What Are Your Weight Loss Landmarks?

What are you weight loss proudest achievements thus far; and future landmarks you look forwarding to achieving?

1. I finally weigh less than my husband.
2. I can buy a regular clothes size, no more 1X 2X 3X
3. I no longer feel guilty when I have a day of indulgence/cheat day or whatever you want to call it, because I have self control now and will immediately get right back on track. So if I eat off my plan, I no longer lose control.
4. I can go hard at the gym for hours now, I started out only being able to walk a half an hour on the treadmill. Now I do 3 fitness classes at the gym and the elliptical trainer for 45 min.

Future goals:
1. I don’t ever want to have to wear a Spanx again!
2. I hate shopping, so I can’t wait to go in the store and not have to try something on to make sure I can fit it.
3. Ultimate goal – very tight firm curvy body, no fat, muscular arms and legs. Goal weight 180lbs...Thick & tight!


  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    What a great thread! Often times we focus on things that have gone wrong and our problem areas. It's good to take some time to focus on our achievements.

    Past Weight Loss Landmarks
    1. Getting out of 1X. I was so grateful to buy XL. :laugh:
    2. Seeing that my body wasn't totally ruined by having babies and gaining a lot of weight like I thought it was. Especially my belly. With diet and exercise it can still look pretty good.
    2. This is more of a fitness achievement - seeing my butt change shape with Brazil Butt Lift.

    Future Weight Loss Landmarks
    1. I also loathe shopping but one day I will love it again and I will have a closet full of cute clothes and drawers full of cheeky undies.
    2. I look forward to getting out of teen sizes(16, 14). Someday I'll buy size 12 and I'll be thrilled.
    3. Another about fitness. I'm limited on what exercise I can do now due to a recent surgery so I'm really looking forward to getting back to working out like I used to. Gotta reshape that butt and those abs!!!
  • mxzilla
    I've only been here a week, so I guess it's a landmark that I've stuck with it that long, haha.

    Future landmarks... I'm looking forward to getting my legs trim enough to buy some killer thigh high boots!

    And actually being able to wear shorts this summer... ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ