When did you realize that enough was enough?



  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    When I was 16, weighing about 330 lbs, one random night I ate a big sub from Blimpie and a bag of chips and probably half a gallon of soda. This wasn't really out of the ordinary, but I realized that eating so much made me feel pretty awful. It just didn't make any sense. Started a diet the next morning and lost 150 lbs over the next two years or so.

    That's amazing...Congrats on your loss!
  • mxzilla
    I didn't own a scale until this Christmas, but I had spent my holiday with my roommate's family. There was a scale in one of the bathrooms, and out of curiosity, I stepped on, finding out that I was about 190 lbs.

    I mean, I'd been unhappy with how I looked in photos before this, but I also remembered being my heaviest in high school -- I don't rightly remember exactly how much I weighed then because I wanted to be ignorant about it -- but if I had to guess, I'd say I was hovering around 200-210.

    Only being ten pounds off of that again rubbed me the wrong way. Two weeks in, and I'm an eighth of the way to my goal, so hurrah~
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    For me I got comfortable being chubby. I tried of and on for years to drop the weight but never stuck to anything. A year in a half ago, my dad had a heart attack, he survived and had to have quadruple bypass surgery. I remember being in the hospital with him and missing work for his surgery and being emotionally upset with the fact I almost lost my father. I began thinking about my families medical history and I do not want to be next in line for diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart problems, etc. So In Jan 2012 I decided to get healthy now while I'm still young and I've been able to stick too it.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I have donated all my jeans... I have none left, but one.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    seeing a hot topless girl in a movie with my boyfriend... made me realize i need to tone up be model status.. not for him but for my sanity.. i dont like others making me feel like they have something over me.. I like feeling equal or better..
  • amy_fulk
    When I became bedridden in May, 2011, at just 19 years old. I had two surgeries that month and couldn't even get out of bed, walk or pee by myself! It was a total nightmare and one day I just became stubborn and told myself that I didn't deserve to live like that--no one does! So my family bought a new Collie puppy and she became my "Get Better Buddy." Now I'm accomplishing things doctor's told me I'd never be able to do ever again...and it's been totally worth it! :D
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I switched from a job that required me to wear scrubs every day to a job that required me to wear office dress clothes.

    Um............. that was a shock.
  • samichip
    samichip Posts: 36 Member
    looking for a wedding dress, walking into a shop and the woman behind the till saying "have you tried looking online for dresses more suited to your body type?" before I'd even said anything...

    PS - screw her, I found an epic dress in the end ;)
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223
    When I always told myself that I would never get over 200 lbs because obesity tends to run in my family. I went to the doctor and weighed and I was 201. That was over three years ago. Since I've lost 60 lbs and gained about 20-25 back over the last year due to a couple medical issues. Now I am working on getting that off again because I refuse to let myself get like that again.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I was at the Dr. and they took me back to there scale in the back.. it goes up to 350lbs.. It couldn't weigh me.... I had never realized I weighed that much. (I knew I had gotten big, but I guess I never realized I was that big.) The nurse was even shocked, I ended up going and buying a scale that could measure up to 400lbs and I clocked in at over 390lbs.. Decided it was time to do something. Lost a bit over 130 but I have a long ways to go still!
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223
    I was at the Dr. and they took me back to there scale in the back.. it goes up to 350lbs.. It couldn't weigh me.... I had never realized I weighed that much. (I knew I had gotten big, but I guess I never realized I was that big.) The nurse was even shocked, I ended up going and buying a scale that could measure up to 400lbs and I clocked in at over 390lbs.. Decided it was time to do something. Lost a bit over 130 but I have a long ways to go still!

    Awesome job!! WTG!!
  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    when i was putting on my jeans and i broke the material the belt goes through.
    they wouldnt get pass my butt!!!!!!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    It was basically just seeing myself in pictures made me want to throw up. I hated being the fat girl, again. been there done that too many times and I just didnt want it anymore.
  • moonsforeyes
    When I printed off pictures from a Vacation and saw how terrible I looked. I felt terrible, guilty and almost went and ate my feelings but knew that was the problem.
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    When I was watching the biggest loser and they were lighter than me...
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    I'm a runner, so when I went outside to run one day, I couldn't run for more than two minutes! I was out of breath, sweating, and totally tired! I stood on the scale and saw the ugliest number ever. " 190 lb "

    There, I decided its up. No more fat stuff.

    Just started my journey :)
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hey guys i was just curious as to when ya'll decided that you were not happy with yourself and wanted to make a change in your life. When did you have your aha moment???????

    When my doc said that he was likely going to have to add a third blood pressure medication to the two I was already taking (and which were giving me side effects in spite of being changed several times). I decided to get healthy and that included losing weight. I read a lot of stuff and set out on my journey in pursuit of health and fitness. That was several years ago and I have lost a total of 54 pounds since then (8 inches total off my waist). One of the first things I did was to cut out wheat and sugar, as they were both addictive for me. I have not had a problem controlling my appetite since. I didn't try especially hard to lose weight at first. But, cutting out wheat and sugar eliminated a lot of calories for me. It also opened up a lot more nourishing eating for me. My blood pressure started to come down and I gradually eliminated one and then the other B.P. med. I had so much more energy from being off the blood pressure meds and the weight loss that I started exercising. I joined MFP in September and have lost another 19 pounds. I now love eating nourishing food (I actually crave vegetables now---I used to hate them) and exercising. I have arthritis (which has improved a great deal with the weight loss and strengthening), so I do pool exercise and I'm probably going to give very low impact "chair aerobics" a try. I do a bit of weight lifting as well. I'm only sorry I didn't do this sooner. Trust me, you don't want to wait until you are losing your health to try to get it back---get on the health train now, You'll be glad you did.
  • amandaward709
    I've had two. The first aha moment was when my 44 year old mother had a stroke two years ago. I was hit with a realization that genetics account for a lot, but combined with an unhealthy lifestyle, I was going to die far too young. The last year has been unkind, and my second aha moment (and the last one... because this was a big one!), was during a doctor's appointment. I was weighed, had re-gained 40lbs, and my blood pressure was high. I started this journey (for the second time) a month ago, I have 10lbs gone and my BP is normal now! I have a long way to go yet, but I know I'm finally on the right road.
  • PyrateWench
    When I had gotten to 275 pounds, I hid from camera's. Looking at photos one day, I realized that, if I died at that very moment, the last visual memories of me my family would have, would be a very obese, sad person. That scared me more than anything else. I still have 50 more pounds to go but not afraid of the camera anymore :happy:
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    When my ankles hurt because of all the weight that was being placed on them...lost 130 pounds...kept it off for 3 years, got diagnosed with breast cancer, finished treatment, got pregnant, had baby and here I am...65 pounds to go but I know I can do it again :tongue: