

  • Not cayenne, of course. The tincture.
  • Hmmm...sounds interesting. What is it?
  • I quit cold turkey nearly three years ago after many years of on again/off again smoking. Even though I was careful not to allow eating to replace smoking, my metabolism fritzed out on me. I went from a size 5/7 to a size 10, a 30 pound plus gain. I let life and my job get in the way of living and eating right after that…
  • Really? I find that when I'm cooking healthy foods as opposed to buying fast food for the family, I spend less and usually have some tasty leftovers to carry for lunch the next day. As the mother of a teenaged boy who would live on pizza and Dairy Queen chicken baskets, I've found that NOT buying fast food has put extra…
  • In my house, I do 99.999% of the cooking. If anybody in the house doesn't like what I'm cooking, they're free to have at the box of emergency Ramen. Otherwise, shut up and be grateful that I'm even getting near the kitchen after making a 100 mile round trip commute to work every day, working 8-9 hours, and then finding…
  • That sounds tasty!
  • If I had listened to my doctor, I'd still be on beta blockers for mitral valve prolapse, and confined to my couch because the medication makes you feel as if you've run a marathon when you've only walked a couple of feet. I'd weigh 300 pounds because the medication slows your thyroid to a crawl, and I'd probably die within…
  • Please use the site calculator to calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). It's likely only slightly less than the 1200 calories you're looking to take in a day. And you're running on top of that as well? I think you need to look at doing something different....your body is hanging on to weight out of sheer…
  • Hello Everyone. I'm new to this group, but so happy to find a place for those of us in the fabulous years of our lives. A little bit about me. I quit smoking about 2 years ago and in that time, packed on 40 plus pounds. I'm just miserable inside this super-sized me. Adding to that, I've just recently moved to Oregon with…
  • I always add cumin to my basic hummus, which I make with the basic garbanzo beans, tahini, olive oil, fresh garlic cloves, and fresh lemon juice. It adds a little something to it. You can also make a delicious black bean hummus by substituting black beans for the chickpeas and adding some chipotle pepper in addition to the…
    in Hummus Comment by Jessymyn February 2013
  • The flu vaccine contains Thimerosal, a mercury based preservative. Thimerosal is the same preservative that used to be in contact lens solution, but was later removed due to the widespread incidences of allergic reaction. The one time I used solution with Thimerosal in it, my eyes swelled shut for two days. I'm not about…
  • Wow, that's fantastic! Congratulations! Your program is really working for you and the difference is quite noticeable! You should be very proud of yourself.
  • I'm 5'8"--weighed 138 just 2-1/2 short years ago until I made the decision to quit smoking. In that time, I've gained 47 pounds. My dream is to fit back into my size 7 jeans without having to resort to smoking to achieve it. <sigh>
  • I've been told by personal trainers and nutritionists that having a protein shake (pureed fruit & protein) within 30 minutes after you work out is super good for your muscles (and your diet). You should be netting 1200 after eating back workout calories--so this would be a good alternative to adding another meal or snack.
  • I set my total for 1200. Now that I'm actually watching what I eat and logging it all, it seems like a lot of food--since you should eat back exercise calories to reach the 1200. Under-eating every day can be just as bad as pigging out on a bag of Oreos and a bowlful of Lay's. Without enough nourishment, your body will…
  • So, I guess you didn't read the link or beyond that one sentence, eh? Let me reiterate: "Just as alcohol is the substance that triggers the alcoholic's disease, there are substances that trigger a food addict's out-of-control eating.These substances are typically refined carbohydrates, sweeteners, fats and processed foods.…
  • "Just as alcohol is the substance that triggers the alcoholic's disease, there are substances that trigger a food addict's out-of-control eating.These substances are typically refined carbohydrates, sweeteners, fats and processed foods. These foods seem to affect the…