!
    You keep doing what you're doing with pride and dont listen to foolish muppets!!!
    Good luck!!!
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    Obviously their reaction is a reflection on their own struggles and insecurities, don't sweat it! Just keep doing what you're doing and pay people like that no mind. :o]
  • bebemc
    bebemc Posts: 38
    Wow! Sometimes people are just cruel! Keep up the good work!! You've worked hard to loose weight and the goals you set for yourself are your own.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Forget what others are saying and remember this:

    What other people think of you is NONE of your business. YOU know the truth and THAT is all that matters.

    Don't let those people take up space in your head without paying you any rent !!

    Excellent that you have decided to change your life and too bad that they haven't, yet.
  • bayouswampmike
    Keep doing what you do. Whatever works for you. We can't always worry what other people think, appparently their esteem problems are getting the best of them. I have a friend like that, says I'm always bragging about my lost weight, but really she's swallowing in her defeat and esteem problems just trying to find other reasons to give up and not do what she needs to do. I will pray for those people because they need help. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!!! :smile:
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    Don't bother. I can't stand negative people. Be happy with what you accomplished and keep going. People will always be haters.

    Quoting a wise man - "If you have one person hating on you right now then you need to figure out how to get to five by christmas!"
  • misshenn78
    ditch the b*tch! You're doing great, and working your tail off!! Keep it up!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    1. Stay FAR AWAY from this person!!! DISTANCE! Never talk to her about weight loss again, wow she is the epitome of the word BACKSTABBER!

    2. Great job on your weight loss!!!
  • arwsgirl
    arwsgirl Posts: 75 Member
    Jealousy is a terrible emotion and sadly many suffer from it .. you`ve taken control , they haven`t.

    This problem is theirs not yours so please don`t stress over it, be proud of yourself x

    Yes...yes...yes...and yessss! I completely agree!
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    I know I gave my initial comment quickly and with a bit of prejudice and that is how I feel. BUT I am very sorry about not saying this first: Congratulations on your accomplishment! Please keep up the wonderful work, and ignore the a$$hats!!!
  • Shawnarose
    Shawnarose Posts: 74 Member
    Forget what others are saying and remember this:

    What other people think of you is NONE of your business. YOU know the truth and THAT is all that matters.

    Don't let those people take up space in your head without paying you any rent !!

    I love this line - it has taken me 48 long years to realize I do not have to answer any ones questions - I was just asked "So what exactly are you doing?" and I responded with a comment about the snow haha should have seen the look on her face then.
    I think she got it that its not only none of her business but that I no longer hold my self accountable to any one but ME!
  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    Haters gotta hate. It sounds like someone KNOWS that they are fat and can't stand when someone else is losing weight when they aren't. Don't let someone like that bring you down. If they don't want to make the change, fine. Just smile and think of the day when you'll be the skinny friend. : )
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    It's amazing. I have told so many people about MFP and the ones that could benefit from it the most have a long list of excuses of not wanting to give it a try. It's really amazing!

    This program is for YOU! It's very difficult sometimes to understand and accept the fact that you are worth it! Keep going. You are doing great!