Just joined and really need to lose some poundage!

I just joined due to the fact that I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I have always struggled with my weight, even as a child. I think a lot of it is due to lack of self control, but I'm hoping to change that. Wish me luck! I really hope this site will help and I hope I will continue using it. I had an account for a few weeks now, but have only recently started being active on it. I'm not sure what else I can do, I just know I really need to lose weight. I also really could use a work out partner. Does anyone know any tips on how to join a group to work out with? I'm short on cash, so it's hard to join a zumba class or anything like that.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It really helps to see it right in your face. Welcome and good luck.
  • karenx30
    karenx30 Posts: 90
    Welcome! You sound like you're in a good mind set and are making some great decisions for your life! That feels great, doesn't it? My advice for you, is just to follow the guidelines of MFP. Even on your days where you make some mistakes and go over your calories, be honest and log it. Also, walking is FREE! Walk around the neighborhood or a park. When I first started working out again, thats what I did just to get myself active. If there is a friend or a coworker that would go walking with you, they can help keep you accountable. Good luck and once again, welcome! :wink:
  • corsetiere
    corsetiere Posts: 12
    *waves* Welcome to MFP to start with! And it will be one of the BEST sites you ever decided to join. You can always look in yahoo groups and find free work out groups there or try adding friends on here who are in your area and make your own work out group. :o) Also walking is a great way to burn calories and you can listen to music or get a nice change of scenery on your walk. Definitely a good boost for energy as well!

    Good luck on your journey! We're all in this together. :o)

  • greenhydrangea
    greenhydrangea Posts: 39 Member
    Hi poetic suture! what a great name. I suture myself with poetry all the time! love it.

    So here is what I have done, maybe this can work for you: I started out with a couch to 5k program on my phone. then, I realized it was too much too soon. So I started walking, the first couple of weeks were slow going due to pain in my legs, but with each day I've gotten stronger and stronger! All I do is walk, I have a busy job and home and can't fit everything in. To keep me honest, I told a bunch of people at work (this is NOT my style typically). Now I have walking buddies. If I don't seek them out, they seek me out and walking we go every day at lunch time, sometimes I can only fit in 30 min, sometimes an hour. The good thing: it is free except for the cost of the new tennis shoes I bought after the 3rd week. In my area, there are running or walking clubs that you can join, they are free. I am thinking about doing this too, if I can get over my shyness about it.
  • pappycanoli
    pappycanoli Posts: 19 Member
    great start if you are here. lots of people to friend up with and we all help encourage each other. I too am in same boat as you. heaviest i ever been and not liking it at all. This sight really is helping me eat better and loose weight slowly, the right way. I find it even getting hard to eat all the calories required in a day. So hang in and enjoy. We are here for you when you need.
  • poeticsuture
    Thanks so much every body! I am really liking the support from this site already. And thanks even more for the advice! I will try all of your guy's advice. I think I will start out walking a little each day.

    @greenhydrangea: I think you should just go for it and join one of those groups. In grade school, middle school, and most of high school I was extremely shy and I missed out on a lot because of that. I will always regret letting something as silly as shyness get in the way of me having new experiences and you should definitely not let it get in your way too. :)