

  • All of you can feel free to add me. :) I initially joined MFP with a different account in 2006. I lost over 100lbs. Then had a pregnancy and several surgeries. I rejoined in 2011, and now that I am done with surgeries and PT I am ready to lose all this extra weight once again! :) Smiles! Katie
  • Hi. To be honest you sound like me. I have struggled with my weight for years. Finally when I went to a nutritionist she had me keep a journal of not just what I was eating, but how often I think about food or my next meal. For me, I honestly have an addiction to food. I over eat and have "trigger" foods that put me into…
  • Hi! I have been in your position before. I say sit down with her and simply explain that you and your family are trying to be healthier in order to live fuller lives, and this includes eating healthy well balanced meals. Ask her if she would like you to help her prepare the food so that it will fit into a healthier…
  • Accepted and Completed! daily challenge rocks!!!!
  • Accepted and Completed! daily challenge rocks!!!!
  • Sounds like your body went into starvation mode. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself once a week or even once a day. Don't work past where your body can be either. If you over work your body it will cling to every morsel you eat thinking it needs to be in survival mode when that isn't necessarily the case. Chin…
  • *waves* Welcome to MFP to start with! And it will be one of the BEST sites you ever decided to join. You can always look in yahoo groups and find free work out groups there or try adding friends on here who are in your area and make your own work out group. :o) Also walking is a great way to burn calories and you can…
  • When your TOM rolls around your body starts to flush sodium, phosphate, magnesium, iron and zinc out of the body through the fluids/lining expelled. The best thing you can do is make sure you take a multivitamin that contains these, drink as much water as you can and exercise lightly (don't push it too hard at first…
  • I hear you on that hun. Lets be friends and get the ball rolling! :) And by the way, nutritionists are way overrated. lol. The best thing is the supportive network you seek. Count me in!
  • Welcome Jamie! It might seem hard at first but the best step is the first step, the most gratifying step will be the last step. :) Just remember chin up and we are all here to support one another. Hugs! Katie
  • Hi! *waves* MFP is one of the best places to be for supportive weight loss. :) I came here (with another account that I cant remember my info for) before I had my son and I lost almost 50 pounds. The people here truly are amazing because they want to be here and we all love helping others out. I am a type II diabetic as…
  • The best thing you can do is pick a day and a time and weigh yourself then no matter what. Just expect that the average woman retains about 5lbs worth of 'water' while its their TOM. Don't be discouraged, just keep tracking and going forward. Best thing you can do. Also make a note about it in either your exercise diary or…