Doritos are not meth.



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    They are prob worse than meth due to the corn (killed the Mayans), artificial dyes and MSG in them among other nasty things

    Corn didn't kill the Mayans. Theories on how their empire collapsed range from an extended drought that happened during the medieval warming period to agricultural pestilence due to irrigation - Irrigation over long periods of time leads to sodium build up in the soil. But we really aren't sure.

    In any case.. corn kills people/is worse than meth???? hang on a sec

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HAH HA HAH AHH HA HA hA ha haaa. oh man that was a good one, keep them coming!!

    Ignorance is bliss
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    Dear, you are 19 years old.
    No matter what sense you may have posted following this, but you've lost any respect. And I know because I am older than you and there for wiser than you, that's the way things work, as you get older you get smarter... or not, age does not always wisdom Bring.
    Don't demean people who are younger than you, and I won't shoot your arguments full of holes.
    So Grow up, and prove your points without relying on hackneyed ageist arguments.


    I wish I were 19 again, young, naive, and innocent. Those were the days....

    I may be 19 but I am not naive.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Everybody has their weakness - I love chocolate. I won't give it up and I will eat the heck out of it. I know it is my flaw and I'm working on it, thus I try to keep the limits down around me for me. But my hubbs keeps his "junk food" around because I'm not gonna force him to stop eating that stuff because I don't want it.

    But yes, if I want something I go for it. I'll either pay for it (if it's something that makes me sick) or i just go with it. Life is short, enjoy what you can when you want it, plus denying yourself things you like will only effect you in a negative manner. Just enjoy things in moderation, but be aware of what you are doing.

    And if you do go overboard - don't freak, don't panic, don't stress. Crud happens, life goes on and next time remember what happened and plan for it. Beating yourself up over a "setback" will do nothing positive. Learn, adapt and move on. :)

    And yes this can be used to reflect on things that can be "addictive", punishing someone who has an addiction does nothing to help them. Plus, helping them may not help unless they are ready for it - the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink."
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Food like meth and other drugs release pleasure hormones into our system that allow us to be comforted. It's like shopping, sex, gambling, drugs, alcohol it can all be abused.

    As someone who does suffer a disordered relationship with food, yes I weigh 307lbs there is an issue w/ food!, food is indeed an addiction.

    Everyday is a struggle for me and a battle, but each day I win, each day I beat the vicious cycle, I am successful and a winner.

    I wholeheartedly disagree.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    They are prob worse than meth due to the corn (killed the Mayans), artificial dyes and MSG in them among other nasty things

    Corn didn't kill the Mayans. Theories on how their empire collapsed range from an extended drought that happened during the medieval warming period to agricultural pestilence due to irrigation - Irrigation over long periods of time leads to sodium build up in the soil. But we really aren't sure.

    In any case.. corn kills people/is worse than meth???? hang on a sec

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HAH HA HAH AHH HA HA hA ha haaa. oh man that was a good one, keep them coming!!

    Ignorance is bliss

    I agree, thank you!! =)
  • hnewell1030
    love the post!!! The "shifty dudes" comment has me crackin up!

    I live my life the same way, I dont stress over a cookie or a cupcake and I eat processed food frequently cause I have a picky 4 yr old and I am not a short order cook so sometimes the meals are based on his liking. I do workout frequently and I add lots of healthy clean foods to my diet, so as long as I keep track of it all and keep close to my 1200 calories a day I am happy with myself :wink:
  • reklawn
    reklawn Posts: 112 Member
    They are prob worse than meth due to the corn (killed the Mayans), artificial dyes and MSG in them among other nasty things

    Corn didn't kill the Mayans. Theories on how their empire collapsed range from an extended drought that happened during the medieval warming period to agricultural pestilence due to irrigation - Irrigation over long periods of time leads to sodium build up in the soil. But we really aren't sure.

    In any case.. corn kills people/is worse than meth???? hang on a sec

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HAH HA HAH AHH HA HA hA ha haaa. oh man that was a good one, keep them coming!!

    I will have to lol with you on this one. Really? Corn? MSG? are on the top of your dangerous consumables list?

    I honestly cannot comprehend why anyone would think corn killed the Mayans. Corn isn't the problem, it's what has been done to corn that is the problem and the Mayans had no influence on that.
    And that is me leaving out the comparison of corn and meth, because that is just .... enough
  • misslibbyh
    misslibbyh Posts: 90 Member
    Food like meth and other drugs release pleasure hormones into our system that allow us to be comforted. It's like shopping, sex, gambling, drugs, alcohol it can all be abused.

    As someone who does suffer a disordered relationship with food, yes I weigh 307lbs there is an issue w/ food!, food is indeed an addiction.

    Everyday is a struggle for me and a battle, but each day I win, each day I beat the vicious cycle, I am successful and a winner.

    I wholeheartedly disagree.

    Thank you! Food addiction is very real! Scientifically proven.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member

    Dear, you are 19 years old.
    No matter what sense you may have posted following this, but you've lost any respect. And I know because I am older than you and there for wiser than you, that's the way things work, as you get older you get smarter... or not, age does not always wisdom Bring.
    Don't demean people who are younger than you, and I won't shoot your arguments full of holes.
    So Grow up, and prove your points without relying on hackneyed ageist arguments.

    You are correct. I should not have started my post that way. While it was not meant to be an argument, and I certainly wasn't relying on that phrase to make my point (re-read the rest of my post to see my actual points) It *was* condescending. But it was much nicer than the way I was first tempted to begin it, because I have a temper, and I don't always control it like I should. Anyway, I apologize to PaigeMarie. I didn't mean to insult your youth.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    So the correct way to eat them isn't to crush them into a power and snort them?

    No wonder I only got invited to movies night at my neighbour's house once.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    Wow, this is a button pusher of a post...........*Sits and watches while eating Doritios*
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I'm popping in to just say....everyone is missing the point, but I knew they would.

    I'm not saying I'm better than anyone or am mocking anyone, besides myself. I am not judging you. All I'm saying is, I have been there. I know the shame, I know the guilt, I know the vicious cycles. I know how lonely it can be when it feels like no one understands. I was just saying, that most of what we feel about fearing food or feeling addicted to it is in our mind. Changing your thinking will take you a lot farther than changing your diet. And no, I have not conquered it, I work on it each and every day.

    It just hurts me to read posts where people say "I ate a brownie and now I feel worthless and hate myself, etc, etc" That's what triggered my OP. Not to push an agenda or mock you.

    I don't care if you think I'm a rude *****, because I am. But I really wasn't trying to be one in this post.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    hahahaha! "What a delicious cupcake!!"

    I know I'm the kind of person who will eat 3 cupcakes and an entire bag of chips BUT I know I am that person and I accept it and deal with it.
    I LOVE McDonald's and Del Taco and they are EVERYWHERE by my office. (wth?) lol
    and if I want a burger or a bag of chips that freaking bad, I eat it.

    It is stressful learning how to deal with those desires and get balance in your food-life, especially when one first begins their 'weight loss journey' but it's not impossible. I think I spelled that wrong.

    It would be cool if Doritos had magical weight loss abilities though.

    IF all i eat is a bag of Doritos a day, I will lose weight. (I make myself laugh)
  • reklawn
    reklawn Posts: 112 Member
    I'm popping in to just say....everyone is missing the point, but I knew they would.

    I'm not saying I'm better than anyone or am mocking anyone, besides myself. I am not judging you. All I'm saying is, I have been there. I know the shame, I know the guilt, I know the vicious cycles. I know how lonely it can be when it feels like no one understands. I was just saying, that most of what we feel about fearing food or feeling addicted to it is in our mind. Changing your thinking will take you a lot farther than changing your diet. And no, I have not conquered it, I work on it each and every day.

    I don't care if you think I'm a rude *****, because I am. But I really wasn't trying to be one in this post.
    I don't think there is an issue with the posts. If posting about how the food makes them feel makes them feel better, what's the problem? And who is to say that won't help them change how they feel by talking about it?
  • nora711
    nora711 Posts: 52 Member
    Absolutely brilliant! Loved this!
  • misslibbyh
    misslibbyh Posts: 90 Member
    I'm popping in to just say....everyone is missing the point, but I knew they would.

    I'm not saying I'm better than anyone or am mocking anyone, besides myself. I am not judging you. All I'm saying is, I have been there. I know the shame, I know the guilt, I know the vicious cycles. I know how lonely it can be when it feels like no one understands. I was just saying, that most of what we feel about fearing food or feeling addicted to it is in our mind. Changing your thinking will take you a lot farther than changing your diet. And no, I have not conquered it, I work on it each and every day.

    I don't care if you think I'm a rude *****, because I am. But I really wasn't trying to be one in this post.

    So you believe you have the same experiences as everyone else? We are all the same? And it really upsets you when people talk about food like it's a drug? Because they should act like you?

    What did you expect posting something like that?

    Editing to add... Oh you knew EXACTLY what to expect... because you hesitated.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member

    I am a food addict, I don't understand moderation.

    That's just an excuse, everyone understands moderation, you just have to say NO to yourself and see it through.
    It isn't easy, but it's not impossible if you keep trying.

    WOW, just WOW. This is the kind of mindset that kills people. Please do some research into the neuropathways of addicts and their reward system and then tell me that moderation is possible for people.

    I am an alcoholic, trust me, I do not want to be. I am physically incapable of drinking in moderation, and I tried for years. It is no different with people that are addicted to sex, gambling or drugs. Food addiction is worse because you must have food to live.

    Please PLEASE keep this opinion to yourself next time someone tells you that they are addicted to something and you infer to them that it is an excuse. It really will not hurt you to keep that to yourself, but it could, indeed, hurt the addict.


    I have had this argument before.

    I am a food addict, I don't understand moderation.

    That's just an excuse, everyone understands moderation, you just have to say NO to yourself and see it through.
    It isn't easy, but it's not impossible if you keep trying.

    I'm sorry, but are you a psychiatrist? A medical doctor? If not, perhaps you should not try speaking with authority on topics you do not understand.

    It's great that you can eat crap in moderation. Don't shame the people who cannot. It's just plain rude, and it makes you look like a jerk.

    I'm sorry? I don't understand, really? I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt & lost the weight, so please, go on & tell me how I do not understand.
    No actually, I was saying it in a stern encouraging "it is possible, you can do it" way! No shaming intended.

    It's nice to see that after a year MFP still has people who jump the gun & ride high horses.

    Dear, you are 19 years old. You are not an expert. I congratulate you on your weight loss; that is no easy feat. It took a lot of effort and insight on your part, and for that, I applaud you.

    Just remember that what is true or what works for you is NOT necessarily true for others. I notice you didn't quote or argue with the part of my post that said that food does actually act as a drug for some people, and therefore as an addiction, cannot be controlled with will power alone. You believe that self-knowledge and will power to eat in moderation should be enough for everyone, because they worked for you. That is incorrect.

    Telling someone that their addiction is just an excuse most certainly IS shaming, regardless of your intentions. Would you tell an alcoholic that their addiction is just an excuse, and that they should be able to suck it up and have just one drink?

    Some of us HAVE to completely refrain from eating certain foods. Period. We do what works for us. You do what works for you. We all lose weight. Yay!

    Go back, I posted twice & seems you only saw the accidental post before I had done my proof read & edit.

    I said "Being a binge eater, alcoholic, addict of anything, is something you can overcome, you just have to stop making excuses & work at it. "

    Addictions cannot be overcome without willpower & over coming them is ENTIRELY willpower, maybe with help & a little push along the way (I never said on your own, help isn't a bad thing but you have to give your all!), but it is all your own willpower to not eat those foods, to not drink that drink, to not take those drugs.

    I never said their addiction was an excuse, I said saying you don't understand moderation is an excuse, and it is, because if you say things like that you are going to believe it & end up trapped in your addiction.

    I'm sure you're not as much as an expert as you're making yourself out to be either!

    LMAO, okay, thanks for you and all of your 19 years on this earth for clarifying that for me.


    And trust me dear, I am much more of an expert than you think I am.

    But now I shall get back to my regularly scheduled life and let you keep knowing everything like most teenagers do. :flowerforyou:
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I find it really mature that folks are calling a poster's age in to question regarding their opinions.

    ... and by "really mature", I mean "immature"
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    My weakness is cottage cheese with Doritos. I can eat an entire bag of Doritos with a big container of cottage cheese in two days usually. I was nervous about buying more since I started MFP again but I've been able to control myself quite well :) I measure my cottage cheese and weigh my Doritos, put the containers away and sit down to enjoy my snack- just one serving :D
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    They are prob worse than meth due to the corn (killed the Mayans), artificial dyes and MSG in them among other nasty things

    Corn didn't kill the Mayans. Theories on how their empire collapsed range from an extended drought that happened during the medieval warming period to agricultural pestilence due to irrigation - Irrigation over long periods of time leads to sodium build up in the soil. But we really aren't sure.

    In any case.. corn kills people/is worse than meth???? hang on a sec

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HAH HA HAH AHH HA HA hA ha haaa. oh man that was a good one, keep them coming!!

    I will have to lol with you on this one. Really? Corn? MSG? are on the top of your dangerous consumables list?

    I honestly cannot comprehend why anyone would think corn killed the Mayans. Corn isn't the problem, it's what has been done to corn that is the problem and the Mayans had no influence on that.
    And that is me leaving out the comparison of corn and meth, because that is just .... enough

    I wonder what kills more people, meth overdoses or diseases of civilization? Hmmmm
This discussion has been closed.