

  • I didn't delete it I posted on two different topics!
  • Ha thanks for your help I am loosing weight Im averaging 3-4.5 pounds a week and although in the shower if I run my fingers through my hair it does come out a bit but it's always done that even when I was heavier. Everyone is just freaking me out with the whole eating your organs thing
  • I have the same problem. I averaging about 600 calories a day and everyone keep telling me oh starvation mode. It just seems pointless to me to eat when I'm not hungry.
  • not sure if this is going to work but heres mine 281 vs 239
  • OMG i think this is the same confusion Im having. According to mfp my body naturally burn 2,230 calories a day not including what I burn by exercising. Does that count as part of the 3,500 needed to loose a pound