Doritos are not meth.



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    There’s no shifty dudes hanging out in the alley trying to sell you Cheetos. Doritos are not meth.

    Unfortunately this is true. The Cheetos are right there in the store where I shop. I'd prefer they were in the alley with a shifty dude. I'm afraid of alleys with shifty dudes in them.

    Doritos shmoritos. Bring all you want to my house. But leave the Cheetos in the alley.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    What I think is funny is that some people on these threads taking nothing seriously and some people take everything seriously. And the two shall never mix.

    OP, I think your post was funny and right on target. I'm sending you a friend request. :smile:

    No some of us expressed what is real in our lives. Then got shamed for it!! Nothing was against the OP on my post. just sayin
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    Addicts cannot have their addiction in moderation, plain and simple.

    So I guess food addicts should be simply provided ......what? Pills or IV tubes? Should they get their dietary needs by prescription? I'm sure you don't think they just starve to death?

    With food addicts, it is not about eating itself, it is more about what we eat. I can eat my grilled or baked meat, steamed veggies, and fruits like a normal person. It is when I eat cookies, cake, chips, chocolate, fried chicken, those pleasure foods are what gets me. I can eat, eat, eat, until I feel like my stomach is going to explode. I know all the time I don't want to be doing this, I don't need to be doing this, I workout hard and work hard to lose weight, but yet I can't control myself. I have tried, but eat, eat more, eat more. Unless you have this problem you will not understand, but don't taunt or make as if it isn't real.

    I agree with this. I thought the OP came off as a little dismissive. I've had addictions, not to food, but I can understand how someone can make self destructive decisions with food. And I'd never tell them to just get over it, learn from your mistakes and move on. If it were that easy this site wouldn't exist.
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    I am starting my bachelor of Social Work in the fall and this thread seriously just makes me want to smack people.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    OP, I just want to say thank you for posting this. I guess I'm one of those weird people with "willpower" and self control though. It's a shame that a post focusing on hard work and self control resulted in a thread full of excuses and whining. But this is MFP. My hat is off to you.

  • bethFromDayton
    bethFromDayton Posts: 112 Member
    I'm popping in to just say....everyone is missing the point, but I knew they would.


    No, I am tired of people thinking they are a bad person for eating 1440 calories instead of 1400.

    If the point you were trying to make was that going over your calories by 40 doesn't make you a bad person, and you shouldn't beat yourself up for that, I'm afraid you failed miserably.

    I can make that point:
    Calorie estimates are really only approximate.You are going to be 5-10% every day because even when things are marked with a specific number of calories, you can't rely on those being exact numbers. If your goal is to lose a pound a week, being 40 over on any given day won't make any difference to your overall progress--you will still slowly and steadily lose weight.

    If the point you were trying to make was that eating a snack occasionally doesn't ruin everything and you shouldn't beat yourself up over it, you didn't make that point either. Those may have been the points you were *trying* to make--but they weren't what you wrote.
  • Addicts cannot have their addiction in moderation, plain and simple.

    So I guess food addicts should be simply provided ......what? Pills or IV tubes? Should they get their dietary needs by prescription? I'm sure you don't think they just starve to death?

    So, I guess you didn't read the link or beyond that one sentence, eh?

    Let me reiterate:

    "Just as alcohol is the substance that triggers the alcoholic's disease, there are substances that trigger a food addict's out-of-control eating.These substances are typically refined carbohydrates, sweeteners, fats and processed foods. These foods seem to affect the same addictive brain pathways that are influenced by alcohol and drugs."

    There are plenty of healthy, unprocessed whole foods that people who are addicted to food can eat that don't trigger addictive behavior. Rarely do you hear people bemoaning the fact that eating one baby carrot leads to the consumption of an entire package. The problem is generally processed junk food--the ingredients in those foods act upon their brain receptors in the same manner in which alcohol acts on the brain receptors of an alcoholic.

    Hope that takes care of your concerns that all food addicts are doomed to a life of IV fluids and vitamin pills.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Doritos may not be meth, but I like to sprinkle a little coke and sniff it off of them for nacho cheese cocaine. Really great.
  • PHr34k0wt
    PHr34k0wt Posts: 218 Member
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    Food is fuel for a healthy body, but everything needs to be in moderation. I eat whatever I please, but when my body has had enough food, I stop (usually :wink: ). It is very frustrating to read all these posts where people have given themselves a teency weency bit of calories to work with, and then flip out when they "waste" some of their precious calories on something they craved or to celebrate a special occasion. I've had to delete those who obsess over things like this, and tend to stay away from those type of posts in forums. I am looking for supportive people, and trying to be supportive. I can't help somebody who doesn't want to help themselves and who wants to make every molehill into a mountain.
  • hotjava9
    hotjava9 Posts: 19 Member
    From your general lack of knowledge by dismissing eating clean as "whatever that means" shows you just want to be skinny and not healthy. Look at your labels some time, see what you are putting in your body. I mean great, you think calories in and calories out is the only goal. The best you will ever be is somewhat thinner without getting more serious about nutrition. Go over your limit whatever but including junk in your diet is just that, junk. It isn't food, it is a food like product that does nothing for you.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Willpower is a stupid diet industry buzzword, points off for that.

    Willpower is about so much more than simply your diet. It's what gets you out of bed on days you feel too groggy. It's what gets you to pay your bills. It's what keeps you from choking a co-worker or in-law that is royally pissing you off. Willpower is another word for self-control.

    It's also what keeps you from buying the Doritos at the grocery store. :-)
  • I like this a lot.

    People like that are annoying...

    "OMG CUPCAKES AT WORK!! PEOPLE EATING CUPCAKES ARE HIDEOUS FAT SLOBS! But hey! I'm not having a cupcake, therefore I'm...SUPERIOR!

    It's like, eye roll.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    From your general lack of knowledge by dismissing eating clean as "whatever that means" shows you just want to be skinny and not healthy. Look at your labels some time, see what you are putting in your body. I mean great, you think calories in and calories out is the only goal. The best you will ever be is somewhat thinner without getting more serious about nutrition. Go over your limit whatever but including junk in your diet is just that, junk. It isn't food, it is a food like product that does nothing for you.

    What is eating clean then?
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    to the OP very well said...applause applause!!!!:smile:
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    Bold BBQ Doritos, I can polish off a bag of those in a few minutes, then another bag, and sure there is no crack in them? :P
  • I love everything about this post. It made me laugh out loud...and is SO very true. Yesterday I wanted fried fish so I stopped at Long John Silvers and got some. After I logged those 1000 calories I regretted it, and probably won't do it again. But, in the end, I learned more from giving in...and it was tasty, tasty food.

    Thank you for posting this...bravo!!
  • Kittenopolis
    Kittenopolis Posts: 26 Member
    This post is wonderful!! YOU are wonderful!!
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Lets be fwends!!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Willpower is a stupid diet industry buzzword, points off for that.

    Willpower is about so much more than simply your diet. It's what gets you out of bed on days you feel too groggy. It's what gets you to pay your bills. It's what keeps you from choking a co-worker or in-law that is royally pissing you off. Willpower is another word for self-control.

    It's also what keeps you from buying the Doritos at the grocery store. :-)

    I would agree totally with this---I know that there are certain foods that I don't even go near in the grocery store--just like a recovering alcoholic knows that it is a bad idea to go into a bar. I know that the first bite of food that I grew up addicted to, doughnuts, cake, pie, cookies, white bread (but any kind of wheat bread is a problem), would be likely to set off a binge. So I just don't take the first bite. I'm not bothered if others around me eat those things, but as for me, I WILL NOT. Moderation is a foreign word to an addict---if he/she was able to have moderation with substances of one sort or another, they wouldn't be an addict.
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