

  • Did you do the Classic routines? I have a fair bit to go and have been looking at starting with the lean routine to drop some weight then doing the classic. Just wondering what you did. I have no desire to use shakeology as there is nothing I have seen to indicate that it is worth the inflated price.
  • Lots of things are possible. But I know I can vary lots between days. I don't usually worry about it unless it stays around. If it stays around then I know I have a problem.
  • I lose it in my fingers, legs, face. The last thing to go is my belly. While it is down from where I started I have rings that are way to loose and people look at me and say did you get a hair cut, because the fat face is way down.
  • i have found that my HRM says I burn more than what MFP says. I have been using the numbers from MFP. I just recently bought a polar FT1 and it does what I need it to do. It was $69 and survived travelling with me etc. I will probably update to a better model, when a little more money is around.
  • I may as well check in because who knows how I will feel tomorrow. Got a Christmas party in 1 hour and heading out with a female friend to it. Almost to where I want to be. This morning TODAAY!!! 253. I don't remember when I ever saw that number it was years ago. Hopefully I won't blow it with alcohol and food but today is…
  • Been busy and not posting. Todays Smoothie: 5 kale leaves ½ bunch of fresh dill ½ lime (juiced) 3 cloves garlic ¼ cup sundried tomatoes 2 cups of water
  • I love Tom, don't know much about Will. I find Tom very inspiring and hopefully this will help carry me through my journey back to in shape.
  • I am not afraid of it.... just afraid of what it will do ie. hurt me.... If I actually get through it I know it will be life changing it's just getting there.
  • Do you really want to know it's bull testicles? Actually other glands may be used but that is one of them.
  • In Canada I eat Rabbit, oxtail and goat..... love it. In central america I eat ceviche and have even had raw tuna right after being caught. Unless it is liver I will probably eat it.
  • Ok everyone apparently we are supposed to check in with the captain. I am hoping friending them is enough. If your really interested I don't want people to be dropped. Purple people eaters is fine by me..... for a team name. Go team Purple...... BTW I am an engineer and purple is our colour.....
  • Josee I will start after new years, but if you want to start I support group I will join. I want to do this in the morning because by the time I get home from work I am burnt out. So I guess P90X will happen at 4 am......
  • I am still around..... trying to make it one week to drop 5.5 lbs.....
  • 5.5 lbs to hit my goal..... gonna be tough.... was 255.5 this morning, hoping to knock a few off before Sunday's official weigh in.
  • Congrats, my 2012 goal is to get through a session of P90X. I did try it but gave up after 2 days. I know I am a lot fitter now so once the holidays are over I may give it another go.
  • No clue I don't pay attention to it.
  • I would make meatloaf but that's just me.
  • The scale can be horrible. I haven't seen the scale move much for 2 weeks, however this morning was scrambling around to make my train, grabbed a pair of pants out of the closet then realized they were a 40 waist (an older pair) and thought what the hell let's see how far I am from fitting. While a little tight I could…
  • I was always thin. Could eat whatever I wanted. I weighed maybe 150-160 through high school being 6 foot tall. I started working construction and bulked up to 175 or so. I joined a gym and started working out as well and I remember the owner of the gym telling me I had the genetics to bulk up to 225 to 235 and be very…
  • Those pictures are classic love it. On a serious note, was scrambling around this morning to make my train, grabbed a pair of pants out of the closet then realized they were a 40 waist (an older pair) and thought what the hell let's see how far I am from fitting. While a little tight I could actually get them on and do…
  • I am holding up fine Babynew. I don't think another 14 would be good as my schedule over Christmas will involve travelling and being able to have one every day probably won't work.
  • It is a person who appears to be slim, however has a fair bit of body fat on them.
  • Congrats, There are lots of ways to measure success. Even if the scale hasn't moved you can see clothes fitting better, if your weight lifting you will be lifting more, I've noticed my walk to the train (just over a mile) is not only easier but now it's getting faster. The scale will follow but your body needs to adjust…
  • I don't sleep well if I eat heavy late. I try to be done eating by 8 pm. I just got back from the gym and needed something so it was almond milk and 2 scopes of vega chocolate. A cup of tea then off to bed.
  • A constantly under diagnosed problem in my opinion. I have currently stopped with wheat and will reduce some other grains, but I love my brown rice, quinoa (a seed actually) and my beans. I have a couple paleo cookbooks that I love cooking from. Oven baked okra (yum).
  • I bought the polar FT1 first to make sure I would use it etc. I am and will probably go to the FT7 next.
  • Todays smoothie 1/2 head romaine lettuce 1 cup pineapple 1 large mango 1-inch fresh ginger Not sure but this will probably need some water to make it smooth
  • 1 handful dandelion greens 1 handful parsley 1 handful spinach 1 banana 1 orange 1 cup frozen raspberries Some substitutions I made. I used sprouted sunflower seeds for the dandelion greens I didn't have, no orange so that didn't happen and the cup of frozen raspberries became 1/2 cup raspberries and 1/2 strawberries. I…
  • Today is a rest day, so all I did was walk from the train station to work and back. Total 2.25 miles
  • Sure DJ we can complete the challenge. Just was trying to get everyone thinking. I will still start it off. I will complete 90 days of P90X in 2012. See how that goes, I sweat just watching that thing.