MeaggyTheGreaty Member


  • My knees kill too, but in the jump rope portion. I do like 'boxer style jump-roping', where you alternate very little jumps on each foot. And I do arm movements like they do during the jump rope segment at the same time. I hope that makes sense? Also, sometimes I just do the punches in the squat position. That one really…
  • I'm 6'1" and I'm currently at my heaviest (165). I'd like to be at 145ish. I think that the only thing you'll learn from this thread is that every woman's body is different. Talk to a doctor if you're truly concerned.
  • Yeah I'm personally kinda weird about mixing flavors like that. I LOVE peanut butter in my protein shakes but with green monsters I usually do something like: Greek yogurt, almond milk, kale, strawberries, blueberries. I also like to use frozen fruit or freeze my fresh fruit so you don't have ice watering the shake down.…
  • Nice! Mine never turn out green because I add colored fruits like strawberries and blueberries. They really do make you feel good though.
  • Mac and cheese is really not a healthy dinner, no matter how well you portion it. Try to just save it for a treat once in a while.
  • Well I wrote this post before I ate lunch and I DO feel better after eating, but we'll see how long that lasts. I was eating about 1800 cals a day and burning 400-600 a day the past couple of weeks. I'm planning on eating 1800 while following the meal plan as well, but the ratios are just soo not what I'm used to. Thanks…
  • Unfortunately, a chest Strap is going to give you the most accurate reading. 38.99 $28.29 And…
  • Oh and about pants! Rock & Republic jeans are my favorite. They are SUPER long but they're also SUPER expensive so I look for them on sale and only have a few pairs. But American Eagle jeans are much more affordable and while the ones in the store are probably too short for most of us they have an "extra long" length…
  • Oh my gosh I love it! So happy I found you girls! I'm 6'1 and have been lucky enough to be very thin most of my life but just in the last 3 years have gained about 20 lbs (I blame it on my Fiance for loving me unconditionally haha). I just saw my mom who is 6' lose about 30 pounds since the beginning of this year and…
  • If it's a chain I go on their website beforehand to see what's somewhat healthy there. If it's the chinese restaurant down the block I order something like kung pao chicken and ask for all white meat. I also skip the chowmein or fried rice. I know that isn't perfect but it happens sometimes.
  • I'm late as well but hoping I can join? My name's Meagan, I'm 22 and getting married next July. My upcoming nuptials is what it took for me to finally get motivated to get RIPPED instead of looking somewhat skinny but feeling mostly squishy like I currently do. June goal: To drink at least 8 glasses water/day (FOR REAL!)…
  • Push-ups! I'm really not even all that good at them but I like seeing how much lower I can get when I keep up at it and I love how I can totally feel it!
  • It's not the price I'm worried about, I just don't think I have much room here for something like that. So I don't know what I'm going to do yet...but thanks for the suggestions.
  • Neither are cheap but I love Lululemon and Lucy. Lululemon in particular has built in bras in their workout tops that actually WORK.
  • Swordfish is great! One of my favorites, you can really do just about anything with it. The mercury is pretty high in it though so I only have it once or twice a month. Usually when I make fish I put it in some foil with a tiny bit of olive oil or butter and some garlic then put it in the oven at 350. Cooking time can vary…