

  • bump! Thanks for sharing. :)
  • When your grocery store is at the bottom of a steep hill, and carrying 40 lbs. of groceries back home doesn't even wind you anymore, and you used to get tired walking dooown the hill, totally unburdened.
  • This! ^ Fat will decide where it wants to leave, and when. No controlling that. But if you want to tone the muscle in your thighs, squats and leg lifts. Lots and lots of squats and leg lifts haha.
  • A 440mg dose of naproxen usually fixes me up in no time. v__v
  • I've taken to roasting every veggie I can get my hands on. Just dumping a bunch of broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, cauliflower, or whatever else in a roasting dish with 2:1 olive oil to lemon juice, some pepper and sea salt, then a bit of parmesean cheese when it's done~ Kale chips are great, and a really easy way to cram in…
  • Early in my diet, I had this problem. I was drinking TONS of water and getting LOTS of fiber and good fats, but I was in agony for about a week and a half. :\ The problem was that I wasn't eating enough calories. It's not just energy levels that suffer if you go too low. Thankfully, I've wizened up a bit and learned from…
  • They're both sexy! And that's speaking as a comic book nerd and self proclaimed Wonder Woman fan. There isn't anything wrong with being naturally skinny, either. Fat shaming, thin shaming, whatever-- not good! We can't point fingers and tell someone their body isn't good enough, as I'm sure most people here have…
  • I'm 22 years old, 5'10", and I started out at 190. My goal right now is 150, but since I honestly don't know what I'd look like at that weight, I might shoot for 140 afterwards! Then again, I do have a small frame -- my wrists are tiny at a 6" circumference, so 140 might be completely doable for me, where it seems like it…
  • this is the best thread omg haha bumpin this
  • I really like putting cinnamon on my cottage cheese, and pairing it with a slice of peanut butter toast. :D
  • Let's take a stab at the real question here: Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  • If you lean at an angle against a wall, it's much easier to do a push up like that. I was able to do push ups last year, but I've gotta work back up to that now!
  • I didn't own a scale until this Christmas, but I had spent my holiday with my roommate's family. There was a scale in one of the bathrooms, and out of curiosity, I stepped on, finding out that I was about 190 lbs. I mean, I'd been unhappy with how I looked in photos before this, but I also remembered being my heaviest in…
  • I've only been here a week, so I guess it's a landmark that I've stuck with it that long, haha. Future landmarks... I'm looking forward to getting my legs trim enough to buy some killer thigh high boots! And actually being able to wear shorts this summer... ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ