

  • I think I've been lucky that I don't really have any "fat" experiences to share. But with luck, it's also been a lot of planning, because I have intentionally kept myself away from so many situations where this could occur. I won't exercise outside of my house because I fear something like the drive-by comments listed…
  • Water certainly has a taste to it. Different bottled waters taste different. Different city waters taste different. And different well waters taste different. We have a well at our house and my parent's have two at their house. Good water, but I still don't really like the taste of water. (When relatives visit, they bring…
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 3/6 - 1 mile 3/7 - 1 mile 3/8 - 2 miles 3/9 - 2 miles 3/11 - 1 mile 3/12 - 1 mile 3/14 - 2 miles 3/15 - 3 miles 3/18 - 2 miles 3/19 - 2 miles 3/21 - 2 miles 3/27 - 1 mile 3/28 - 2 miles 3/29 - 2 miles 29 miles completed, 1 to go
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 3/6 - 1 mile 3/7 - 1 mile 3/8 - 2 miles 3/9 - 2 miles 3/11 - 1 mile 3/12 - 1 mile 3/14 - 2 miles 3/15 - 3 miles 3/18 - 2 miles 3/19 - 2 miles 3/21 - 2 miles 3/27 - 1 mile 3/28 - 2 miles 27 miles completed, 3 to go
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 3/6 - 1 mile 3/7 - 1 mile 3/8 - 2 miles 3/9 - 2 miles 3/11 - 1 mile 3/12 - 1 mile 3/14 - 2 miles 3/15 - 3 miles 3/18 - 2 miles 3/19 - 2 miles 3/21 - 2 miles 3/27 - 1 mile 25 miles completed, 5 to go
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 3/6 - 1 mile 3/7 - 1 mile 3/8 - 2 miles 3/9 - 2 miles 3/11 - 1 mile 3/12 - 1 mile 3/14 - 2 miles 3/15 - 3 miles 3/18 - 2 miles 3/19 - 2 miles 3/21 - 2 miles 24 miles completed, 6 to go
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 3/6 - 1 mile 3/7 - 1 mile 3/8 - 2 miles 3/9 - 2 miles 3/11 - 1 mile 3/12 - 1 mile 3/14 - 2 miles 3/15 - 3 miles 3/18 - 2 miles 3/19 - 2 miles 22 miles completed, 8 to go
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 3/6 - 1 mile 3/7 - 1 mile 3/8 - 2 miles 3/9 - 2 miles 3/11 - 1 mile 3/12 - 1 mile 3/14 - 2 miles 3/15 - 3 miles 3/18 - 2 miles 20 miles completed, 10 to go
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 3/6 - 1 mile 3/7 - 1 mile 3/8 - 2 miles 3/9 - 2 miles 3/11 - 1 mile 3/12 - 1 mile 3/14 - 2 miles 15 miles completed, 15 to go HALFWAY THERE!!
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 3/6 - 1 mile 3/7 - 1 mile 3/8 - 2 miles 3/9 - 2 miles 3/11 - 1 mile 3/12 - 1 mile 13 miles completed, 17 to go
  • I think you need to actually forget about your first 14 lbs of weight loss that came off so quickly. That will not be your normal. It tends to happen on a lot of us when we first start out, but never again. Instead, the 1lb loss for the week is what you should see as normal. Be proud of any loss at all. 1lb per week is a…
  • Check out the Leslie Sansone group on here. It's a walking based DVD that also brings in things like side steps, knee lifts, kicks, kick backs, weights, resistance bands, etc. Some workouts are more beginner, others include jogging.
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 3/6 - 1 mile 3/7 - 1 mile 3/8 - 2 miles 3/9 - 2 miles 3/11 - 1 mile 12 miles completed, 18 to go
  • According to the calculators I tried, 5'2" and 160 lbs is 29.3 BMI which is considered OVERWEIGHT, not OBESE. OBESE is 30 or greater. I set my initial goal weight at what it would take to get me out of OBESE and into OVERWEIGHT, which is exactly what 160 is for you. Although I know not to rely on BMI, mentally I need to…
  • My 2 cents. You can't use a HRM like that, it's just not accurate. You might be burning 2,000 cals at work, but that is just an estimate. Have you tried wearing a pedometer and seeing how many steps you take? 900 calories for one meal is not a big deal to me. To compensate for that, I have had to choose that I either get…
  • Proud of myself this morning - I woke up about 20 minutes early and decided to see if the space was available to start my workout early instead of just laying in bed. Got an extra mile in and really feel like I got a good sweat going by doing miles 1 & 2 of a 3 mile workout instead of going with a 2 mile one that would…
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 3/6 - 1 mile 3/7 - 1 mile 7 miles completed, 23 to go
  • I will fluctuate some, normally less than 2 lbs, during my 4 weigh-ins per week - Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri, (and Saturday if I get up at the same time.) I do not weigh in on Sunday or Monday, because I know I do not drink as much water on the weekend, yet I often exercise more. To me, those weights could be the ones that…
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 3/6 - 1 mile 6 miles completed, 24 to go
  • If you want something quick to prepare, cut the chicken into strips and season it up. (I like seasoning salt or a bbq rub.) Stir-fry it in a bit of olive oil until it is almost done, then turn the heat down and add some bbq sauce. Keep stirring to coat the chicken in a thin layer of sauce. (Sauce should thicken.) Serve…
  • I keep mine closed because I do not log everyday or every meal, and I often log things I don't end up eating, so it's not even accurate. I'll play around with it a lot at work, more like what-ifs to see how things will fit into my cals and other areas, and those may or may not match what I actually end up eating when I get…
  • March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 3/2 - 3 miles 3/4 - 1 mile 5 miles completed, 25 to go
  • I eat breakfast when I get to work, so I need to keep it simple. So far, something I have not tired of is 1/2 cup of 1% cottage cheese with 1-2 Tbls of some kind of jelly, jam, fruit spread, etc.
  • Cottage cheese - it can be made sweet or savory. Baked potato (white or sweet)
    in Soft Foods Comment by aa62579 March 2013
  • I log them as low impact aerobics which pretty much matches walking at 4mph (15 minute miles). When I reach 30 lbs down, my reward will be a HRM, and I am interested in seeing how it matches up.
  • Are you sure that he wasn't saying that he wouldn't prescribe "diet pills"? Seems very odd that if her thyroid comes back "off" that he wouldn't treat appropriately. To my knowledge, there is no extra risk from being overweight when taking thyroid meds (as opposed to things like certain birth control, etc.) I do feel like…
  • I'm in for 30 miles this month. March Goal: 30 miles 3/1 - 1 mile 1 mile completed, 29 to go
  • I agree with the OP. Through weighing in under the same conditions around 5 times per week, I have been able to learn what "normal" fluctuations are for my body. I've discovered how the day after not drinking much water I will be lighter and the day after that, when I tried to recover by drinking a lot of water, I'll be…
  • Maybe include some of the walking videos in your week. (I'm partial to Leslie Sansone.) Most of them are aerobic/toning. Some use weights, some resistance bands, etc. Some include some interval jogging. (Her "walking" includes the normal walk/march in place, side steps, knee lifts, kicks, and kick-backs, so you aren't just…
  • Thank you. I'll check some of these out.