Grocery budget - NEED HELP

Hi all,

I'm looking to move out on my own and the most uncertain part of my budget is groceries. I'm talking staple food, daily meals, and the less frequent stuff like shampoo, toilet paper, laundry detergent, bathroom cleaner, etc.

I know my start-up grocery shopping will be expensive but I'm looking for how much I can expect to pay in an AVERAGE week or month.

How much do you pay as an individual? How much as a couple?

Thanks so much!


  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Hey :)

    I know I'm doing very well with my budget if I spend $ 200/mo (CAD) on groceries and eating out. But it really depends on your lifestyle!

    I would suggest tracking everything you purchase for an entire month in a booklet (or just keep the receipts) to see what your spending habits are.
    Then sit down with your bank statements and figure out if you're on the right track or not.

    Are you saving for anything big? Make sure you take that into account. Putting money away for a loan/retirement/baby/house fund? Make a list of everything.

    And good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    Since we started eating healthy we spend about $160 every two weeks. I buy the big thing of chicken breast at Walmart. I think you get like 6 lbs for $9 and that makes up a lot of our meals.
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    Hey I know all about grocery budgets!!! We are a single income family of 5 (kids are 15 & 13-twins). I can buy groceries, including toiletries & cleaners, for $300-$400 a month for all of us. I have TONS of tips and ideas, way too many to just list here, so if you're interested message me.
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    I spend $50-60 (US) just on groceries. Half of that is for fresh produce or what they have good sales that will last me a long time. I'm trying to cut down on it, there is just me and my husband.
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    Clip coupons to help too!
  • bluemartini6
    This will very a lot by where you live. I would google average grocery bill in x city to potentially get a more accurate estimate. I will say for me it's better with two people. I probably spend the same but know there is a lot more variety of fruits and veggies than when I lived alone- either I didn't buy it bc I wouldn't finish it or if I was shopping at samsclub I limited what I bought. Generally i think we spend about 400 total but we don't always buy off brand.
  • misshenn78
    I am single, and went last night. I spent about $75 on the staples of food - breakfast, lunches, dinners - and that will last well for 2 weeks. If you have an Aldi's around you - that is even cheaper!! I went to cub, had some coupons, and bought everything generic!
  • bluemartini6
    Also check prices of items you like at target. I've found some items cheaper there than the grocery store but not everything
  • jmmtaylor
    jmmtaylor Posts: 225
    When we were really hurting for money I would spend $40 for 4 of us a week...Some weeks it would be a bit more, but for the most part it would be around $40...Coupons help especially if you know how to find that good deals and have stores that have those items on sale...
  • Manda1987
    Manda1987 Posts: 207
    It all depends on how extravagant you want to be.

    I managed to support myself on $100 CAD a month when I was in my brokest student phase. That meant eating a lot of repetitive stuff.

    Now, my fiance and I eat on about $200 CAD a month. We tend to do a lot of bulk buying and batch cooking, though. Costco is my best friend... the meat is so cheap, and it's really fresh! It does require a lot of freezer space, though, if you go that route.
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    I buy local and try to get as much natural/organic foods as I can. My grocery budget is $125/wk. I go over a lot. We rarely eat out so it evens out.
  • Cryssy81
    Cryssy81 Posts: 2 Member
    Wow I must over spend then for my boyfriend and I! We spend $130/week and usually eat out once a week. I need to find a way to atleast get it down to $100/week, help me??!
  • JLeeAlton
    JLeeAlton Posts: 311
    My fiance and I spend around 130 to 180 a week on food. Just depends on what we need. We also have a dog so he gets food once a month and treats once a week as well. I really think we would spend less but he isn't changing some of his eating habits.. so there are usually things in the cart that I would rather not be there --.--
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member
    here is what I did. I sat down with a dozen or so recipes and worked out what ingredients I need to have on hand to make them. this became my staples list, my inventory. getting everything put in place the first time was fairly expensive, mainly because we didn't have a pantry so I had to buy a book shelf. the first grocery trip ended up costing about $110 looking at the list this time around I doubt we'll spend more than $50. I should mention that is for two of us. I would say unless you get really extravagant $50 a week is a reasonable food budget for one person, I set that budget when I first moved out and undershoot more often than over.
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    Just thought I'd give you an update. Today was grocery shopping day and I bought meals for 14 days plus extras, fabric softener, dog food, dryer sheets, dish soap, toilet paper, paper towels...I think that's it. GRAND TOTAL $137.81!! Not too bad for 2 weeks feeding 2 adults, 3 teenagers and our little doggie!!
  • yalisa0424
    yalisa0424 Posts: 173 Member
    On groceries and toiletries as a couple we pay approx $175 a week.
  • Lindac67241
    Shop BJ's, Sam's Club or Costco and save on the staples. You will only be buying that every other month if you are living by yourself.
  • melissapoulin
    i have my meals planned out on a 4 week rotating schedule.. that way i know what we are having, and know what to buy. the grocery bill for us right now is a bit crazy. we are a family of five.... a 3yr old, & 9month twins witht he babies eating store bought baby food..... next trip to the grocery store i will stock up and cook some batches of homemade food for the twins and freeze it. but not including the babies, we spend about $450 CAD per month eating out twice a month
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Match weekly sales with coupons. That's the best way to maximize savings. I about died last night when my friend spent $5.50 for a pound and a half of chicken breasts at Walmart. I stocked up last time they had a good sale at the grocery store for $1.59/lb. When there's a good sale at a stock-up price (any good coupon blog should include a list of items and the stock up price), I get a bunch that lasts til the next sale.
  • DenShort
    It's just my husband and me and I budget to spend AED 600 a week (US$160) and that currently covers us for everything as I'm refusing to eat out until I reach my first mini goal :)

    I do two main shops a week then top it up (mainly salad and fresh veg) as and when I need to.

    Good luck all!